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    Correlation Between Higher Illness Absences And Lower Ventilation Rates In California

    If you suspect that opening windows to let in fresh air might be good for you, a new study by scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has confirmed your hunch. Analyzing extensive data on ventilation rates collected from more than 150 classrooms in California over two...
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    Life Expectancy Gap Widens Between Those With Mental Illness And General Population

    But majority of deaths are due to physical conditions, not suicide The gap between life expectancy in patients with a mental illness and the general population has widened since 1985 and efforts to reduce this gap should focus on improving physical health, suggest researchers in a paper...
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    Is it possible to replicate symptoms of certain illness using chemicals... in sci-fi movies? to induce symptoms such as fake temporary inflammation or fake fever using chemical
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    Rihanna Cancels Houston Concert Due to Illness

    Rihanna is apparently too sick to sing again.Live Nation announced that tonight's show in Houston will not go on "as a result of illness," but the concert promoter stated...
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    Can someone give me some advice dealing with mental illness?

    6 years ago I had a heat stroke while practicing football and it messed my head up pretty bad. As a result I contracted severe depression. It's a very physical form of depression; it hurts my body and holds me back from doing most things that aren't staying inside and watching tv. Exercise is...
  6. A

    Can someone tell me what mental illness my mother has?

    She's been like this for the past 5 years, and every convo we have now is cut short because of this problem. She is very show offy and tries to make a show and put on an act when any company or others are around. Once she finds out someone's personal info she's bound to go and talk about them...
  7. Z

    my dad calls me names and gossips i have a mental illness he says im a...

    ...lazy bum and he is gonna report me? i have medical proof etc what should i do or what will happen if he tries to report me
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    I Will If You Will: What Motivates Spouses To Get Fit, Manage Illness

    Before spouses take their first step toward fitness, their partner's interest or willingness to participate can sway them, says a Purdue University family studies expert. "Marriage commitments focus on a couple's devotion in either a state of sickness or in health, but it's also about the in...
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    Bradley Cooper Talks Mental Illness, Visiting Troops in Washington, D.C.

    Bradley Cooper is proud of the work he did in Silver Linings Playbook—and not just because it scored him his first Academy Award nomination. "I've gone around to many...
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    Mental Illness Clues Revealed Via Facebook Activity

    Facebook activity could be an indicator for psychological health, and be used as tools by therapists and psychologists A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri and published in the journal Psychiatry Research, has revealed that social media profiles can provide insight...
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    #nothelping: NRA Calls For ‘Active Mental Illness Database’ & Armed School Guards Ins

    #nothelping: NRA Calls For ‘Active Mental Illness Database’ & Armed School Guards Ins The National Rifle Association head Wayne LaPierre*called for armed guards at every school, and an "active mental illness database" to prevent shootings in today's NRA Sandy Hook press conference. His...
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    You Aren’t Imagining It: Foodborne Illness Up 44% In Just Two Years

    If it seems like every week, there's a new recall or outbreak of foodborne illness, you're right. Almost every day, the FDA updates their recall homepage with new food that's being pulled from shelves, either because it's made someone sick, or because it could. But is food really more unsafe now...
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    Can anyone tell me what illness my horse has?

    My vet is stumped - there are no other sick horses on his patch. On Thursday last she had a high fever,very wobbly walking and felt very ill. He gave her antibiotics and anti inflammatory and in 6 hours her temperature was down, she was feeling better and eating but still very stiff and...
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    I feel lightheaded and I can't stop laughing. Are these the symptoms of an illness?

    I've been having a very bad headache for a week now. It was significantly worse yesterday. I haven't eaten regularly. Now, I feel very strange in my head. I've never been high but I imagine this this what people who smoke weed must feel like. I feel lightheaded, which is very strange because for...
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    First Pediatric Study To Look At The Role Of Vitamin D In Critical Illness

    Vitamin D is increasingly being recognized as important for good health. Vitamin D is a hormone made in the skin following sun exposure or acquired from diet and supplement intake. Previous medical research has shown that low body levels of vitamin D make people more susceptible to problems such...
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    Strains Of Common Parasite Linked To Severe Illness In US Newborns

    Scientists have identified which strains of the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, the cause of toxoplasmosis, are most strongly associated with premature births and severe birth defects in the United States. The researchers used a new blood test developed by scientists at the National Institute of...
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    Females On Parole And Mental Illness Risk

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Advisory Committee for Women's Services released a new report, which demonstrates that 18 to 49 year old women on probation or parole have an almost two-fold higher risk of experiencing mental illness compared with other...
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    What are some interesting topics relating to mental illness?

    Preferably from a psychological perspective. Thanks! :)
  19. S

    do i have a mental illness?

    i hate being around people i hate speaking and listening to people, im usually always depressed, everytime its time to go to school i always break down and cry. i dont understand why i am like this.
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    Serious Norovirus Illness Hits NBA Players Too

    A new investigation published in Clinical infectious Diseases reports on the 2010 outbreak of norovirus in several NBA teams. The study underlines the unique circumstances that spread the extremely contagious virus among NBA players and staff on and off the court. The 2010 outbreak is the...