
  1. Dettol

    J20i Hazel Sony Ericsson music player error message?

    when i tried to play this mp3, the phone says "failed" when it's about to play the last 6 seconds of the mp3. and the phone doesn't skip that part and move on to the next mp3 file on the play list. mind telling me what's happening ?
  2. C

    sony ericsson xperia x8 or sony ericsson hazel?

    this question is especially for the users of x8 and hazel to answer . hi all , i'm 14 and i decide to buy a new phone this month . but, i'm confusing between these two phones . prices are not a problem to me . any users of x8 and hazel pls give me your opinions about these phones . and also the...
  3. S

    introduction paragraph about hazel mccalion plzzzz plzzz need it for tomo?

    why this person is worthwhile ? contribution she has made to a community why this person matters
  4. E

    why this sony ericsson hazel always incompatible with its own theme?

    everytime i download its theme it it not work..my phone said, it is not incompatible..even i choose the right model for theme when i am downloading
  5. T

    Hazel j20i sony ericsson mobile owners help......??!!!!!?

    so i got this mobile yesterday and i already had sony ericsson w595 mobile before so i was trying sense me in media-music but i didn't know how to work it so pleaze tell me how to make it work and all the details you want 2 say ......but step by step so i could try it by myself....thanks alot
  6. T

    hazel j20i sony ericsson mobile owners help......??!!!!!?

    so i got this mobile yesterday and i already had sony ericsson w595 mobile before so i was trying sense me in media-music......but step by step so i could try it by myself....thanks alot
  7. M

    Sony ericsson Hazel:?

    I ve big doubt with wi-fi. Is that wi-fi work based on network operator???? I am using vodafone and i am not able to connect wi-fi, provided by BSNL home network. My mobile shows wifi is connected, but when I open my browser it uses GPRS. pls help me out. p.s: Do i ve to do any changes in...
  8. K

    is there any other sony ericsson phone better than the hazel greenheart?

    I'm looking for a new mobile but I want an Sony Ericsson. I found the Hazel Greenheart and I believe it is really good but I want to know if there's another Sony Ericsson mobile more efficient and has more programs than the Hazel.
  9. T

    Hazel Pipkin Designated 2011 APhA Honorary President

    Hazel Pipkin has been designated the 2011 Honorary President of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). She was elected for her pioneering spirit and tremendous impact on the future of the pharmacy profession. She was also noted for her work with APhA and its Foundation, as well as building...
  10. P

    Im using sony ericsson hazel j20i with airtel net how to find the push mail?

    also general mail
  11. J

    Are my eyes Brown, Hazel or Amber?

    Hey guys! Well im somewhat confused with my eye color! Some people says that they are "honey color" (probably light brown) but i really seem them as a golden brown / reddish brown (usually i see them like light brown or gold) . And looks really gold or red at sun! Are they pure brown, hazel or...
  12. S

    Can you get the sony ericsson hazel on contract?

    I've had a look around but cant seem to find it on any networks. If not then i may get the Sony ericsson elm on contract?
  13. M

    1- Hey . . i'd like to know about sony ericsson hazel; does it have GPS or a-GPS,...

    ...and wts the difference ? 2- Also, can i use gps or a-GPS in flight mode ? 3- And since we're talking about flight mode; is it harmful for the phone to stay in flight mode for long periods like weeks or months ? and the same question for "offline mode" in Nokia . . Thnx alot :-)
  14. M

    1- Hey . . i'd like to know about sony ericsson hazel; does it have GPS or a-GPS,...

    ...and wts the difference ? 2- Also, can i use gps or a-GPS in flight mode ? 3- And since we're talking about flight mode; is it harmful for the phone to stay in flight mode for long periods like weeks or months ? and the same question for "offline mode" in Nokia (hehehe) . . . Thnx alot :)
  15. S

    Sony Ericsson Hazel how is this phone please tell your opinion?

    Only those who have used this phone
  16. H

    Sony ericsson W995 or Hazel?

    I want to buy a new mobile phone, i have choosed Sony ericsson, but i'm thinking what to buy, W995 or Hazel? Hazel has more features than W955, but W995 has a better camera. So what do you recommend? Thanks...
  17. V

    Which phone I should buy out of Sony Ericsson Hazel and Sony Ericsson Zylo ?

    I want a good music phone preferably with wifi.Zylo is a walkman phone but wifi is not there..
  18. S

    Sony Ericsson Aino or Hazel?

    Both of the phones come with all the features i want and they are both within my price range under £200. But i just cant decide! Any help?x
  19. A

    Should I get a Nokia N900 or a Nokia N95 or a Sony Ericsson Hazel or a Sony...

    ...Ericsson Aino? I'm looking for a phone with a good camera and good music player while being easy to use
  20. K

    my phone is sony ericsson hazel. with airtel i can connect to internet, but

    with vodafone i cannot connect it? my phone says settings is wrong. later i download settings from vodafone. but now also it is not connect