
  1. E

    Is adult humor in children's films okay? For example Toystory.?

    Is adult humor in children's films okay? For example Toystory.? There are some humorous acts in the movies that adults get but children don't. Is it still okay to include some of that humor even though children don't get it? Examples; -One of Sid's toys, a fishing rod with Barbie legs, is a...
  2. T

    Do people who get mad at silly questions need to get a sense of humor?

    Once I asked if I should clean my electric mixer in the microwave because washing it was a pain in the butt, and people called me a troll and told me to kill myself. I think a sense of humor is good for you, what do you think?
  3. M

    What are your favorite channels/youtube videos to find your humor or important

    info to get your humor on? And to feel more alive and stuff Just act like I've lived in a cave all my life Please what is popular these days?!?!
  4. D

    What's Up With The Atheist Sense Of Humor?

    I know people have a lot to say about atheist. So do I. But I've got to say some Atheist are hilarious. When their not so serious.
  5. D

    how has laughter or Sense of Humor help yu get throw hard times?

    please answer
  6. F

    God has a sense of humor?

    I have been told that I am created in gods image and that if I have a sense of humor then so does god. If I think something is funny then on some level do does god. Why do people take this stuff so seriously. If you are created in a human image by someone who has human problems (i.e. rage...
  7. J

    Is my dry sense of humor off putting to women?

    I have heard down the grapevine that a lot of girls I come in contact with do not enjoy my dry sense sense of humor for various reasons that have not been revealed. I can honestly say that none of my jokes have a degrading tone towards anyone so I don't think it is that. Not that I want to...
  8. S

    Authors with sarcastic, crude humor (like Chuck Palahniuk)?

    I'm looking for some authors similar to Chuck Palahniuk with his type of writing style. If that's even possible. Someone that's sarcastic with crude humor. Thank you!
  9. F

    My boyfriends sense of humor is very dry and sarcastic...I take it personally. Help?

    He's very sarcastic with a very dry sense of humor, and I take things quite personally so as you can imagine that sometimes is a problem. It's been over a year that we've been dating and I STILL don't really understand his sarcasm and dry sense of humor, so I feel insulted sometimes and feel...
  10. H

    Anyone for some humor from my husband? Friendly comments?

    My husband was a metal head in high school and is excited about National Metal Day today - so he wrote a poem ( his first or second?) and would like to share. Thank you. 11/11/11 The Darkness of chrome-plated pointy love diesel forged in hairspray's fire, snakeskin slithers wedged in the...
  11. R

    Does anyone know how to make my Facebook cute humor site a success?

    I want to post pictures and jokes and have others share them as well. How do you get folks involved without spamming a bunch of sites?!/pages/Cause-I-wanna-laugh/313360488680152
  12. A

    Her speech was totally WITHOUT humor. What part of speech is the capitalized word.?

    like a verb or a pronoun, what is without?
  13. J

    Any good shonen type animes but with humor and romance?

    Just curious because I felt like re-watching some DBZ but as I watched it I didn't realize how the romance was so dull for example when Videl and Gohan first start to like each other just kind of happened and no really good slightly romantic scenes.(I know DBZ is all about action i'm just...
  14. D

    logos ethos pathos-where does humor fit in?

    the allstate mayhem commercials to be exact
  15. F

    What sense of humor do you have?

    I have noo idea what mine is >.<
  16. L

    What is the origin of humor?

    How did humor develop in hunter gatherer societies?
  17. A

    I need serious help with humor.. Please :,(?

    My entire life was life with melancholy.. When I hear a joke I understand what is being told half of them but I cant laugh.. I want to laugh at jokes but I cant just develop sense of humor.. I want to laugh with my friends and live a happy and non chalant life.. But how Can I make it possible, I...
  18. F

    Thesis statement about humor research paper?

    I am writing a paper on the topic of comic stories and plays. I am writing about what makes funny stories and plays funny. Can someone please help me out with a thesis statement? THANKS please do not send me to 85 other sites or spam me.
  19. E

    Does God have a sense of humor?

    I think so. I have been trying to get a new job. I am sick of the company I work for, the pay is low, they keep screwing me over, and I would love to ask my boss out, I can tell she likes me. But I can't seem to find anything! The twisted part is I make like $24k a year, that is nothing. I...
  20. M

    Do you think that God has a sense of humor?

    I do, after all he made me.