
  1. L

    No growth spurt at all ?

    Is it possible to not have a growth spurt during your life ? I'm 17 almost 18 and i'm still 5 foot 7 and never had a growth spurt, just growed steadly. Mom is 5 foot 4 and dad is 5 foot 9, they are both in average size. My show size is 10. I went to the doctor and they said that my growth plate...
  2. D

    can pumping iron stunt ur growth??

    ok so me and my friends want to work out at the weight room but a lot of guys in my family say that lifting weights is growth stunting. however, i read in this teen book that this 5' 0" guy worked out super much, and followed this football jocks diet and by the end of highschool was like 6'0"...
  3. T

    Nutritions and Growth?

    My sister said that getting protein and calcium will make us grow taller. Does the steroids they use in animals also make us grow taller? Can getting over proteins and calcium make us taller then what our genes are planed to be? What helps growth(food, excerise, habits,etc)? What helps stunt...
  4. C

    nutrition retardation or growth retardation?

    i need to know as soon as possible what it is . I only know that its the lack of consuming the right amount of nutrients to grow.I need to know more about it ?thank you!
  5. G

    Microsoft announces job cuts and modest revenue growth

    Microsoft will eliminate up to 5,000 jobs in R&D, marketing, sales, finance, legal, HR, and IT over the next 18 months, including 1,400 jobs now.</img> </img> </img> </img> </img> </img>
  6. G

    Microsoft announces job cuts and modest revenue growth

    Microsoft will eliminate up to 5,000 jobs in R&D, marketing, sales, finance, legal, HR, and IT over the next 18 months, including 1,400 jobs now.</img> </img> </img> </img> </img> </img>
  7. G

    Microsoft announces job cuts and modest revenue growth

    Microsoft will eliminate up to 5,000 jobs in R&D, marketing, sales, finance, legal, HR, and IT over the next 18 months, including 1,400 jobs now. </img> </img> </img> </img> </img> </img>
  8. J

    Can weight training stunt growth?

    i start weight lifting when i was 13, a doctor told me that i was supposed to be around 5' 11" before i started lifting, i am 16 now and havent gotten any taller in around 1 1/2 to 2 years, and im only 5' 8"
  9. M

    Can I grow anymore? Do I have any growth left in me?

    Hi, I'm 5'8" and 16 years old as of one month ago. I recently found out that I haven't grown AT ALL since last year. It...worries me. I'm in puberty right now, but I'm fairly sure I'm not done with it yet. I'm already taller than my dad (he's 5'6" or 5'7") and my mom. I want to grow at least two...
  10. J

    Growth in Dogs mouth? Anyone know what it could be?

    Hello our sons dog (black lab) has a cauliflower looking growth inside mouth on gums. Its probaly the size of a dime and hard. Doesnt seem to be bothered by it and no problems with eating or drinking. Health seems to be great. He is 6 yrs old
  11. K

    Is algae over growth dangerous to fish?

    I just needed to know so i can keep the algae under control.
  12. 7

    Are there any pills with non-lethal side effects used for muscle growth?

    I am "5'8" and 170 pounds. I am near the top of my weight class in wrestling which is 173. Now that I have found a good weight area for weight, I want to focus on muscle growth. I wanted to know if there are any muscle growth pills with either no side effects or very minor ones. Any help would...
  13. F

    Shoud I take HGH(Human Growth Hormone)?

    im 21, and just wondering if it would help with exercising.
  14. P

    RE:Can shaving facial hair too early, stop proper growth in the future?

    RE:Can shaving facial hair too early, stop proper growth in the future? If you shave when you only have a small amount of facial hair, can it prevent proper growth? In answer to your question: It will make your genitals much much smaller and weaker. they will break like twigs
  15. J

    Can shaving facial hair too early, stop proper growth in the future?

    If you shave when you only have a small amount of facial hair, can it prevent proper growth?