
  1. D

    PC Studio, Samsung Impression Problems.?

    Im trying to add music to the media manager and after it starts importing the music after a minute it says the program has stopped working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. D

    PC Studio, Samsung Impression Problems.?

    Im trying to add music to the media manager and after it starts importing the music after a minute it says the program has stopped working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. C

    Where do I go to View my added pictures on my Samsung Impression?

    I Added some pictures to my Samsung Impression with the PC studio. but when I go to Menu > my stuff > Pictures they are not there, so is there just something I'm missing with the PC studio or am I just going to the wrong spot on my phone? My Music as well :( Thank you in Advance 8D
  4. R

    samsung impression???

    i've looked at the samsung impression and love it. so, i read some of the customer reviews. i noticed a common complaint/problem was that text messages were very often either not sent or not received. to anyone who has personally used this phone, is this a problem you have experienced, or...
  5. K

    Whats with my Samsung Impression?

    I had my phone in my pants pocket when I went to take a shower, and i guess it fell out and it got all misty (like the mirror would) and the sideways touch screen has been really dumb (sometimes sensing and sometimes not) i tried calibrating it, but it didnt really help. Is so is it just my...
  6. B

    i have samsung impression how could i make my musics that i downloaded on...

    ...limewire to set it as ringtone? but it says its too long..
  7. A

    Samsung Impression Multiple issues HELP HELP HELP !?

    Someone left me a voice mail and i need a password to access it , but i never even put a password to begin with , and im a little OCD ish so i dont like to see the little tape icon at the top HELP ME GET RID OF IT !
  8. R

    How do you get the pictures off the Samsung Impression to your computer?

    I have the Samsung Impression from At&t and I have taken about 250 pictures and I can't take anymore because that's all the phone holds. I can either delete the pictures, which I really do not want to do, or... I found out that I had to download the CD that came with the phone, so I did, and I...
  9. C

    anyone with an samsung impression phone will you please help?

    the other day i got a text and just left it open with it on my lap and i went to go reply and the font was very small. how can i change the font on my inbox messages? it only changed the text message font everything else is still the same.
  10. M

    how to get ringtones on the samsung impression?

    can you help me plz. i help 2 problems though that are blocking my situation. 1. i dont have text messaging 2. i dont have the cd for the pc studio and when i try to download it is says my computer is 2 new to have it. ????? i know right
  11. A

    How is the Samsung impression?

    Currently I have the htc tilt, the first one. It stopped reading my sim card so now I have to get a new phone. I've had the tilt since 2008, before the required smartphone data plan for at&t. I would love to get the tilt 2 but I don't want to pay the extra 30 bucks a month so I'm stuck with...
  12. M

    How do you change the text alert tone on a Samsung Impression?

    I've had this phone for a while and I still can't seem to figure out how I can change the tone it plays when somebody texts me. It plays this little annoying chime that I hate. I've already tried going into settings, tools, and my stuff but nothing works. Ive gone to tones but when I want to set...
  13. D

    Is there a Subject Line for text on the Samsung Impression?

    Hello, I have the Samsung Impression. I usually use Tumblr and Twitter/Twitpic through text. For Tumblr and Twitpic, I need to use a Subject line. Is there any settings on the Impression that lets your text have a subject line?
  14. R

    question about the samsung impression?

    when it comes to texting does it split up in groups,like lets say i text Jim,it keep all those messages under Jim instead of clumping all the messages together
  15. R

    question about the samsung impression?

    when it comes to texting does it split up in groups,like lets say i text Jim,it keep all those messages under Jim instead of clumping all the messages together
  16. B

    I get the distinct impression he's losing interest in me, what do you think?

    I started seeing a lovely guy around 3 weeks ago. We both hit it off and have got on so well ever since. Every time I see him he says he adores me and that he is "falling" for me. However I've noticed past week the contact is somewhat deteriorating. He is busy at work I know that, but surely...
  17. A

    Samsung Impression question?

    For the Samsung Impression, can I make one of my songs a ringtone?
  18. A

    Samsung Impression question?

    For the Samsung Impression, can I make one of my songs a ringtone?
  19. V

    Samsung Impression vs. LG Xenon...?

    Which one should I get? Impression or Xenon? What are the pros are he pros and cons? Also does the samsung impression have a texting conversation feature like the xenon does? (the one that looks like IMs)
  20. M

    How do you block phone numbers on the Samsung Impression from AT&T?

    It actually has the same OS as the Solstice, Mythic, and all new Samsung phones. So on any of them, how would I block a phone number?