
  1. G

    Need help with a Lincoln Heights?

    I want to now the season and episode of when Nate says to his dad and step mom that , "it's called brotherly Love". Help please??by the way I love Lincoln heights?!!!
  2. M

    overcoming heights when mountain biking?

    How do you overcome them? Like biking on an edge of a cliff? Do you do it or do you just walk it? I feel that im missing part of the experience of the sport by not taking the risk. Do most MTBers necessarily go on huge mountains or just stick to low singletracks?
  3. M

    overcoming heights when mountain biking?

    How do you overcome them? Like biking on an edge of a cliff? Do you do it or do you just walk it? I feel that im missing part of the experience of the sport by not taking the risk. Do most MTBers necessarily go on huge mountains or just stick to low singletracks?
  4. B

    Wuthering Heights Quiz Competition?

    Here is a 47 question Wuthering Heights Quiz. The winner will receive £200 and a copy of Wuthering Heights, signed by the cast of the 2011 film. Those who would like a copy of the questionnaire, leave your name and email in the answers. Answer as many of the questions as possible, the first to...
  5. C

    What makes the characters of Wuthering Heights so detestable?

    Can you give me a brief explanation for each of the main characters' personalities and what makes them so hated among readers? It seems to me that none of the characters are likable or tolerable except for Nelly or Mr. Lockwood. I'd like to see what you think.
  6. M

    Wuthering Heights help! does anyone get sick?

    i need to know how illness or physical ailment is used in the book. how does the illness affect the sick character as well as other characters?? anything would be greatly appreciated
  7. K

    What do you make of Wuthering Heights?

    A treasure trove of subliminal mythology? Literary Crap? An excellent achievement by a young woman beyond her years? Worthy of being taught in school anymore?
  8. H

    AUSTRALIANS - with shows like Summer Heights High ect. Why is this type of

    humor acceptable in Australia? Like how they use satire comedy and how its kind of racist. Why is this type of humor accepted in Australia and it might now be accepted in other countrys? What makes us different?
  9. M

    i heard a song from lincoln heights nd idk da name it go like dis?

    "im so confused idk why ilet u treat me like do we got issues ilet u walk in nd out of my life nd dats not right so much hurt so much pain inever thought that iculd feel this way but ido being in a relationship wit u is like a roller coaster" iluv dat song so much nd ireally wana hear it all nd...
  10. S

    Did International Driving and Traffic School in Rowland Heights close down?

    They won't pick up any of their phone calls and this was so sudden. Are they temporarly closed or are they out of business?!
  11. D

    which should I read, wuthering heights or pride and prejudice?

    I'll read them both eventually but which do you recommend I read first? It's still a little unclear about what both of them are about. Could someone explain it to me? (please don't copy and paste the summary from wikipedia or anywhere else. I'd like an actual fan's explanation) Weren't there...
  12. J

    Whatever happened to lincoln heights?

    it was the show on abc family
  13. N

    Some Wuthering Heights analysis questions that DESPERATELY need answers.?

    1. Analyze the scene which precedes the ghost's arrival at the casement window. Why does the ghost appear to Lockwood and not Heathcliff? 2.Why are there so many eruptions of violence in the novel? Discuss two scenes in detail. 3. Consider all the triangulated relationships in the novel. What do...
  14. L

    Please help on my Wuthering Heights essay?

    Literary and cultural critic Edward Said has written that “Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home: its essential sadness can never be surmounted.”...
  15. V

    WUTHERING HEIGHTS- Discuss lockwood's plan to woo cathy away from Hareton?

    i read the entire book and somehow i don't remember reading a part about a plan to woo cathy. i only recall lockwood having a faint interest in her. can someone help?!
  16. L

    where is pathetic fallacy used in the novel wuthering heights?

    im writing an essay on wuthering heights and im abouts to comment on Emily Bronte's use of pathetic fallacy. i haven't read all the book but must show an understanding of it, could people please write down a few examples of where its used and just explain a little, i know its used in chapter 9...
  17. H

    Wuthering Heights question...?

    ok, so in the book, Catherine marries Edgar Linton. Heathcliff then marries Edgar's sister, Isabella. So does this mean that Catherine and Heathcliff become in-laws? Meaning Heathcliff is Catherine's brother in law?
  18. H

    What is the name of this from Lincoln Heights ?

    All I know from the lyrics is "I know we'll be together soon, I hope it won't be long". I know the song is sang by someone with a young voice, like maybe Jojo or someone else.
  19. I

    what song does lizzy sutton sing on lincoln heights?

    there is a song she sings on one sho where shes in a classroom and its kinda like a musical.. i know its NOT the song this is how i feel by ryhon brown, but here are some of the lyrics: if they wont let us be, and they wont let us love, ill fight and ill die in your arms
  20. I

    what song does lizzy suton sing on lincoln heights?

    there is a song she sings on one sho where shes in a classroom and its kinda like a musical.. i know its NOT the song this is how i feel by ryhon brown, but here are some of the lyrics: if they wont let us be, and they wont let us love, ill fight and ill die in your arms