
  1. T

    Duloxetine Helps Relieve Pain From Chemotherapy

    The antidepressant drug duloxetine, known commercially as Cymbalta, helped relieve painful tingling feelings caused by chemotherapy in 59 percent of patients, a new study finds. This is the first clinical trial to find an effective treatment for this pain. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral...
  2. A

    Messi?s 73rd goal helps Barca to Copa del Rey

    In what will be remembered as Pep Guardiola's final match with Barcelona (for now) Lionel Messi sandwiched his astounding 73rd goal of the season inbetween two Pedro strikes, all within the first 25 minutes, to lead Barcelona to the Copa del Rey title over Athletic Bilbao. Messi's right-footed...
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    Gene Therapy Helps Children With Rare, Incurable Brain Disease

    Using gene transfer techniques pioneered by University of Florida faculty, Taiwanese doctors have restored some movement in four children bedridden with a rare, life-threatening neurological disease. The first-in-humans achievement may also be helpful for more common diseases such as Parkinson's...
  4. W

    android application that helps with grocery shopping.?

    I would like some help with selecting an android application that helps with grocery shopping. what I would like it to do is: very simple to use. 2.Allow for scanning barcodes into a master list that contains the name of the item and possibly the manufacture as well as a Amount and price...
  5. A

    Reproductive Rights Roundup: The Pill Helps Us Earn More

    This week saw anti-abortion bills floundering in a few states—most notably Idaho, where a mandatory ultrasound bill was shelved. But Georgia passed last-minute legislation banning abortions after 20 weeks. And Kansas lawmakers came up with new ways to allow doctors to withhold health info from...
  6. F

    what helps you get over a cold quicker?

    I have a bad cold for days and it gets blocked up duing the cold and can't sleep and what will help it so i can sleep much better thanks
  7. T

    Tai Chi Helps Parkinson's Patients

    Mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease patients who practice Tai Chi were found to experience significant benefits, including better posture, fewer falls, and improved walking ability, researchers from the Oregon Research Institute (ORI) reported in NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine). The...
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    Insomnia - Early Diagnosis Plus Treatment Helps Prevent Complications

    Even though insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, it is often left unrecognized and untreated, despite advances in diagnosis and management. The risk of developing other illnesses, such as diabetes, depression, hypertension, and possibly even death in older adults increases if insomnia is...
  9. S

    Is there a good site/YouTube video that helps teaches a person who is new to

    fishing the basics? The 101? I've only gone fishing three times but ever since the first time i just loved it! Last time i went was last year of a pier but since then ive moved and now unable to go to the beach and have to go to lakes that have fish planted in them ( :[ ) Closes one apperently...
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    Mid-Lane Driving Helps Older Adults Stay Safe

    It's official: older adults are naturally inclined to drive in the middle of the road, leaving the younger generation to cut corners. This tendency to sit mid-lane is an in-built safety mechanism that helps pensioners stay safe behind the wheel, according to researchers at the University of...
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    NYC Council Member James Vacca Helps Brings Advanced MRI Technology To Einstein Colle

    At a morning ceremony, New York City Council Member James Vacca, along with administrators and faculty members of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, celebrated the re-launch of Einstein's Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC). Thanks to Council Member Vacca's...
  12. G

    G.I. Joe: Retaliation Trailer: Which Action Star Helps Dwayne Johnson & Channing Tatu

    G.I. Joe: Retaliation Trailer: Which Action Star Helps Dwayne Johnson & Channing Tatu Make way for some new real American heroes. Channing Tatum survived the first rumble only to be betrayed by evil operatives from his own government in G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Lucky for...
  13. U

    Best DVD Creator Helps You Create Your Personalized DVD

    DVDs are a quick and easy way to store your movies and keep yourself entertained. Its large storage space allows you to store more than one video and is renowned for their reliability. The advancement in technology and numerous media platforms haven’t changed the DVD’s stand over the test of...
  14. A

    F*ck Being ‘Ladylike’; Swearing Helps Us Deal With Pain

    Somehow uttering "gosh darn it" or "fiddlesticks" when we stub our toe on the foot of the bed just doesn't cut it. And now researchers know why. It seems using a hearty "shit" or "fuck" or other favorite profanity can actually help us better cope with pain. But does that mean women should swear...
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    Persistent Asthma Symptoms - Simple Night-time Airflow Device Helps

    According to a study published online in Thorax, asthma patients can improve their quality of life and ease persistent asthma symptoms during daytime by using a simple device called Protexo, which filters airborne asthma triggers from the air during sleep. The device, a temperature controlled...
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    Stem Cell Study Helps Clarify The Best Time For Therapy To Aid Heart Attack Survivors

    A research network led by a Mayo Clinic physician found that stem cells obtained from bone marrow delivered two to three weeks after a person has a heart attack did not improve heart function. This is the first study to systematically examine the timing and method of stem cell delivery and...
  17. M

    Christians, what helps spiritual warfare? If we are not obeying or abiding... Christ, ....? it won't work, right? Thanks. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 New Living Translation (NLT) 3 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4 [a]We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5 We...
  18. C

    What good gnc product helps you loose weight FAST?

    I need to lose over 50 lbs. So i need help, give me any type of advise such as experience, weight loss stories, products, diets, good food, recipes, anything you can offer! Thank You
  19. T

    Reminder Packaging Helps Patients Take Medications As Directed

    People with chronic illnesses are more likely to take long-term medications according to doctors' instructions if the packaging includes a reminder system, according to a new review of evidence. Reminder packaging improves both the number of doses taken and clinical measures of medication...
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    People And Plant Medicine: Herbal Abortion Helps African Women

    Researchers at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, have examined a number of plants which are used for illegal abortions in Tanzania. The lab tests show that several of the plants can make the uterus tissue contract and that the plants therefore can be used to stop...