
  1. J

    National Museum of Iran!!

    I am tourist and I like to travel around the world. Before couple of month I visit in Iran with my brother for business work. We go to National Museum. It is the combination of two museums, the old Muze-ye Iran-e Bastan, and the modernistic white travertine National Arts Museum, inaugurated in...
  2. T

    How can I convince my friend NOT to go to Iran?

    I have an Iranian friend and we've been friends for about 4 months. She just told me that during the summer, she's going to visit Iran and I kept trying to tell her it's not safe, but she wouldn't listen and I have proof that it's not safe: Please help...
  3. R

    Why would U.S. allow clerical regime to despot Shah of Iran?

    It was clear as day Shah of Iran was one of the most powerful allies of U.S., and the country he was ruling was one of the most rewarding (oil production specifically). The question remains, why would U.S. allow such fundamental change Iran's system of governance, lose all those economical...
  4. G

    Iran's New Uranium Production Facility: Because the Rest of the World Wasn't Pissed O

    Taking a page from the North Korean Handbook for Successful International Diplomacy, Iran has recently announced that it is inaugurating a new addition to its Ardakan Yellowcake Production Plant. The facility will handle the processing of the 60 some-odd tons of uranium excavated from the nearby...
  5. M

    Im traveling to iran do i need a converter?

    im planning to take my iphone 3GS with me i live in the united states and will probably use my phone there what type of converter/volts would i need for Iran. i have the standart wall charger and usb cable for the iphone. thanks for your help.
  6. M

    Can I use Verizon iPhone 5 in Iran?

    Hi all, Someone wants to send me a Verizon iPhone 5 from U.S.A and I don't know if I can use it in Iran or no!!!! If no which iPhone 5 can be used in Iran? PLS HELP ME! I mean because someone said me Verizon is CDMA and i'm using Irancell wich is GSM! is there anyone who tested Verizon iPhone 5...
  7. A

    Universities In Iran Make Sexist Decision, Ban Men From Nursing And Women From Engine

    In Iran, 36 universities have banned 77 courses of study to women, including literature, archaeology and engineering. And not only that, the National Nursing Association of Iran has banned male nurses. Apparently women aren't fit to become engineers or writers...but they're the only people...
  8. S

    Sanction on Iran, how much it will continue?

    what do you think about the future of Sanction on Iran, is it practical or it will help Mullahs to make themselves much more powerful and wealthy and make innocent people much more dependent on Mullahs.
  9. M

    When were the Sara and Dara dolls introduced in Iran?

    Also if anyone could post any links about their "stories" or history it would be great. I am writing a research paper on barbie being banned and I am having no luck learning about the barbie replacements. Thanks!
  10. N

    Is it possible to DHL a leather coat from Iran to Toronto as a gift?

    I want to send a birthday gift to my husband and surprise him, I need to know will he receive it for sure or not!
  11. N

    POLL/SURVEY: Do you think America will go to war against Iran pretty soon?

    I sure hope not!
  12. A

    Why does society hate people who don't support Iran?

    Has following Iran become a style statement? That seems to be the case. It's funny how Iran tries to foist its religious-political structure on the world in the name of globalization, yet it's all protective of its own values.
  13. B

    will 0bama new sanctions on iran be enough to deter them or will they order there

    iphone threw 3rd party? 0bama is going all out this time, while the black market for apple products sore in america and most items are exported and sold out of country at windfall profits. the next stop to deter irans nuclear program may force president 0bama into using harsh language,
  14. A

    Dose anybody know what kind of cell phone can be used in Iran when ur traveling

    from USA? ill be visting iran next month, & i was trying 2 buy a cell phone as a gift 4 my uncle. im not sure what kind of phone will work in Iran?
  15. C

    Might a salvo of cruise missiles target those responsible in Iran ?

    Wouldn't it be lèse majesté, to arrest an Australian resident and film-maker ? Lese-majesty /?li:z 'mæd??sti/[1] (French: lèse majesté [l?z ma??ste]; Law French, from the Latin laesa maiestas, "injured majesty"; in English, also lese majesty or leze majesty) is the crime of violating majesty...
  16. E

    Who wants to hike with me into Iran. I'll...?

    pay for the gummy bears.
  17. P

    WTF were people hiking on the border of Iran for?

    ........Would you decide to wake up in the morning and tell your buds ,"Hey, let`s go to Iran to hike and possibly be hostages??"
  18. G

    Star Diplomacy: Sean Penn Aids in the Release of Two American Captives in Iran

    Oscar winner Sean Penn*assumed the role of real life hero Friday, aiding in the release of two American hikers who had been held captive in Iran since July 2009. Boy, this is going to drive...
  19. R

    Why do we let the president of Iran come to the UN every year just so he can rant...

    ...about how much he hates jews? He denies that the Holocaust happened. He wants Israel wiped off the map. He has innocent people detained, murdered and tortured. Why do we let this jerk come to the UN every year as if he is some type of legitimate leader?
  20. hamidreza

    Trend of sanction imposed to Iran?

    suspension of some shipping line services to main ports of Iran