
  1. A

    Closing Time: Troy Tulowitzki hurts again; hello Josh Rutledge

    Some will call Troy Tulowitzki injury prone, others will call him unlucky. I'm not going to get into that quicksand debate; pick whatever side you like. Either way, Colorado's MVP candidate is going to be on the shelf for a while. Tulowitzki had been playing through rib discomfort for a week...
  2. T

    Me and my boyfriend have sex but it hurts when I'm on top...?

    Me and my boyfriend just started having sex about half a month ago, anyways whenever I go on top it hurts. Like inside of me like its hitting the top or something. He has a really big dick it's 7 inches but I don't know help
  3. A

    Spring headlines: King Felix gets his contract; Clay Buchholz hurts himself already

    It turns out that all of the talk about Felix Hernandez's elbow was much ado about nothing. At least as it pertains to his new $175 million deal. The Seattle Mariners and their ace finalized the mammoth contract extension on Tuesday, ending a week's worth of worrying for Mariners fans who...
  4. T

    Stomach hurts when I laugh?

    why is my stomach hurts when i liaugh is it because i laugh to much(i watch russell howards good news) or is it because i ate something rly?
  5. A

    How easy is it to tell my mother when she has done gossip that hurts me?

    I don't think she intends to do it but my parents are divorced, have been since I was aged 2 so for 26 years, but my mother still does gossip and stories that are 1/3 true and 2/3 not true about my father, step-mother, and other paternal relatives and step-mother's parents. How can I correct my...
  6. T

    Stomach hurts sickness and diarrhoea?

    Yesterday I had nothing to eat as felt so ill My stomach fells sore and aches had a drink of orange juice and then a while after was sick felts better after being sick but then a while later was sick again. Fell asleep and woke up with the same stomach feeling had a bowl or cornflakes as was...
  7. A

    My mole hurts.... Diagnos me please lol :(?

    I'm a 19 year old female I've had this mole on my thigh sice or ever! I've left it sooo long and now I'm scared :( Its been hurting for a few years now ... It's not like agonizing just when I poke it it's a weird feeling sorta hurts ! It just does not feel right ! I will definatly get it...
  8. S

    When I was laughing really hard, my right ear popped and now it hurts?

    Now when I laugh it's hurts really bad. It also feels like there is a liquid in my ear...
  9. A

    My - spleen? - hurts, can anyone give me an idea on what it could be?

    I'm fifteen, female, and whatever is under the lower half of my left rib cage (is that my spleen?) has been hurting off and on for the past couple of days. Just now, past fifteen minutes or so, it has started hurting again and it feels cold and almost wet, like it's bleeding or something. Does...
  10. R

    Toothache after cavity filling? HURTS LIKE HELL!!?

    i had a tooth filling like a week ago in my back tooth and now it hurts like hell. it hurts so bad that i cant even sleep i took 2 Advil pm and i am still in severe pain! please help what should i do? and why the fuck is my tooth hurting after going to the dentist?
  11. R

    Toothache after cavity filling? HURTS LIKE HELL!!?

    i had a tooth filling like a week ago in my back tooth and now it hurts like hell. it hurts so bad that i cant even sleep i took 2 Advil pm and i am still in severe pain! please help what should i do? and why the fuck is my tooth hurting after going to the dentist?
  12. W

    Does fat grafting hurts?

    Hello, I want to go for the fat grafting but I am little worried about it. Does it hurt? This is my first time and I have not much experience with those kinds of things. IF you know anything please tell me. Thanks! stem cells miami
  13. T

    We went to the gay bar last night and my butt hurts?

    but seriously, we went to some gay club (because it's the best place to dance apparently) and I was extremely uncomfortable. Does that make me homophobic?
  14. C

    my 4 year old is complaining her head hurts?

    She just keeps holding her head and crying and saying my head hurts...she has been doing this for about 6 or 7 hours now. Anybody know what this could be?
  15. W

    Christians: Does loving your enemies mean loving them until it hurts?

    Does this mean we do not stand up for ourselves? Because afterall God is a righteous justice because He says: "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord." -- Romans 12:19. It is a challenging topic for...
  16. D

    My vagina hurts really bad (especially during intercourse)?

    Okay so about a month ago I was having this problem:;_ylt=AsBtCbMiRquKlErmMYoFffXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111114034500AASbUDV and now it has progressed waaay worse. I took a break from sex for over a week. Then when me and my boyfriend tried to do it again, it...
  17. T

    Do females think it's always funny when a guy hurts his testicles? Even if

    it's her son? I was sitting on the balcony. The neighbors were in there garden, mother daughter (15) and son (11 i think). The girl was jumping from a small terrace with an old bike and the boy was going on about him wanting to jump too. Both the mom and girl said that he couldn't because he...
  18. S

    Stomach hurts when I sneeze or cough or laugh?

    So when i was sleeping with my babybrother he went on my stomach and the next morning I woke up and when I got up i sneezed and my stomach hurted
  19. A

    Under my left nipple hurts?

    I'm 13(so my boobs are still growing.But I never felt this pain before.I went ice skating yesterday,but I don't remember falling on my chest.I just started feeling it 2 or 3 hours ago? Inside my nipple.It's like in the edge of my breast tissue.So its not a stray lump. My whole nipple,actually.
  20. A

    Deep thoughts: No-doubles defense hurts Rangers in 10th

    </p> Fox announcers Joe Buck and Tim McCarver warned 'em. They warned the Texas Rangers that their outfielders were playing too deep, and would be in no position to throw a runner out at the plate if Lance Berkman hit a two-out single in the bottom of the 10th inning. "They're too deep for...