
  1. G

    Why is my period so irregular, and what do I do if it comes when I'm on vacation?

    Hi. I'm 13 years old and I got my first period in may of 2012. May 5, to be exact. Then I got it again around June 25th (I remember because I had softball tournaments which sucked while I was on my period). Then I got one July 14, and my 13th birthday was on the 21st. Then after that, I didn't...
  2. A

    6 Reasons Why Your Period Might Be Irregular

    Contrary to what you may be inclined to believe by the period-shaming media, your monthly flow is not*embarrassing, not blue, not consistant, and often, not monthly at all. In fact, for most women, at some point in their lives, unusual menstruation*is the norm--and that perfect, 28-day cycle is...
  3. B

    My period is irregular. It ended feb 1st ad i had unprotected sex feb 2nd. Can...

    ...i be pregnant? I had a "period" last month that lasted like 4 and a half days. but i have been feeling really bloated lately with weird sleep patterns and peeing a lot. But i am not suppose to get my next period for exactly 2 weeks. I dont know what to think of this. Please help!! LOL ... I...
  4. S

    implanon irregular periods and intercourse???? :(?

    okay so ive been on the implant implanon for a year, the first 6 months i experienced a non stop dark brown period. it stopped and i haven't had one since, until a little over a week ago, it was random and came for 5 days than stopped, than came back than stopped and now its back. i'm worried...
  5. S

    Can an irregular period cause fainting?

    I fainted the other day for about 2-3 minutes and i was just wondering if an irregular or late period could have caused it? I'm 13 and i used to be on the pill for my skin but i stopped about 2 months ago. I haven't gotten my period since i stopped, so could this have caused me to faint and are...
  6. N

    Irregular Periods...?

    My periods have always been quite irregular but always last about 5 days, recently they've gotten worse,I had one on the 21st last month, and then this month I had it on the 12th, and now I'm on again on the 27th. Is it normal to have that many? Any ideas why I could be having so many..? I'm a...
  7. T

    Irregular Medication Use Puts Seniors At Risk For Falling

    Older adults increase their chances of falling by not taking their medications as directed, according to an article in the latest edition of the Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological and Medical Sciences (Volume 65A, Number 5). This new information comes from a recent study of Boston-area...
  8. R

    I'm irregular ha vent gotten my period for two months now can i still get pregnant?

    I have being feeling very tired,and sleepy and i have a lot of cramping i also feel very bloated,occasional i feel nauseated i did a home pregnancy but it was negative.
  9. H

    Can you tell me if I suffer from insomnia or an irregular sleep pattern?

    I have this habit of staying up until 12-2am, which is not good since I'm a scholar. The next day, I wake up at about 12-1 pm. I always figured I had an irregular sleep pattern and all I have to do is try to regulate it, but now I'm starting to think its something slightly more serious. During...
  10. J

    Irregular bleeding after intercourse?!?

    This is so embarrassing, but I am gettting worired so I am going to have to just ask. I am bleeding after intercourse, mainly when I have an orgasm there are times when I do not acheive the orgasm and I do not bleed. And also, sometimes if I just use clit stimulation to get off, I bleed also...
  11. K

    Irregular period schedule help?

    Ok, so I started my first period in 6th grade, and I'm now in 10th grade. At first I wasn't on a regular monthly schedule, which was normal, because I knew it took a while. But I'm now in 10th grade, and i still don't have a normal schedule. My last period was in..December? And it's March now...
  12. A

    Why are periods sometimes irregular?

    What causes this? My last periods were jan 21, dec 21, nov 19, oct 24 and I feel mine coming on, it will most likely start tomorrow.. I've been off the pill since november. Does this have anything to do with it? I've also been TTC for the last few months.. so this is really bugging me because I...
  13. P

    pulse 110 beats per minute irregular?

    80 year old patient pulse 110 beats per minute irregular Can I give Digoxin? Patient tells me that he feels like he is getting the flu. What might be the problem and what should I do?
  14. K

    Question regarding irregular periods.?

    I'm 16 and I get my periods once every six months and they are usually super light and only last a few days. I started menstruating when I was 12 and it's been like this since. I'm 5' 2" and I weigh 112 lbs. I'm not that tiny so I don't know what's wrong with me. Am I infertile or something...
  15. S

    Irregular Menstrual Cycle?

    I'm very worried. I'm only 19 and I have normal periods. Always on time and they are always about 6 to 7 days long... Just last week I finished this month's week of doom only to start another one! What happened? I'm not on birth control so that can't be it. Its like an extra period this month...
  16. L

    Would like to hear from women about their irregular periods during pre menopause.?

    I am 52 and will be 53 in June. I believe I am finally going thru pre menopause and the only symptom I am having is irregular periods. I feel fine otherwise, no hot flashes,etc. My most recent period lasted for almost 2 weeks, pretty much just spotting, nothing heavy. I haven't seen my...
  17. M

    I am looking for a computer software that can draw irregular shapes if you...

    ...enter in certain plot points? I'm not sure if it is some kind of architecture software or what. But I am looking for a program that can draw a free form shape from measurements that I enter. Much like a real life dot to dot. It is to help measure and plot free form swimming pools. Any kind of...
  18. M

    21 yr old with irregular period..?

    Ok i haven't had my period since October 19th so i haven't had 4 periods... I'm not pregnant i've taken plenty of home tests and have been to the Doctor but that was 2 months ago and thought well it will come back again so i have a yearly check up on the 17th. This happened last year but i...
  19. C

    Irregular Period Help!?

    I have had my period for 2 and a bit years since i was 13 now im 16 . And they are really irregular. I am not sexually active. I got my last period on November the 18th 2008 and i haven't had one since. I told my mum about it and she said it was probably cause my period is irregular. So 2 days...
  20. T

    How can i fix my irregular periods?

    I am 17, had my first period at 13 and so i've had irregular periods for 2 years now and within these last 2 years, i probably got my period about 6 times max, i get it at random times like in 3,4 or even 5 months, it's very irregular, havent talked to my doctor about it because he' doesnt take...