
  1. M

    How many things are guns used for in present-day?

    - hunting -protection ...
  2. J

    What does my dream mean? shooting. torture. van. cigarette. guns.?

    Me: female, in university for polisci, took some fencing classes in summer Dream: I'm at my old high school [it's much larger though], running around searching for something. I get to the front, when suddenly a guy i used to be close friends gets thrown out of a moving van. Everyone appears...
  3. G

    How to detect and jam radar guns [Mad Science]

    Learn the basics of radar detectors and radar jammers. Because anything is better than obeying the law. More »
  4. T

    Is a Gamo Big cat 1200 a good air rifle for a newbie at Powerful pellet guns Ive

    seen good reviews? ARE THEY ANY GOOD I WANT A YES OR NO FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS EXPERIENCE SHOOTING THEM they are slick poor workmanship isnt what im looking for because im not looking for pin point accurate non destructable gun I want a decent gun for a low price and the big cat 1200 fits what I...
  5. K

    What is the punishment for steeling 3 guns and selling them for heroin money?

    ME?........hell no, I'm drug free and only posess a pellet gun =) I'm asking on behalf of sombody who was ripped off in the family circle. This is in Washington State by the way. Each state is quite different with reguards to law and punishment. We're(dad, brother and myself) are pretty much...
  6. S

    How can I learn more about hunting, fishing, guns, and outdoors?

    I am 16 years old and I want to start hunting and fishing. I have never hunted and only fish maybe once a month. My dad has bought a cabin and he goes hunting and fishing all the time and I need to get information about deer, guns, and tips and stuff on fishing and hunting. I would like websites...
  7. M

    Do liberal still think people should not own Guns?

    Pistol-packin’ grandma Decatur black woman, 69, shoots early morning intruder at her Memorial Drive SW home,67552
  8. M

    Do liberal still think people should not own Guns?

    Pistol-packin’ grandma Decatur black woman, 69, shoots early morning intruder at her Memorial Drive SW home,67552
  9. M

    Do liberal still think people should not own Guns?

    Pistol-packin’ grandma Decatur black woman, 69, shoots early morning intruder at her Memorial Drive SW home,67552
  10. B

    Why would any newbie ask a question here about guns or hunting?

    When they could go to a hunting forum, the library, the NRA or a hunting club for answers? I mean they ask questions about things that could land them in jail or get them killed to unknown people who may never been in the woods in their life. And they are obviously to frigin lazy to look it up...
  11. J

    My sentry guns keep shooting my dinosaurs for no reason in jurassic park ps2?

    I thought they only shoot when they go crazy or break out, should i place them outside or inside the fences?
  12. G

    The most exciting political get together of the year without guns!

    Al Franken at Netroots Nation Read the comments on this post... More...
  13. G

    This Is a Gun [Guns]

    This cube may look like hell's version of Jenga, but it's actually an elaborate, 125-piece puzzle. The solution? A single-shot 45-caliber muzzle-loading pistol called the Intimidator. No, seriously. See for yourself. More »
  14. G

    So This Is What Nerf Guns Are Like Now, Huh? [Nerf]

    After discovering video games, I didn't really keep up with my old friend Nerf. But last night I got to shoot (and get shot by) the Stampede, a new, fully automatic Nerf rifle with a tripod and replaceable magazines. What!? More »
  15. G

    European Antitrust Guns Now Pointing at Apple? [Apple]

    As well as facing possible antitrust claims in the US, the European Union is now taking a look at Apple's closed-shop practises—with EU Commissioner Neelie Kroes claiming makers "cannot just choose to deny interoperability with their product." More »
  16. B

    Stun gun cellphone...I know stun guns are illegal in NY...but can I still...

    ...ship 1 there? (Read explanation)? I want to have 1 of these stun cellphones for protection (crime is on the rise where I live)...I live in the caribbean but I have a family...
  17. G

    They can pry my guns out of my cold dead hands!!!!!

    ... Which might well be cold and dead because the firearm discharged by accident or was taken away from me by a home invader or I got depressed and shot myself. Yes, folks, there are things to consider when contemplating private firearm ownership other than what you see on TV or read in the...
  18. P

    Where can I learn all about guns and hunting?

    I have been hunting for about 3 years but don't really know that much about guns and hunting techniques. My girlfriends dad is really into hunting and guns and i don't feel like i have anything to talk to him about. If I could sharpen up my hunting and gun knowledge it would really open a lot...
  19. E

    Guns N' Roses, 2009-2010 tour.?

    Why, the hell, does Axl always leave the stage during the performance? And I'm not talking about cases in which he just changes the clothes.
  20. G

    Guns N Roses - Use Your Illusion II-1991-ASR INT

    Category: Music-MP3 (Rock) Size: 216.93 MB Files: 24 (7 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Thu May 27th 11:44:36 UTC Download NZB