
  1. A

    HELPPP! what can i do if my verizon phone wont send texts but i have service?

    i have service, it just wont send. any suggestions? please help!
  2. O

    Im a newbie that needs help playing this song plzzzz helppp?

    I have no experience on the guitar at all but I im very commited to learn a song, I want to play it for my sisters birthday, but i have no clue on what to play, i need to learn with in four months and i have no progress, pleaseeee helppp. this is the song im trying to play...
  3. R

    Yamaha Aerox 50 helppp?

    So iv had my Aerox for a while now and it is a great little bike, faster than most of my friends bikes and i have recently had a new pipe fitted but its playing up a bit in the cold. So far i have fitted the bike with a polini hi-speed variator mixed rollers 4g & 6.9g Silver clutch springs Blue...
  4. G

    1984 Helppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Can anyone give me a descriptionn of his bedroom pleasee!!!!!1 WINSTONS BEDROOM
  5. H

    LG KS360 text message helppp!!!!!?

    i have an LG KS360 i was just on google and i saw pics of it and it showed pics of the phone with like a conversational text message on it sort of like the iPhone text messages and how u can see the texts like on MSN can someone please tell me how to do that on Mine??? i have an LG KS360 btw...
  6. Y

    HELPPP!!!!!!!! : Can i pleasssee get help for simcity app on ipodtouch/iphone?...

    ...please!? How exactly do you make money? i literally lose money continously (when its on the speed 'x3'/UNPAUSED) .... when i raise taxes...ppl leve the town T.T seriously...!?!?! tyy
  7. J


    You know the book breaking dawn, why did Alice and Jasper leave the rest of the cullens without telling them??? You know for the newest new moon trailer, edward and one of the volturi had a fight did it actually happen in the book? On what date is edward born? and on what date is bella born...
  8. N

    GIRLS pls helppp me!! relationship status and details.?

    ok, so ive been hookin up with this random chick for 2 days now. and we make out on the first day. we both know that we have high sexual desires. we are not dating, and obviously because she is a hot chick she is always busy with guys and honestly i want her to be mine. But how do i get her...
  9. C

    guyss!!! pleas helppp!! and girls too lol?

    okay so i really really like this guy. we talk like every other week and i feel like i've known him like for forever. he know's some of my secrets that most people dont really know. well anyways, he's like the shyest guy i now. and i'm extremely shy too school just started up again and he is...
  10. C

    guyss!!! pleas helppp!! and girls too lol?

    okay so i really really like this guy. we talk like every other week and i feel like i've known him like for forever. he know's some of my secrets that most people dont really know. well anyways, he's like the shyest guy i now. and i'm extremely shy too school just started up again and he is...
  11. I

    Lexus and the olive tree helppp!!!?

    whats he talking about with the SUper Empowered Angry Man? Wounded Gazelle? Turtle?
  12. 1

    Video-----ares to itunes please helppp!!!!!! Im desperate?

    Hello.....i recently got an ipod nano (video) and im trying to put 3 videos on it that i downloaded from ares.....these videos are in a folder. I need a DETAILED STEP BY STEP ON HOW TO PUTT THEM ON ITUNES Whoever helps WILL get best answer, 10 points and my ETERNAL GRAATITUDE
  13. Y

    helppp plz im worry about my guinea pig?

    i dont know what 2 do i gave him iceberg lettuce help i dont know what to do
  14. M

    Ringtone question! please helppp!?

    Well I have a Sidekick 2008 and I want a ringtone and I know you can't send songs to it and set it as your ringtone [which really suck, btw] but my parents wouldn't let me buy a ringtone from the catalog. So is there a way I can get a ringtone for free? I am 15 btw, and I don't have a credit...
  15. S

    SUNBURN HELPpp?????????

    I'm sunburned, and prom is a week away. I need to know how I can get it to go away as fast as possible, b/c I don't want to be burnt at prom, and I'm still not as tan as I'd like to be so I'd like to get back to the tanning bed..... I usually don't burn, I just get darker, and this isn't a...
  16. S

    Helppp This Is Real Pleaseeeee Answerrrr?

    Okay Im Home Alone And I Keep Hearing Nioses And Seeing Things That Shouldnt Be There My Weapons Are Moving Such My Scissors My Stapler And My Lysol My Cell Phone Is Dead And My Brother Is Acting Like Freak Randomly Wakeing Up Ive Been On The Phone Wth My Friends For Hours And My Cat Is...
  17. M

    Verizon Text Messaging HelPPP!!?

    I have 500 text messages and unlimited IN. If I go over my text messaging and go online to my verizon account will the meter bar that tellls you how many text messages you have sent start all over again?? Because just a few days ago i went on and it said 419 messages but now it says like 23. Did...
  18. D

    Ben Jonson's "Song: To Celia" Helppp!?

    I have a few questions. How did Ben Jonson's background influence him writing 'Song: To Celia' , What was his inspiration? What was the literary era and literary context when the poem was written? Is the poem typical of that literary era? THANKS!
  19. M

    Helppp Assaaap!! 10 Pnts For Best Answer. Pleasssssseee.?

    Can Someone Please Please Please Tell Me Where To Watch Tristan And Isolde The Movie Online For Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I Am Dying To Watch This Movie, And I Cannot Find It Anywherre, Whenever I Find A Good Site I Have To Download It, Nad I Dont Have Tiime I Need It Now...
  20. J

    COnfused Sexuality!!! HELPPP?

    okay here's the thing that I'm confused: I remember when I was 7yo, I was really attracted to girls. One time, I got hard because of this one girl. I was 7yo and I told my parents about it, kinda like this "Mom, my dick is getting hard every time I see that girl". And they were just keep...