
  1. J

    What are some of the styles of humour in cyanide and happiness, waiting for the bus ?

    I have watched it many times and can't think of many, so far i have crude.
  2. A

    Wouldnt the conservative belief of states rights bring liberals happiness?

    They can have liberal states and could have all the liberals policies that they wanted as long as it followed the constitution instead of having to live with conservative policies and not having many liberal policies that they wished.
  3. A

    Wouldnt the conservative belief of states rights bring liberals happiness?

    They can have liberal states and could have all the liberals policies that they wanted as long as it followed the constitution instead of having to live with conservative policies and not having many liberal policies that they wished.
  4. A

    Wouldnt the conservative belief of states rights bring liberals happiness?

    They can have liberal states and could have all the liberals policies that they wanted as long as it followed the constitution instead of having to live with conservative policies and not having many liberal policies that they wished.
  5. G

    Astronomy Class-Pursuit Of Happiness-2009-404

    Category: Music-MP3 (Hip-hop) Size: 55.67 MB Files: 22 (6 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed September 9th 13:25:39 UTC Download NZB
  6. S

    I want an anime like Happiness!?

    I want an anime like Happiness! that is about a school and competing with others in a specific subject (like yakitate japan) but is not sports, but want the main character to be a boy please... it could be that the main character is being bullied or is a bully who isnt / is very good at the...
  7. B

    "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the gov't from...

    ...wasting the labors of the people.? under the pretense of taking care of them" - Thomas Jefferson Agree or Disagree? NJ mike, thats exactly what we plan to do, thanks for un-knowing supporting my premise LOL
  8. F

    Is the abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people, the...

    ...demand for their real happiness? Both Karl Marx and feminists seem to think so. I wonder if the broad agreement between the two is coincidental. Lucy: Please reference the numerous feminist attacks on Christianity...
  9. L

    I need another option to secure future happiness financially?

    I'm 18 years old, and moved in with my father - the only "responsible" (if you would call it that) family I have left - last year. He lives in an apartment alone and is retired, so I have to pay him $100 a month for groceries. I am finishing my high school credits and was hoping to move out by...
  10. S

    If you get brain damage, your future happiness may depend on which side was damaged.

    Religious implications? The brain's left hemisphere ("LH") is connected with more positive emotions. When the right hemisphere ("RH") is damaged, the person is prone to manic cheerfulness. RH is more prone to negative emotions. With LH damage, the person tends to develop depression. Damage to...
  11. S

    Ocellaris clown fish reproduction, and happiness?

    okay, i just went to petco, and bought 2 clown fish and took it home and put it in my fishing tank, for 2 days now all they do is stay by this reef or coral thingy in my tang and swim in mid water, one stays on top the other on bottom, is this normal? shouldnt they be playing? also what causes...
  12. M

    celebrities have everything money can buy but do they have happiness?

    they all have 15 cars when they only need 1 or 2 and mansions that have 15 bedrooms and 10 baths for 1 person!!!!