
  1. A

    Will two leopard geckos (male and female) be happy in a 40 gallon tank?

    With about 4 hides... Or should I go for a 29 gallon (that's the closest I could find to a 30 gallon) tank with about 3 hides? Is a 40 gallon too big for two leopard geckos? They get along very nicely in a 10 gallon (I know, that's way too small) together.
  2. V

    NOT breeding Leopard Geckos..?

    I have a male (I think) Leopard Gecko who is only 5 months old. I would like to get a 2nd leopard gecko, but know males don't get along (always?), and adding a female will likely breed, which I DON'T want. There are enough homeless animals. If I get a female, and pull and freeze any laid eggs...
  3. C

    My Female Leopard geckos poop started to smell really bad. What could it be?

    I adopted her about 3 month ago, Shes not even a year yet. She walks weird but I thought maybe it was because she was so young. But now she is five month and she continues to drag her body. I give her the right amount of calcium. What should I do? And also what is the horrible smell in her poop...
  4. C

    how can i make my leopard geckos tail fatter?

    thank u
  5. W

    What morphs are these 2 leopard geckos?
  6. J

    Do leopard geckos have to have a food dish?

    I don't have a food dish because when I feed him worms I give them to her one at a time until she stops eating them. I know how to take care of my gecko and everything so please just answer this one question.
  7. B

    will a house geckos fight ?

    im thinking about getting a house gecko but i already have a blue belly lizard, i was wondering if they would fight if i put them in the same tank ? please respond asap ! ps thnk you ;D
  8. E

    Can Leopard Geckos eat raw/cooked chicken breast?

    I have several Leopard geckos & was wondering (please don't judge me for this weird/maybe stupid question) if they can eat raw or cooked chicken breast in place of the crickets I buy every week? I was thinking I'd cut the chicken to a meal worm sized slices & dust the chicken rather than the...
  9. E

    Can Leopard Geckos eat raw/cooked chicken breast?

    I have several Leopard geckos & was wondering (please don't judge me for this weird/maybe stupid question) if they can eat raw or cooked chicken breast in place of the crickets I buy every week? I was thinking I'd cut the chicken to a meal worm sized slices & dust the chicken rather than the...
  10. P

    Is cricket quencher safe for Leopard Geckos?

    My gecko tends to come over to the cricket quencher in his tank and licks it a lot. I would assume it's safe, but just to be sure, is it?
  11. C

    What are some INTERESTING facts about Leopard Geckos?

    I'm doing a 25 hour project on Leopard Geckos. I already have all of the information I need. I would just like to have some interesting facts on my poster about Leopard Geckos.
  12. H

    How to introduce female Leopard Geckos?

    I've had my 3 year old leopard gecko in a 10-gallon tank ever since she was a baby, i bought a Sunglow female that is bigger but younger how should i introduce them? i've had my oldest introduced to sunny before but they ignored eachother. now its like they hate each other. •3 year old is 60...
  13. D

    What is the song from the Telus commercial with the geckos?

    The Geckos cover up the un in uncool, the un in unknown savings and part of the lyrics go "I'm on top of the world, colours everywhere...i'm on top of the world...." and this comercial came out very recently. Anybody know the song and artist???
  14. H

    how do leopard geckos contract a parasite?

    please give in full detail
  15. Y

    how many leopard geckos can be housed in a 55 gallong tank?

    I am thinking of getting a 55 gallon because I have 2 leos and I want them to have enough space, but I would love to get more leos maby just 1 more could 3 geckos be housed in a 55?
  16. M

    is this bad for the geckos?

    i got 2geckos a albino and a leopard in the same tank (20) gallon and they just mated is this bad they are babys please answer
  17. R

    were do i buy leopard geckos in sydney?

    does anyone no were you can buy baby leopard gecko s in sydney they dont have to be babies
  18. R

    do crested geckos have to eat crickets?

    do i have to feed them crickets or does crested Gecko Diet have crickets in it. also if i do have to, do the pre-killed, canned crickets have supplement powder and are they gut loaded? if so, will the gecko eat them?
  19. R

    where is a good place to buy crested geckos?

    i want a crested gecko. i live in the dallas area and there don't seem to be any pet stores that i know of that have them. if you know of an online store that does free shipping then that would be great. or if you know of a local pet store that does them also that would be good
  20. R

    Have you ever seen two leopard geckos cuddle?

    I recently started housing two of my females together and at first they didn't seem to get along. I checked on them a while ago, though, and they were both curled up in the warm hide. My larger female had her head resting on my smaller females tail and they were both fast asleep. It was so...