
  1. A

    Poll: Men or Women, which gender is more racist?

    Looking at history, I think men are more racist. Hola, American Commoner
  2. I

    What age group (and gender) is the anime/manga K-On![!] directed towards?

    I was told it was directed towards 18-30 year old dudes... Is that true? I mean, I always thought it was a girl anime, but when I think about it.... There's only ONE dude character in it (other than the principle and the teacher's high school boyfriend we see like, twice in a flashback...) who...
  3. F

    POLL : Which Gender is Superior At Being a Funny and being in a Comedy?

    I say men are Superior at being Funny
  4. C

    dog gender and help with coon hunting?

    Will jips (female dogs) tree just as well as male dogs? i have 3 mixed breed jips. one is enthusiastic about following a coon scent. one wont even get up to sniff the drag and when she does shes great with it. the 3rd wont smell. she just sits there. how can i fix the 2? and will jips tree just...
  5. N

    Have there been mixed gender competitions in some martial art forms such... Judo, Karate, and Tae Kwon Do? If so, were there some girls who did extremely well in those areas? I'm not really speaking of official competitions, or the Olympics since for obvious biological reasons for the vast majority, the boys and girls are separated. I'm just curious, so you don't...
  6. H

    Better chance of gender prediction at 16 weeks?

    Is there any way to better the chances of finding out what the gender of my baby is 16 weeks? I am having an ultrasound done tommorrow and I will be just about 16 weeks. I herd that drinking lots of water or eating a lot can help the doc tell the gender. Any tips?
  7. L

    Does anyone else believe in the Ancient Chinese Gender Prediction Calendar?

    I know its seems a little far out as to believe in it or not but I looked back to when I had my other two childrens conception month and my age at that time and it was correct both times!
  8. S

    Baby Gender Prediction?

    The only way to get an accurate baby gender prediction is via a medical test done. An amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling test will be able to accurately predict the gender of your baby. Doctors will not perform these invasive tests just for the purpose of baby gender prediction...
  9. A

    Im 9 wks prego and i took one of those gender prediction tests?

    the out come was a boy i was seeing how accurate these results are. anyone else use was a intelligender one
  10. C

    has any one done the chinese gender predictions and it turned out right?

    Me and my husband just found out were pregnant with our first and my best friend checked it and told me she thinks I am having a girl....has ths been right for any of you?=)
  11. I

    According to the drano gender prediction test...does this mean i am having a girl...

    ...or a boy? i dont know if this means i am having a boy or a not really sure what color to look at...the foam is greenish blue but the liquid under it is a brownish greenish color I know its an old wives tale but im still curious...
  12. T

    Gender Prediction on pregnancy.?

    Okay so I just recently found out that I am expecting my third baby. I have two boys already. To me it doesn't matter what I have just as long as its healthy. But everyone keeps giving me these crazy ways to tell if I am having a boy or girl. I was just curious what ways you use.
  13. J

    anyone know any good gender benders?

    i usually prefer a bit of action but any you think is good (any genre) is fine it doesn't matter whether a boy or girl but some romance would be good
  14. S

    Do the lunar calanders and old wives tales really work on gender prediction?

    I am four weeks and six days pregnant with my third child. I have two wonderful boys and I would love to have a daughter to pass on my grandmothers name. All the old wives tales and the lunar calander say I'm having a girl! The lunar calander was correct with both my boys and all my symptoms...
  15. A

    Can horses tell your gender?

    I was just curious if horses can tell your gender like dogs and cats can. Also are their horses out there that are not fond of a certain gender? I have met cats who hate women and dogs who hate men. Are horses like that or can they be like that? Also please share your experience. Thanks for your...
  16. G

    Poll: Would you say you fit gender roles?

    If you don't know what they are then just Google it, obviously. I can't say I fit gender roles for a boy. My interests are boyish but my mindset is feminine, to put it in simple terms. I like "masculine" things but everything else about me is basically feminine. Not overly feminine but still...
  17. T

    Sec. Clinton Calls For G20 To Address Gender Issues

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday voiced her "support for the inclusion of women's issues on the agenda of the G20 Seoul Summit slated for Thursday and Friday in a video message to a parliamentary seminar" on the issue held in Korea, the Korea Times reports. "Women's lack...
  18. S

    Hey gender studies boys and girls pop quiz time?

    If a co-worker tells a dirty joke and someone gets offended is that sexual harassment?
  19. A

    Are feminists lesbians or they just don't have any relationships with either gender?

    Just curious. Not being critical whatsoever.
  20. A

    Different gender bikes?

    I was looking through eBay looking at some bikes and I noticed that some listed them as 'Men's Bikes'. Is there actually any difference in the bike frame or does the bike seat determine the gender of the bike.