
  1. J

    Different kinds of guardian angels?

    Hey guys, so I was just wondering because I'm trying to think of ideas for a tattoo sleeve and stuff and I want like the guardian angel sleeve like the religious based tattoo but I wanna have it more like a war protector kind of guardians cuz I'm in the army I wanna hav that protection and...
  2. A

    Do You Eat Slowly? The Guardian Thinks You’re Unnatural And A Bad Person

    It is November--not that you'd know it by the must-be-April-Fools'-day opinion piece that the Guardian ran over the weekend about slow eaters. Today from the Ridiculous Op-Ed News Desk, we bring you this amazingly absurd piece of writing about one of the most*asinine*topics ever given a few...
  3. R

    Trend Micro Online Guardian won't uninstall?

    Whenever I try and uninstall it, I enter the parent email and password like your supposed to, press uninstall, then it stops responding. I really need it off of my computer. Please, PLEASE help!
  4. G

    Wikileaks Blames Guardian Reporter in Recent Security Breach [Wikileaks]

    The Wikileaks security gaffe earlier this week that resulted in the distribution of a quarter million unredacted cables, like any sufficiently-sized SNAFU, will progress in phases. Today, it entered the second phase—finger pointing. More »
  5. M

    I just asked if Guardian Angels exist...have you ever met someone you knew... were supposed to meet? I asked a question just before about meeting someone who i thought was a guardian angel. Now every single thing about meeting this person and the events...all the coincidences lead us in the same direction. There are so many coincidences it's rediculous. So many...
  6. G

    Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light-Things That Go Boom Challenge Pack 2-DLC XBLA XB

    Category: Console-XBox360 Size: 95.6 MB Files: 15 (10 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: Posted: Sat December 18th 11:15:33 UTC Download NZB
  7. B

    Did my dream/ guardian angel tell me the future?

    Last week I said aloud to my 'guardian angel' "Can you communicate with me?". Nothing happened. That night I had a night about a close friend of mine that I kind of like start hating me after he jumped off a cliff into a river and survived. Today he told me "Don't talk to me." Did my guardian...
  8. B

    Did my dream/ guardian angel tell me the future?

    Last week I said aloud to my 'guardian angel' "Can you communicate with me?". Nothing happened. That night I had a night about a close friend of mine that I kind of like start hating me after he jumped off a cliff into a river and survived. Today he told me "Don't talk to me." Did my guardian...
  9. E

    Anybody want to trade their adventurequest account level 130 guardian account to... Aqw level 35 upgraded? HERES MY CHARACTER PAGE: IF YOU WANT TO TRADE SEND ME A LETTER AT [email protected]
  10. E

    Anybody want to trade their adventurequest account level 130 guardian account to... Aqw level 35 upgraded? HERES MY CHARACTER PAGE: IF YOU WANT TO TRADE SEND ME A LETTER AT [email protected]
  11. I

    Should the age to get a piercing without the consent of a parent or guardian

    really be eighteen? Piercings are a form of expression, you can purchase condoms and get birth control before eighteen, even get an abortion, all without parental consent, Do you agree or disagree the piercing age should be lowered? not to ten, but a reasonable age, fifteen or sixteen. I know...
  12. T

    The P53 Family: New Book Reviews Research On The 'Guardian Of The Genome'

    The p53 tumor suppressor gene, the "guardian of the genome," protects cells against genotoxic stress but is mutated in many cancers. It encodes one of a family of proteins that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, senescence, and cell death. Mutations in p53 allow cells to escape normal...
  13. Y

    Guardian s60 on Nokia N97 gone wrong?

    I have a N97 and just installed the guardian s60 software. And to test it, I put my brother's Sim in instead. It worked perfectly, until i put my Sim back in and it doesn't want to boot. It crashes on the start up (white screen with blue nokia). I did install the same software on my old HTC and...
  14. M

    *Help* how can you make a guardian angel not seem like a stalker?

    I'm writing a story... and some people say a Guardian Angel is like either: A) Edward Cullen or B) A stalker. I sort of get why, because they have to watch over the person they're assigned to... so how can I prevent that when I write a book? I'm just wondering because I know a LOT of...
  15. N

    Is is ok to provide a guardian in able to sign the parents advise as they...

    ...required? please I need your advise? 21 years of age
  16. F

    Moribito: Guardian of The Spirit Gifs?

    Does any one know where i can find Moribito: Guardian of The Spirit Gifs?
  17. R

    My trailer burnt down. Why didn't my guardian angel Ronald Reagan save my... home? I was watching Hannity and during commercial breaks reading my Bible. Had my shotgun nearby just in case any dark folks walked by. I guess I didn't realize how tired I was because I just dozed off reading my Bible while I was smoking a cigarette and drinking warm beer.
  18. T

    Guardian Examines Challenge Of Testing, Treating Patients With HIV/AIDS In Kenya

    The Guardian examines the challenge of testing and treating some of the estimated 1.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya. "Deep-rooted stigma and patchy health education has led many to cower from the disease, which has seen the country's life expectancy rates shortened by 20 years in...
  19. T

    Guardian Examines Challenge Of Testing, Treating Patients With HIV/AIDS In Kenya

    The Guardian examines the challenge of testing and treating some of the estimated 1.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya. "Deep-rooted stigma and patchy health education has led many to cower from the disease, which has seen the country's life expectancy rates shortened by 20 years in...
  20. H

    Who is Shuga's voice actor from Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit?

    so i was watchin Moribito earlier, and Shuga the star reader person with the white hair, sounded to me like sasuke uchiha or another character from the naruto series, but hes not. anywho i was wondering who is Shuga's voice actor? (Sasukes voice actor is Toya in this anime =D ) ENGLISH DUB not...