
  1. J

    Is working out really helping me?

    I have been working out over the past 2 weeks and when i first started i weighed 235lbs and i just weighed myself today and now i weigh 243lbs . I have been wathcing what i've ate and why would i be gaining weight instead of losing?
  2. I

    are there coaches that are specialized in helping just you (day after day) in

    losing weight and mma training? i tried looking but the gyms around me only train 3 times a week and i want to dedicate my life to it. and also those gyms look like they are for little kids. im 17. i wouldnt mind training with other guys either just as long as we train everyday and they will...
  3. J

    If the Democrat elite suceed in helping the poor, Who will pick up their garbage?

    im still wondering why if the democrats are "for the poor" why the top 10 poorest cities in the us have been run by democrats for a long time
  4. V

    Why aren't laxatives helping me?

    I quit my job a few months ago to go back to school full time. I'm really bust and spend a lot of time studying. Sense I quit my job I've gained a lot of weight. I don't know why either, I know I'm not on my feet everyday running around like when I was working but I still got and travel on...
  5. A

    did i hurt my snake helping her shed?

    my snake has always shed properly and there has never been a problem, but this time she shed everything exept a part in her head and her eyes. Its been almost a week since she shed but still doesnt seem to want to shed the head, and her proteciton arround the eyes is crackek since she hasnt...
  6. M

    need helping picking the right fishing rod, for largemouths.?

    my budget is limited to around 45$ total for a new fishing rod, maybe 55$ if its a good combo. i mainly use spinners, soft frogs and other light soft plastics, like worms or fish. im also limited to shore fishing, so casting distance is very important. and i also need some help picking the...
  7. G

    What role do mass media have in helping create a democratic society?

    Is the electronic society that we live in today more or less democratic than agricultural and industrial societies in our past? If yes or no, why? If you should decide to answer this question, PLEASE: Respect everyone's answers. List the detailed sources and website links for your answer...
  8. A

    is anyone on the blyk phone network who fancies helping mee quickly..?

    could someone on blyk send me an invite code please, i would really appreciate it. thanks,
  9. E

    Are you funny? Want 10 yahoo points for helping me think of something clever? Why

    don't you post here!? Answer these questions in a clever/funny way. It can be completely made up. Anything you want. I really need these ASAP so even the answer to one will be fine. Please shoot. I really appreciate it. 1) What's one thing you dislike about teachers the most? 2) What's the one...
  10. M


    help me!? So I'm a juniour in high school, we have a program where you can go to a career center in your senior year for different things. This is if you have all credits but certain kind before senior year. The career center gives a lot of credits.. But anyway! I am wanting to go there for...
  11. A

    helping cure anorexia and depression?

    I've had depression for a while, I've learned to cope with it really well too! I never wanted to take depression pills because I was informed they make you emotionless, basically. I did have some days that where worse then others, but I dealt with it. Now the problem is, I just developed...
  12. D

    When you want something all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it...?

    ... when you will no longer want it. Do you agree? Personally, I'm living this situation these days and it sucks!
  13. T

    Need helping finding a show on the internet?

    What is the website to go to where I can watch the new season of weeds? Now any other websites where you can watch tv shows for free let me know.....person with the most places will get best vote......THANX!!!!
  14. B

    Are their any good things about American made cars besides helping our own economy?

    With all the trouble in the US Auto market and all the accusations flying around and what not it make me wonder, what exactly have the auto companies been doing? Toyota and Honda are not only more fuel efficient on the whole but also last for a long time. I heard that those cars are build for...
  15. P

    Do you you think this celebrity is helping the gay community (us)? this is the video of the famous kiss of madonna and britney (and christina aguilera). R u happy that she did this? Do you think she is doing to right thing to help stop discrimination of gays? oh yea also u have to watch this video it is so cute...
  16. E

    Do think Hulk Hogans celebrity wrestling Show is helping wwe?

    It proves some thing we all ready know