hiv or aids

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    Study Suggests New Target For Treatment And The Eventual Cure Of HIV/AIDS

    Human cells have an intrinsic capacity to destroy HIV. However, the virus has evolved to contain a gene that blocks this ability. When this gene is removed from the virus, the innate human immune system destroys HIV by mutating it to the point where it can no longer survive... More...
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    Monkey Study Raises Hope Of HIV/AIDS Vaccine

    Scientists have tested a trial vaccine that protects rhesus monkeys against infection from a potent form of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a distant relative of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS in humans. Monkeys that received the vaccine were more than 80% less likely to become...
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    World AIDS Day: 10 Things Everyone Should Know About HIV/AIDS

    Today marks the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day, so we're joining the world in celebrating progress and setting new goals on the road to an AIDS-free world. Like with any other aspect of health, knowledge is power: The more we know about AIDS and HIV, the better equipped we'll all be to...
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    China HIV/AIDS Patient Care In Shambles; Ignorance, Fear Cited By UN

    Beijing we have a problem. China medical personal seem to not be able to treat HIV/AIDS victims, mostly due to lack of an understanding of the epidemic and fear of transmission according to a report released by the United Nations' International Labor Organization (ILO). HIV/AIDS became a major...
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    Also In Global Health News: Discrimination Of HIV/AIDS Patients In China; Internation

    China's Ministry Of Health To Introduce Policies, Measures To Decrease Discrimination Against Patients Living With HIV/AIDS At Hospitals Hao Yang, China's deputy director of the disease prevention and control bureau under the Ministry of Health, during a forum on Wednesday, "vowed ... to...
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    How come Christians say HIV/AIDS is a punishment from God for gay people

    when Christians get it too? So yeah. I'm just thinking. Is it like 'it's associated with gay people... therefore it's gay punishment hallelujah' or is it that 'yeah, it's from god to gays... and them and them and them and them? Or has this few year old consensus died out yet?
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    Project Prevention Can Lower The Number Of Pregnancies In Women Affected By HIV/AIDS

    ON THIS "WORLDS AIDS DAY" we know many things will be discussed, but we're sure birth control will not be one of them. Project Prevention feels it is crucial to not just work towards curing infants with AIDS, but also to work on getting women living with HIV/AIDS on long term birth control to...
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    To Reduce Spread Of HIV/AIDS, IFRC Calls For More Focus On IDU Programs

    Ahead of World AIDS Day, the International Federation of the Red Cross on Friday released a report (.pdf) calling for governments around the world to do more to help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS among populations of injecting drug users (IDUs), the Associated Press reports (Heilprin, 11/25)...
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    What is your opinion on HIV/AIDS in America today?

    Please, if you can, support your opinion with research-based evidence.
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    Altravax, Inc. Awarded $1.2 Million In Federal Funds For Vaccines For HIV/AIDS

    Altravax, Inc. announced that it has been awarded two SBIR grants totaling $1.2 million from the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for research on antibody-inducing vaccines for HIV-1. A 2009 report from the United Nations has estimated the total number of people living...
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    Commitments To Global HIV/AIDS Programs Falter For 'First Time In 15 Years,' UNAIDS C

    UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe "said Thursday that global contributions to fighting [HIV/AIDS] are dropping off for the first time in 15 years amid tough economic times," Agence France-Presse reports. "The world economic recession is pushing countries ... to enforce austerity,"...
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    Also In Global Health News: Meningitis Vaccine; Women And HIV/AIDS Response; Rain Hit

    New Meningitis Vaccine Scheduled For 'Mass Campaign' In October The WHO "recently gave approval to a new meningitis vaccine that is expected to cost only 50 cents a dose, a price many African governments and donors can afford," the New York Times reports. The vaccine is produced by the...
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    Opinions: AIDS 2010; Clean Water, Sanitation; Russia's HIV/AIDS Epidemic; Financial T

    GHI Builds On PEPFAR HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment Programs A VOA News editorial by the U.S. government reflects on last month's International AIDS Conference-AIDS 2010, including key advancements such as the vaginal microbicide gel found to offer women some protection against HIV...
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    AIDS 2010: Advocates March In Vienna For Human Rights Of HIV/AIDS Patients

    Thousands of HIV/AIDS advocates, gathered for the International AIDS Conference-AIDS 2010, "marched through Vienna's city centre on Tuesday evening, demanding more respect for human rights in the fight against HIV," Agence France-Presse reports. Julio Montaner, director of the International...
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    New York Times Editorial, Opinion Piece Discuss HIV/AIDS Developments

    Recent research and policy developments in the fight against HIV/AIDS were explored in a New York Times editorial and opinion piece. Summaries appear below. ~ New York Times: Although a study showing that a vaginal gel could reduce a woman's risk of HIV infection by up to 40% was "modest" in...
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    New York Times Editorial Comments On New U.S., U.N. HIV/AIDS Policies

    "With the AIDS epidemic still spreading rapidly around the globe, public health programs have to use their resources a lot more effectively," the New York Times writes in an editorial. New strategies from the Obama administration, UNAIDS and Bill Gates -- whose foundation helps finance a global...
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    Frontline HIV Practitioners Respond To The National HIV/AIDS Strategy

    The American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) applauded the first-ever National HIV/AIDS Strategy, acknowledging the enormous effort and dedication by the executive branch, Jeffrey Crowley, Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, and his staff. "We hope the National Strategy will have...
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    White House Set To Announce New HIV/AIDS Strategy

    The Obama administration on Tuesday is expected to unveil the first-ever coordinated national strategy to combat HIV/AIDS, The Hill's "Healthwatch" reports. The approach includes three main goals: reducing HIV infections and HIV-related health disparities, increasing care quality, and expanding...
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    Director Of D.C. HIV/AIDS Administration Resigns; Helped Spur Epidemiological Studies

    Shannon Hader -- director of the Washington, D.C., HIV/AIDS administration -- "abruptly" announced Tuesday that she will resign on July 15, a few days after she is scheduled to return from personal leave, the Washington Post reports. Hader has held the position for three years, making her the...
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    Business Delivers As Front-Line Player In The Global Fight Against HIV/AIDS, TB And M

    From an initiative that's reaching 3.5 million people threatened by TB to a massive expansion of access to cheap anti-malaria medication in 24 African countries, businesses are doing work that is complementing the global health work of governments and international agencies. The companies behind...