
  1. M

    Dearest Christians, Muslims, Juden, Hindu, etc.?

    If I'm a really honest person and try my best to be as reasonable, empathetic, compassionate and logical as possible, can I avoid being sent to hell?
  2. J

    OT/NT Prophecies are coming TRUE not Koran, not Hindu, etc. WHY?

    Some people on here have argued why I chose the Law of Moses and on to the NT vs Hindu, Koran, etc... it's simple.. it's because 1 this is the book of my people.. I AM a living testament that the prophecies in MY book have been fullfilled and can PROVE it to you.. there is no other book doing...
  3. N

    atheist only do u abuses hindu religion too? what u think about hindus drinking

    cow urine? what will be ur reaction if hindu drinking a litre of cow urine and offer u some? will u abuse him??
  4. D

    How can I represent the Atman's travel through Caste's in Hindu society?

    Our assignment for Global is to make a spiritual "map" of how the Hindu's of ancient India (and many today) believe how the Atman (the personal individual soul) travel's up or down through the caste system (social classes) based on their karma (the good deeds or bad deeds that determine the...
  5. E

    Hindu chalisas......?

    I have been reading few chalisas everyday for a while. But since I go to college now n I am mostly outside of my house, I only get chances to listen to chalisas while driving to school or dropping off my mom/sis (which is a long way). So, I was wondering what the difference is between reading...
  6. A

    I just bought a home and my neighbor is Hindu; what would be the appropriate...

    ...greeting? I know nothing of this culture and since we will be neighbors, I would like to know how to be a good neighbor. Is there anything that would be considered an especially good way to break the ice? Or should I just knock on the door and say hi- I am your new neighbor!
  7. I

    Any future predictions related to Hindu horoscope/astrology?

    I would like to know how my time period is w.r.t career/further studies and kids. Experts please answer. I am female and DOB is 3-Dec-84 at 5:00 PM in Vizag,AP. India My spouse DOB is 19-Feb-78 at 6:00 A.M in Vizag,AP India. Recently I have had problems with my pregnancy and my job search isn't...
  8. J

    Bahá'í, Judaism, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity,?

    I'd like to apologize if I offend anyone with my question. There have been a lot of times recently when I wonder about my faith and if I'm on the correct path in life, the universe and the unknown. I'm interested in understanding how other people have found their faith, as well as why they...
  9. R

    Rate this song? Fusion of Christian and Hindu traditional music?

    A enjoyable song! Music - A.r.Rahman its a tamil movie song and the actor is a hindu and the actress is a christian as per the story of the movie. Its a marriage song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3x3gS1XvNw
  10. S

    Meeting White Hindu women?

    As an Indian Hindu, I have been dating and having wonderful relationships with white women as long as I remember (a trend I cannot ever explain), and want to continue the same path in my adventures of romance. Honestly, I have never found one who took keen interest in my heritage or culture nor...
  11. S

    ?what is the hindu religion? what cant they do?

    im not raciest i just curious...
  12. M

    Is the 'Hindu Religion' based on 'monotheism' as is the Islam Religion?

    Muslims, Christians, and Jews do not worship the Prophets or the Holy Books.
  13. S

    Book Matrimonial Newspaper Ad in Hindu, Times of India, Ananda Bazar Patrika online?

    check out http://www.releaseMyAd.com , they allow you to book matrimonial Ads for all newspapers in India. They even offer a translation service free of charge to convert your Ad for regional language newspapers such as Dainik Jagran, Eenadu. Also they offer great schemes - such as Book 1 get 1...
  14. T

    Jindal The Holy Hindu Messiah:Fed 5000 with a fish and 2 loafs?

    Did Jindal The Holy Hindu Messiah Feed 5000 with a fish and 2 loafs during katrina?
  15. R

    I am a hindu girl, did nikaah with a muslim guy after converting my religion to

    Islam, is it valid? We did Nikkah in Goa, is it valid? Can his parents separate me from him now?Please advice
  16. K

    Why is the Hindu god not personal in Hinduism, but personal in most all other...

    ...religions? Here is what a Hindu told me. """Brahmam is Not personal(Aroopam-Anaamica-)But Brahmam is Omnipotent--So Brahmam can take a form,a name at WILL-Please refer Acharya sri.SANKARA's Gloss on"Ikshathernasabdham"(Brahma Sutram-1-1-5-).When Brahmam takes such a Form and a Name,Brahmam...
  17. P

    the employer in a hindu temple is torturing the priest in USA,whom to

    complain about that without any problem? i want to complain the concerned authorities without revealing my identity, so that no one should be in trouble. please anybody help me
  18. C

    I have a school project to do and i need to interview a person of the Hindu...

    ...religion. Can anyone please help? 1. What are the important holidays and traditions of this religion? 2. How has religion shaped your life? 3. What are the challenges, if any, to practicing this particular religion? 4. Who do Hindus worship? 5. Do you believe you will be reborn? 6...
  19. B

    Considering that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system, what makes up the Hindu...

    ...religion? 1. Considering that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system, what makes up the Hindu religion? 2. What are the cultural and societal influences that have made Hinduism vital to the region in which it originated? 3. Explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence.