
  1. W

    How is this joke about the world's greatest invention?

    In a press conference, a scientist claims that he has invented the world's greatest invention. A torch light that doesn't operates on batteries. "So how does it work?", the press was eager to know. "Do you really want to know?" the scientist asked. "Yes, yes! this will be the headline news...
  2. J

    a math link to alexander grham bell's invention of the telephone!!?

    What were the positives? neggatives? Life and backround info? The impact on soceity? this is due tomarow!! please help!! :)
  3. T

    New Invention Regulates Nerve Cells Electronically

    A major step toward being able to regulate nerve cells externally with the help of electronics has been taken by researchers at Linköping University and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The breakthrough is based on an ion transistor of plastic that can transport ions and charged biomolecules...
  4. J

    The invention of jokes, who was it?

    I never really thought about it before but I want to know now. Who invented jokes?
  5. H

    The Invention of Lying (2009)

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 805.07 MB Files: 62 (9 pars) Group: a.b.movies .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 1058017 Posted: Tue March 23rd 12:42:49 UTC Download NZB
  6. G

    Great Moments in Human Evolution: The Invention of Chipped Stone Tools

    Or not. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  7. G

    Great Moments in Human Evolution: The Invention of Chipped Stone Tools

    Or not. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  8. J

    What's a good invention.?

    For speech class i have to make a 60 second commercial advertising a product. I can make this product up or use an already made product and change the name. I don't know what to do... list some good products to sell.
  9. D

    What new invention would you create with an already existing technology?

    What new invention would you create with an already existing technology? For example, some new technologies have been already invented such as sunglasses with a build-in mp3 player. What other new invention can be created like this?
  10. J

    What was Alexander Graham Bell's Most unknown invention?

    While working late one night in his lab, Alexander Graham Bell made a discovery of utmost importance. Our culture would not be the same had Mr. Bell not had the perseverance and dedication to his craft, which is really sad since so few people know he was the man responsible for such a...
  11. S

    what impact did Alexader Bell's invention of the telephone have on U.S.A.?

    and on daily life?
  12. F

    Is the internet a Satanic invention?

    I visited this church last Sunday with a family member, for the first time that I have been in a while. The pastor was giving a sermon saying something like the internet is a Satanic invention and was advising his members to stay away from it because it is sinful and will lead you to Hell. To be...
  13. G

    Japanese Invention: What is the name for this handheld illuminating...

    ...button devicethat can layer digital sound? Saw it once on Youtube but forgot to 'favorite' it and now I can't seem to find it anywhere. It would help if I knew what it is called. All I can remember is that the portable device was a digital instrument that you control by pressing buttons...
  14. R

    Invention Paper: Internet?

    How should i write a 5-7 page paper on the Internet, where can i find sources? i can only use one online website, and no wikipedia!!!! argggg ive already done most of my research from Britannica, it is really boring, how can i make this paper more interesting? i am writing about the History...
  15. R

    How should I write my paper on the Invention of the Internet?

    Its in a 8th grade writing class. I dont know if i should write it from the history perspective, or how we use it today, how it was made, etc. The assignment is very open-ended...Im quite bored with this topic, i need some help for it to be 5-7 pages long! Any sugestions?
  16. D

    4 Wheel drive shopping trolleys, most stupid invention ever!?

    I have recently moved to Australia from NZ. Back home only the front two wheels change direction so its not really a hassle to push one (unless its full). However after going to the supermarket here, i've ended up with trolleys that go in all directions including sideways quite frequently, they...
  17. D

    What new invention would you create with an already existing technology?

    What new invention would you create with an already existing technology? For example, some new technologies have been already invented such as sunglasses with a build-in mp3 player. What other new invention can be created like this?
  18. S

    How has technology and the future changed since the invention of

    Obesity went up about 6%. Thanks alot flat screens!!!
  19. M

    worst battery powered invention?

    hey! i want to know what you guys think is the worst battery powered invention! please help thanks!!