
  1. M

    on ps3 how do you get the path of time up on destroy all humans path of the furon?

    it says use pk but it wont let me ?
  2. M

    Is religion simply a way for humans to find comfort?

    The need and desire for love, protection and acceptance is so strong in all of religion the construct of these desires? a... imaginary friend per se, to help us human beings fill in the void that these feelings leave us with..? I would appreciate atheist answers more, but feel free to...
  3. J

    How and when did humans start keeping dogs as pets?

    When did the practice of keeping dog as pet start? How and why did the process start? Historically, many thousands of years back there was no such thing as "household dog". If the dogs existed, they were wolf like and very wild and unpredictable. So how were they tamed into becoming a pet?
  4. W

    Is there a way for humans to actually use telekinesis or get visions of the future?

    I've been meditating and I have been able to use mild astral projection. Is it possible for humans to actually use telekinesis or receive visions while in a meditative state?
  5. C


    All Aliens look so familiar to us.. just like humans.. cant they be human ? of the future ! coming with Time Machines (UFO) ...
  6. J

    Humans: Fools, aren't they?

    i've always wondered as to why humans tend to create. they have created/invented so many useful things...and yet i find most of them bad. for example, humans invented showers, sinks, toilets, pools, etc. which became beneficial because nobody likes smelling bad or feeling dirty; but all that...
  7. B

    Are humans days on this earth numbered?

    How long before we kill ourselves off, or the earth finally rids itself of us?
  8. D

    How fast will humans be able to travel in the future?

    I'm talking either about cars, planes, space travel(NOT TIME TRAVEL) or anything that can transport us really quickly in the future. Recources would be helpful, thanks!
  9. D

    How fast will humans be able to travel in the future?

    I'm talking either about cars, planes, space travel(NOT TIME TRAVEL) or anything that can transport us really quickly in the future. Recources would be helpful, thanks!
  10. R

    Crashed satellite with rare material in all humans?

    Long ago in high-school (late 90's) I had a teacher mention that there was a satellite carrying a rare material (potentially metal) in orbit. Something had happened to this satellite and the rare material re-entered the atmosphere where it spread to all living organisms on the planet. Does...
  11. A

    Should we be celebrating a man who was a fake and believed humans evolved...

    ...from cockroaches or should we be? celebrating the real creator of manking. Of course, I am talking about GOD. Should we be teaching our children un-christian ideas like man evolved from cockroaches and...
  12. K

    Do you think that the future of humanity will be the creations that we humans

    have created? Do you think that the future of humanity will be the creations that we humans have created? I.E. will future generations of humans be highly advance robots. Like will organic humans do something so catastrophic that we annihilate ourselves and all that is left over is our...
  13. M

    If humans are forced to extinction sometime in the future, will our human ghosts

    stay around? I know this question sounds stupid, initially, but its logical thinking in relation to the paranormal. With millions of species already being dead, and not seeing any of their creepy ghosts, why do we think our species is special and that we can somehow live after were dead? But...
  14. M

    Since humans made up religion, then what are these ghosts?

    I believe that religion is completely man made.We assumed and imagined up a higher power, thus we named "God". So since it is man made, then why are there ghosts? From what I do no already ghosts are NOT man made, -we die and come back so to speak-. We can imagine them though and make things up...
  15. A

    Battlestar Gallactica, why did the cylons attack the colonies and humans?

    I just started watching BG, i've caught the past few eppisodes of it from S4 on demand and liked what i saw so i've gone back and i'm watching through S1 and plan to get caught up. I did not watch the miniseries as i could not find it online so maybe it's explained there, but why did the cylons...
  16. T

    Is religion the combined consciousness of some humans in the early days of time?

    in more detail my question is that, Is religion the cultivated belief system of the majority of people in the world , created over time with a supported stories and accounts of bad things happening of people talking of what things happened to them and how that made them feel which in result...
  17. P

    humans causing global warming, true or false?

  18. R

    Within the next fifty years, will humans successfully travel to Mars?

    I saw the show "Mars Rising: Journey to Mars." If man is to successfully travel to Mars then humans must successfully overcome numerous obstacles. An electric rocket will probably be used for a Mars mission, but these potential rockets only exist as tiny model rockets in labratories. . Mars...
  19. S

    Why are humans scared of climate change?

    Its inevitable. Why cant humans accept change! It goes back to us being selfish! Change has to happen. Change has happened before to get us to become what we are? (eg. the Ice age, allowed humans at to move to different countries when the water was frozen over) I think that people forget that...
  20. J

    Just because I don't believe humans cause GW, why do you assume I don't... anything environmental? In fact, I do all the things that all the GW people want everyone to do (well, I can't say everything of course). I just do these things for different reasons. I don't think we're causing global warming and I never will. However, I do these things because I believe...