it has recently for the past week been having weird problems like it shuts off at random and i loose connection at spots i usually have it and can get it back for long periods of time and when i receive calls when i try to answer it i lose connection and i have to call them back. can somene with...
things happen at school, like a fight around say 5th period which would be my lunch period but.....when someone mentions it i instantly think i was there i mean i vividly remember being there seeing everything but that's not possible beings i am in lunch when it happened and there in the gym on...
I have medium length hair with layers and a side fringe, and i allways have it ether streightend (down) or up in a bobble, i want some new hair styles to try out, i dont want to get it cut. :)
Oh and how do you back comb properly to make your hair look proper nice :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks x :)
fuel gague and i dosent tell me? My 1984 Chevrolet Camaro Berlinetta 8 Cyl 5.0L im having a problem with the fuel gauge and i doesn't tell me if the tank is full or about to be empty it just stuck above the F on full what would i need to do to fix this and what will i need
the girl i like is going out with a guy i really like her dont get me wrong iv been in love befor theres something about her anyways there always like kissing or some shit its really bugging me im in highscool umm i think i 1/2 wayt thour puputy so i dont now if its my body HELP whay should i do...
Me and my man have been together for 4years and I have never cheated on him all the sudden for 3days streight he has had dreams that I left him and I'm playing him y is he haveing these dreams?
...hookah bar with me? the only thing is shes 15 and i need to find a place in newyork by pennstation or one in jamcia queens by the jamcia train station that will accpet her age and all her young friends
push in the clutch? I just turned the idle up to try to fix this. That is what the last guy said to do. I got it set to idle around like a grand. It worked fine yesterday morning, but at lunch it started again. On the way home it was fine.
What it is doing is. runs normal. Just when i push in...
I got a ps3 from my friend and my internet wont let me connect due to his information on there. i have formatted the harddrive and everything but it still asks for his stuff. I set up my own PS3 account on Sony but it still asks for his. Am i missing something? Do i have to change something...
I have a chiuahuah and she is shaking really bad her eyes are rolling around but she is not foamin at the mouth, She is pantin and her neck is moveing funny... i have never seen a dog do this.. and she walks like she is drunk! i need help what can i do?
...contract and put ur sim card in it? I want to get an i phone and want to know if u can just buy the phone without hassling with ur eligibility for an upgrade and put ur sim card in it and it would work......
contract and put ur sim card in it? I want to get an i phone and want to know if u can just buy the phone without hassling with ur eligibility for an upgrade and put ur sim card in it and it would work......
...wieghtroom everyday? heres the deal.i wanna be able to look better(mostly my abs)but be able to do it by summer without having to go to the wieghtroom everysingle day.any ideas?
...on your car or truck? I live in TX and I have a Dodge ram 1500 sport with a lift and and rims and tiers and i wanted to put some new Dual Halo lights on them but i heard a rumor that cops were giving tickets for having them i wanted to know if this is true because they are a little pricey and...