
  1. D

    Does anybody know the Hispanic man that opens for roger creager sometimes?

    Around corpus or in corpus the Hispanic man he hangs out with
  2. S

    Identifying a White Hispanic from a Mestizo?

    What are some traits that can help in identifying a White Hispanic from a Mestizo Hispanic? I've heard there are ways from certain facial/physical features but what are they?
  3. T

    Proximity Of Fast-Food Restaurants To Schools Affects Black And Hispanic Students Mor

    When their schools are near fast-food restaurants, black and Hispanic adolescents are more likely to be overweight and receive less benefit from exercise than Asian or white students, according to a study published in the current issue of Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. The study...
  4. L

    Who is the hispanic female security girl that stands next to the fighters in

    the UFC octagon? Usually I see her when the UFC is in San Jose, like from the UFC on FOX 7 (most recently). Here is a link to a screencap of her. http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n76/slofiend/ScreenShot2013-04-26at94928PM.png
  5. L

    is it rare to see black and dark skinned hispanic girls date/engaged to...

    ...non-hispanic white american guy in DC? Dima B are those couples rare in DC or not?
  6. T

    GANG VIOLENCE: Destruction of the Black and Hispanic Race - Sep 27,2012

    Gangs have been in existence every since the rise of humanity. Gangs have always provided a way for people to more effectively get what they want, especially if it comes to force. Hispanics, Asians and African Americans began banding together to form gangs in the 1950s and 1960s. By the 1970s...
  7. M

    who is the hispanic actor in the new verizon comercial?

    he is wearing a cupid outfit and i recognize him from a different movie?
  8. K

    Hottest Celebrity Women that are of hispanic or latino descent and hottest black

    women and white celebs? What are some hispanic women celebrities of today that are very attractive and beautiful? Like Mexicans,Brazilian,Cuban,Dominican,Puerto Ricans celebrities can anyone name any? I just know like Christina Milian-Dominican I believe, Jessica Alba-Mexican? Eva Mendes-Cuban...
  9. Y

    hispanic, asian, or black girls only help?

    ok so my friends think they're hot but I think they're ugly what would you rate each guy here out of ten guy 1: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/167279_10150117333788524_718793523_7668781_1780646_n.jpg...
  10. S

    hispanic population in stone oak is predomiantly mexican-american?

    Is the latino population in stone oak predomiantly mexican-american or mexican national
  11. W

    Could all of the good Hispanic cooks from all countries help me?

    I want to learn how to cook using dried beans, so after I soak them overnight, what would I do? How would you make good beans? I like foods from most Hispanic cultures, which is why I asked specifically for the HIspanic cooks to help me, but if you know a good bean recipe, please, let me know...
  12. L

    Who was the hispanic blonde woman on hollywood squares?

    I remember a hispanic celebrity on Hollywood Squares with big boobs and blonde hair who would say ,"hootchie hootchie hootchie!" or something similar. Is her name Chacha or something similar? I know she was a popular pop culture figure. She wore a pony tail and orange a lot, with like botox...
  13. J

    How does the MEDIA define and discuss Hispanic Dropouts?

    What do politicians have to say about this social Problem? What do average american citizens think and feel about this? I need some help with a project people.. Help me out Thanks :]
  14. C

    Is it Hispanic culture for the men to see someone else while in another relationship?

    because I know several who see nothing wrong w it but different for the women to.They disapprove of the women w other men. I have been told that by Puerto Ricans and a few Mexican men as well. Anyone know is it a custom I think its disrespectful and gross (STD'S) the one guy said even if u...
  15. A

    Is it possible for a Hispanic to be a K-pop or J-pop star?

    Ok my cousin, is Hispanic and she can speak fluent Korean and some-what Japanese. She can sing and is a terrific dancer (im serious lol) she's 17, shes fairly light, 5'4, long black hair, dark brown eyes, honestly shes beautiful, an is obsessed with K-pop music, as well the culture. She wants to...
  16. T

    National Hispanic Council On Aging Urges Nation To Support Social Security And Other

    Social Security, in conjunction with the Older Americans Act and the nation's new healthcare reform law, is a key element in protecting the future of older Americans, the National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) said as it prepares to tackle the issue at its annual conference Sept. 28-29...
  17. L

    Can I take a vacation in Arizona if I am hispanic, or will the laws give...

    ...me a hard time because of my race? I AM A HISPANIC CITIZEN BUT I AM NOT AS WHITE AS AN ONION.
  18. M

    Are there any Hispanic Freemasons lodges in Dallas Texas?

    I am Hispanic who is interested in the creed.
  19. E

    Why do most of people just complain about the asian, blacks & hispanic

    immigrants but not about the white ones? I mean there are also a lot of illegal european immigrants in U.S. and it seems like no one really complains about it...
  20. C

    Why Hispanic women are extra shy they see East Asian men showing interest in...

    ...courting them? Is it because in Latin culture the Latina girls are suppose to act lady like when it comes to courship with the guy she's dating ?