
  1. G

    Holy Sh*t Look At This Drill [Tools]

    Behold, the Hitachi DH50MRY. Part drill, part jackhammer, it can eat up concrete like balsa wood without killing your arms. Our friends at PopSci cut one open to show how it works. It's the first drill of its kind to feature a counterweight strong enough to cancel out what is undoubtedly some...
  2. G

    Holy Sh*t Look At This Drill [Tools]

    Behold, the Hitachi DH50MRY. Part drill, part jackhammer, it can eat up concrete like balsa wood without killing your arms. Our friends at PopSci cut one open to show how it works. It's the first drill of its kind to feature a counterweight strong enough to cancel out what is undoubtedly some...
  3. J

    To be a religion do you need holy days, holy things, holy books, or rituals?

    To be a religion do you need holy days, holy things, holy books, or rituals? If there was no celebrated holy days, holy things, holy books, or rituals but there was everything else in the minds of Christians - would christianity still be a religion?
  4. M

    In Lincoln's view, who has made the cemetery at Gettysburg a holy place?

    Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
  5. T

    Jindal The Holy Hindu Messiah:Fed 5000 with a fish and 2 loafs?

    Did Jindal The Holy Hindu Messiah Feed 5000 with a fish and 2 loafs during katrina?
  6. J

    Who resides in the Holy Cross Cemetery (Hollywood,CA)?

    Hint:What female Saturday Night Live.cast member
  7. M

    Can You Follow A Religion Without Having Read It's Holy Book Back To Back?

    If you're going to follow a religion strongly, you need to know what that religion is all about. The only way to find this out is to read the holy book of that religion, yet I still stumble across people who are strongly religious yet haven't even read more than one chapter of the Bible, Koran...
  8. T

    Since many religions have their own holy book supposedly written by or...

    ...inspired by the one true god? If god exists why wouldn't he rid the world of the books that are false, slander his name, and lead people astray?
  9. T

    Where can I find a religion whose holy book is an animated movie?

    I don't have the attention span to read an entire book, but I like cartoons.
  10. W

    all religions, it is proven enough to me, that all holy books lack...

    ...perfect truth? do you agree, or disagree? why or why not. ? i think the bible has the most mistakes of any holy book(s). but it was the first to bring me to knowledge of sin . so it also helped me believe. the only thing i have been taught to my satisfaction that is incorrect in the koran is...
  11. H

    Does the religion of homosexuality have its own holy book?

    And does it teach homosexuals to hang around men's restrooms to get boys?
  12. L

    who sings - magnify the lord praise his holy name let the trumpet sound

    let the bells ring we are redeemed by? who sings - magnify the lord parise his holy name let the trumpet sound let the bells ring we are redeemed by the blood of the lamb? I would also like the lyrics
  13. X

    Do any religions have a holy drinking cup of water or something like that?

    ..we are doing a project at school and I am doing about the Incas.. they had a holy drinking jug...and i need to find out if we have anything like that today, but I cant find anything anywhere!? Do any religions today have a cup/jug that they drink from for religious purposes?
  14. S

    do you know this song - holiday or holy day?

    I was at a gas station this morning and there was a song on the radio... It sounded like an old old song.... a black male singer... and I couldnt hear the lyrics properly... but I think it was the end of the song and he kept repeating to the top of his voice 'holy day' then singers in the...
  15. M

    Do jews memories their holy book?

    How much do they know of by heart?