
  1. I

    I Want To Be An Author, Any Inspiration?

    i have always loved reading, and i want to become an author when i grow up, im only 13 and i don't think im good enough, but i really love writing, and have a passion for it, and i know for sure that's what i want to be. i really love fantasy, and i look up to J.K Rowling. i know when people...
  2. J

    did sony make a mistake with playstation move and its homo-erotica inspiration?

    the playstation move is gay as hell and i'm disappointed. i don't feel like i would be an intimidating bad-ass playing any boxing games or shooting games with a glowing baby blue or hot pink orb at the end of some shaft in my hands. am i just being a whiner?
  3. J

    B&A: Should you ever push your ideas or inspiration?

    I've recently been struck with a tremendous idea. It's not exactly the sort of idea that describes your story to you; on the contrary, it's the sort of idea that tells you what you want your story to be. I've been hung up on this idea for a few days now, stringing possibilities along, trying...
  4. H

    Where do you guys get fashion inspiration from?

    Just wondering where you guys get it! I read a lot of blogs & love certain peoples ways of dressing, Alexa Chung, Emmanuelle Alt, Clemence Poesy, Edie Sedgwick, the cast of Gossip Girl (but more the beginning seasons, not so much anymore!), certain movie looks-Breakfast at Tiffany's is my...
  5. K

    Is divine inspiration the joke of the ages?

    If anything reeks of fraudulent wool-pulling in the religious community then it is certainly this concept of divine inspiration. How gullible can one be? "I was chosen by God to reveal His perfect, Holy and righteous truth. God is the omnipotent and omniscient creator of all, but he needs...
  6. F

    any inspiration and motivation video and music?

    for example football before the whistle start need some music or video to play well.thank you
  7. F

    any inspiration and motivation video and music?

    for example football before the whistle start need some music or video to play well.thank you
  8. T

    Looking for inspiration and new wisdom in books.Needed urgently.Care to share?

    Please share with me some of the books and authors that inspire you,that move you,that give you perspective. I've been struggling to find books to distract and to encourage a person with depression. Any good read is a distraction but I've been aiming at offering books with a little more than a...
  9. K

    Anyone going on the Carnival Cruise on the Inspiration leaving on July 22?

    (teens preferably) if not, if you have ever been on this boat can you tell me more information about it, what to expect, etc. i've been on a cruise with carnival before, but not with this boat. anything you disliked about it, you liked, etc?
  10. J

    Fashion inspiration for a final collection.?

    I am a fashion student and we have to think of a final collection inspiration idea. i want to design vintage festival style garments like turned up tailored trouers etc but cant think of an inspiration idea, and help? thankssss
  11. T

    Will Jews get in Ford cars? Hitler said Henry Ford was his inspiration &

    had a 6ft photo of Ford in his office? Adolf Hitler kept a life-size portrait of Ford next to his desk. "I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration," Hitler told a Detroit News reporter two years before becoming the Chancellor of Germany in 1933. In July 1938, four months after the German annexation...
  12. T

    I'm loosing touch with my story... how do I regain inspiration and the urge... write more? I still really LOVE my plot, characters, storyline etc... I just havefallen of the wagon a bit and can't get into the swing of writing... Any suggestions?
  13. S

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy seminar title inspiration help please!?

    I'm writing a 30 page seminar paper on the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is dealing with different views on the Meaning of Life in the book. Things such as wealth, fame, happiness, religion, love, etc. The problem is that I cannot seem to come up for a good title for this...
  14. W

    survey is this gadget cool or an inspiration for getting a 6 pack.......?
  15. P

    Authors: inspiration versus method?

    If you force yourself to write at a given time/place/circunstances, even if you dont feel in the mood, the will the result be satisfactory? For example, Anthony Trollope (the prolific Victorian novelist who wrote more than 70 books) said he wrote 7 pages a day, no matter the circunstances...
  16. K

    Do you need to have an inspiration (gf/bf) to be able to save for future?

    whats ur own opinion
  17. A

    Does anyone ever just get spurts of inspiration?

    Every once in a while I get spurts of inspiration. Like a paragraph for two that flow beautifully, then I try to elaborate on them and the ideas just disappear. Here's an example of one that I had while I was in London: " Our last night in the city we sat on the steps of the fountain in...
  18. M

    What are some examples of major family secrets? (I need inspiration for my story)?

    Well, for example... a family running away from drug lords... the mother killing the father... stuff like that, that is big and possibly dangerous. thanks. also, i wont 'steal' the ideas, I just need inspiration to create my own.
  19. S

    My inspiration isn't comming?

    I'm trying to write a long story, but my inspiration keeps coming and going. This is the fifth long story I've tried to write so far, and I'm hoping it'll be the first I'll be able to finish. It was originally written as a short story by a friend of mine and I got his permission to rewrite it...
  20. M

    I need some inspiration...?

    I'm writing about a fictional character's journey to self-discover, but I don't have any good ideas as for what the story should be about.