
  1. F

    I don't understand the outskirts in board game arkham horror?

    I just want more detail about it because it's confusing how monsters get there or how many monsters you can have on the streets, maybe a bit more information on the terror track will clarify this too.. thanks :)
  2. F

    why can't female authors write sci-fi or horror without ruining it?

    i made the mistake of seeing "the host" this weekend, expecting an action-packed, body-snatcher type movie. turned out it was another dumb chick flick based on a story written by a chick. it was all about their "feelings" and jealousies over which dude they liked. yechhh! just like how they...
  3. D

    Still looking for the name to a horror movie?

    I saw a trailer about 30 years ago where a woman is in bed and multiple hands come up through the mattress itself to hold her arms and legs down, I believe one comes up to gag her, while the last comes up directly between her legs with a knife which comes at her as the trailer ends! ~ This was...
  4. A

    DTotD: Esteban Cambiasso sent off for horror challenge on Giovinco, apologizes after

    Juventus beat Inter 2-1 to further pad their lead atop the Serie A table, but just before full time, Esteban Cambiasso made sure they didn't escape the match unscathed. The Inter midfielder planted a lunging challenge on Sebastian Giovinco's ankle and was lucky he didn't break through it like a...
  5. E

    looking for some horror films to watch on Netflix instant.?

    So I like pretty much any kind of horror film. I am looking for something that has fair acting and that I wont sleep through. Please don't list anything that is popular or a cult classic, because I have seen them all. I want some stuff that not everyone you know would like or have heard of. If...
  6. C

    alien/UFO- horror movies or scary sci-fi movies?

    These are some that I've already seen, so movies like these: XTRO Alien- movies The Prometheus The Thing Signs When The Earth Stood Still
  7. J

    Writers; have you ever written horror?

    Im a college student and ive written stories all my life, dramas, romance, thrillers, but never horror. But lately i had an idea for a story, not a typical " scary" story. But something that as the story continues is eery and really bone chilling. But since ive never written this genre. Im not...
  8. R

    what is this horror movie?

    i saw it when i was very young all i remember was a guy chasing after a girl down a side walk, i cannot remember if it was a bridge or not but he was throwing playing cards at her and they were bladed and slices her up pretty bad and im not sure if this is from the same movie but i remember...
  9. Z

    I cannot remember this horror comic!!Jog my memory? Glasses,Truck driver,

    Kids,Winter,Police,Sheriff,delusion? Ok so I am trying to remember this comic but for the life of me I cannot remember it but it stays in my head like a vivid memory so here goes the full description- The main Villain I believe used to be a truck driver, he dresses like one has a scrawny build...
  10. W

    What Sci Fi horror move is this? (Girl covered in blood)?

    All I can remember is some guy/girl stepping in a puddle of blood and she shows up. Also, at the end the girl walks off in the woods and some other creature comes and kills her by stabbing its arm through her body (I don't even know)
  11. J

    Gothic Sci-Fi Horror movie Recommendations?

    Something like the movie Alien or Event Horizon. I'm not too picky I just really like that particular type of genre.
  12. M

    Sci-Fi, Mystery, and Horror fans: Does this sound like a TV series you might want to

    watch? "While on his first assignment covering a string of alleged UFO abductions, a tabloid journalist stumbles on what could be the story that makes his career when he discovers Point of Interest 9 — One of nine mysterious mansions that have sprang up across the globe over night."
  13. E

    Please suggest some exciting English horror films ?

    I want to celebrate with my friends at home and we want to watch English horror films...pls some good horror movies ?
  14. L

    Sci-fi horror with ghoul?

    There was a sci-fi horror movie i wanted to watch, it had a ghoul in it and it was done in 2012 I believe, I THINK it starts with an s, i found it on 1ch.com or watchfreemovies.com but now I can't seem to find it. I'd really appreciate if anyone could give me the title or a link or whatever...
  15. S

    In the t.v. show American Horror Story, why are the teenagers that Tate killed ghost?

    They didn't die on the property?
  16. G

    American Horror Story: Asylum Recap: The Story Behind Bloody Face's Evil Ways

    Did you want backstory and big reveals with a side of your Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? Then tonight's American Horror Story: Asylum is just what the Nazi doctor ordered. As...
  17. R

    whats the rarest and/or best horror movie on dvd or blue ray?

    sorry for spelling blu ray wrong.
  18. A

    Scary but no so scary horror films?

    Any scary but not so scary modern ish films from the year 2000 - present please (: Films like Scream, Scary movie, Fear Island, When a stranger calls .. ? Maybe like Final Destiination but not any more gory than that, thank you!
  19. G

    American Horror Story Spoiler Bomb: What Lies Ahead After the Crazy Premiere

    Warning: Do not read on if you haven't seen the season premiere of AHS: Asylum. There are spoilers ahead about the second episode. Read on at your own risk! We know you probably kept...
  20. E

    Horror Movie Questionnaire?

    I have to do it for media studies. It's all about horror films but only answer it if you're betweent the ages of 15 and 23 as this is the target audience I'm aiming for. Please don't just be a troll and say no. Questionnaire Characters: 1. In a Psychological Slasher film, do you prefer the...