
  1. A

    Wigan?s Leon Barnett scores late equalizer, celebrates with intense shirt rip

    Wigan defender Leon Barnett scored a 90th-minute equalizer to complete a second-half comeback from 2-0 down against Doncaster. Barnett, who has now scored twice in three games this season to bring his career total to 10, celebrated his timely contribution by channeling Hulk Hogan and tearing...
  2. R

    which android smartphones should i consider buying for highly intense email

    usage like in blackberry ? what kind of specifications should i have in mind while buying the android handset ?
  3. G

    Exercise for patients with major depression — What kind, how intense, how often?

    Exercise has been shown to be an effective treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), both when used alone and in combination with other treatments. There’s now sufficient research data to provide specific guidance on how to prescribe exercise for depressed patients, according to a report in...
  4. A

    Could my birth chart explain why I have an intense fear of overseas travel?

    I can't explain it, I fear planes and new places and crowds and fear travelling overseas. Yet I feel it is in my future which I dread. I fear looking at new and distant places and fear when my loved ones travel. I panic. I have travelled overseas when I was younger and enjoyed it. I can't work...
  5. K

    Very intense dream, what could this mean?

    Lately I've been having some really crazy dreams. The other night I had a dream I heard my ex boyfriend talking to me. In which I haven't heard his voice in 2 years, so it was very nice to hear it. I woke up from a dead sleep due to his voice to see that I was sitting alone in my room. Last...
  6. T

    Exploring The Effects Of Intense Music Training On Cognitive Development

    The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association, the USC Brain and Creativity Institute and Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) are delighted to announce a longitudinal research collaboration to investigate the emotional, social and cognitive effects of musical training on childhood brain development. The...
  7. A

    Morning Links: How To Have A More Intense Cardio Workout

    • How workouts banish worries. (Well + Good) • Facts about asparagus. (Organic Authority) • The best makeup choices for your face. (YouBeauty) • Chocolate vs. Sex. Which would you chose? (HuffPost Women) • Ways to make kids eat right. (The Stir) • Ways to survive the spring holiday season...
  8. S

    An Intense Romance Anime ?

    I really like anime's that are romance like vampire knight, reaally intense and it gives me the crazy buttreflies in stomach feeling. Vampire Knight was just so awwesome it really made my heart jump crazily I also liked kaichou wa maid sama Nodame Cantabile was cute too School days was great...
  9. C

    How to stop the arguing between my brothers and my mother? Its getting to intense?

    I have two younger brothers and nobody can ever have a normal conversation with them. One is 22 and the other 17. They are always arguing with our mom and talking crap about everyone else. They are horrible people. Both smoke and sell weed, never had a job, or graduated from high school, gang...
  10. H

    Are stereos allowed in intense care units? (one-room)?

    My friend is staying at a children's hospital and I was wondering if it'd be okay to give him a stereo to listen to in his icu.
  11. K

    Intense stomach pain from dairy.?

    I'm lactose intolerant and I ate a burger that had a lot of cheese in it. I am up at 1 in the morning with stomach pains(gas I think) so bad that I can't even go to the bathroom.I took 2 Lactaids thinking it would help. How long does it take the Lactaid to work? I'm 15 and I have school tomorrow...
  12. J

    Intense ab workout with dumb bells?

    I have 10lbs. dumbbells. Does anyone have a work out plan with just dumb ells and body weight?
  13. M

    How does Arthur Miller make act 3 dramatically intense?

    I'm currently studying The Crucible by Arthur Miller. I need to hand in a essay on it by tomorrow. Whilst my class were studying The Crucible, I was in hospital recovering from a knee operation but I didnt get any sympathy by my teacher. She straight out told me that she wasnt allowed to give...
  14. T

    Crazy, Insane, Wacky, Intense, yet sophisticated teen hair style?

    I wanna change my hair style and colour. The length is about down to my arm pits with few grown out layers right now and side bangs that desperatly need to be trimmed or something. I want to keep the length, but i want something diffferent. My hair is currently a vlack blonde, but has faded to a...
  15. T

    Crazy, Insane, Wacky, Intense, yet sophisticated teen hair style?

    I wanna change my hair style and colour. The length is about down to my arm pits with few grown out layers right now and side bangs that desperatly need to be trimmed or something. I want to keep the length, but i want something diffferent. My hair is currently a vlack blonde, but has faded to a...
  16. J

    Do you get smoked (intense PT) before the physical fitness test in RASP?

    If you do get smoked, do you do some of the same exercises as the physical test has? Ex. push ups, sit ups, chin ups,
  17. J

    Do you get smoked (intense PT) before the physical fitness test in RASP?

    If you do get smoked, do you do some of the same exercises as the physical test has? Ex. push ups, sit ups, chin ups,
  18. M

    Don't artists who think they sound intense by whining like babies about

    their problems make the worst music...? EVER? Artists that whine about teen angst make brokeNCYDE sound like legends!
  19. T

    For the past 2 months, I have been experiencing intense nightmares/dark...

    ...Dreams(details given)? It has been progressively getting worse and for the last two months my dreams have been growing darker than usual. I'm used to having maybe 3 intense dreams a month. Lately, it has been about 4 times a week. Several times my family had to shake me awake because I was...
  20. T

    What do you think of teens14-16 reading book with intense sex scenes?

    just wondering whats your opinion I mean muture teens