
  1. N

    Libs, is it a testament to how great Bush was or how hated Obama is that for the

    2002 midterms Reps picked up? seats? Whereas on obama's watch it's going to be huge losses for the dems with perhaps the House losing dem control???
  2. C

    Gay people Jews are the reason we are hated?

    The Jews wrote the Old Testament and in the Old Testament it says that a man shall not lay with a man and woman shall not lay with a woman. Do you know why? No, not that we will end up in the depths of Hell with Mr. Satan himself. It's because if the whole population of the Jews were gay then...
  3. K

    who is your top 11 most hated anime characters?

    11 Ash Ketchum 10 kimba 9 astro bou 8 all hentai girls 7 amy rose 6 naruto and sasuke 5 monkey d luffy 4 sora 3 shippo 2 weed 1 edward elric i every right to sora and edward elric it's my opinion deal with it
  4. C

    Your top 5 most hated anime characters?

    we all have our own hate list. so who are those in your list?
  5. S

    Most hated and cliche plots?

    Right now I'm procrastination finishing a summer project, and I was already on here. So, share whatever plots, cliche sayings, and cliche characters that you hate the most. A few of mine: Village farm boy turns out to be the chosen one Girl bumps into the hottest guy in school, and by the end...
  6. H

    Why did Jim Morrison hated christians for?

    there was a saying he made that i really took to heart which was "The greatest freedom is to be yourself".I always think of that when church start hedging on to me but there are some church that i visited that was cool,and not crazy cult like.I have nothing against christians,nor anyone beliefs...
  7. A

    what if the right religion is the most hated one ?

    its like a treasure covered with dirt and dust but inside there is gold and jewels.
  8. L

    Was John Cena hated as a rookie?

    Was John Cena hated when he rapped everyone when he was on smackdown?
  9. Y

    If Islam is the best, then why is it the most hated religion in the world?

    Why is it a fact that any country, i.e. India, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines etc wherever you have a Muslim minority you have communal disturbances and inter communal violence! Why cannot Muslims live in peace and harmony with the rest of the non Muslims?
  10. L

    Muslims: Why are you hated by most?

    Just curious why people hate you guys so much. :) So, people: why do you guys hate muslims so much... What have they ever done to you....? Or vice versa. Btw, I am atheist :)
  11. C

    Is it just me or is there a moving trend in what's generally hated?

    A few years ago, emos are widely hated, but all of that seems to have gone quiet. Back in 2009, it seems like the world hates the "Dumb Americans." Now, it appears the hate is focused on the "Libtard Commies." Is it just me noticing all this as I progress to different stages in life, hence...
  12. P

    Youtube - anyone hated the thumbs down part of the feature?

    The thumbs up/thumbs down feature can be a good thing, but it can be a bad thing if the thumbs down happens to your comments. I'm glad they changed it so you can ONLY see thumbs up. I find it humilating to have thumbs down next to my comments, especially if I said nothing wrong. It's...
  13. S

    How come there's a rumour Eminem died every single day, is he that hated?

    someone wants him dead lol
  14. W

    Who in your opinion is the most hated and annoying person in this section (Polls

    & Survey)? And why? On the other hand, who IS the most loved or welcomed person on here? Care to respond, anyone?
  15. S

    Your most hated MMA fighter?

    Bj Penn for me.
  16. S

    Your most hated MMA fighter?

    Bj Penn for me.
  17. S

    Why did Harry name his child after Snape? I thought he hated him?

    From when he killed Dumbledore?
  18. H

    who do you think is the most hated celebrity?

    Paris Hilton isn't it obvious
  19. J

    Ashley Cole is Britains most hated celeb?

    Joey Barton for one....
  20. J

    and the world's most collectively hated celebrity is....?

    I would say Paris Hilton.