
  1. A

    Woman Dislocates Jaw Eating A Giant Hamburger

    If I told you that a Liverpudlian woman had her jaw dislocated at a restaurant, you'd assume it was assault or a bar fight or something, right? You'd be wrong. Because a Liverpudlian woman had her jaw dislocated by a sandwich. More » Woman Dislocates Jaw Eating A Giant Hamburger is a post from...
  2. H

    Acne along jaw line and on the INSIDE of my lip. Cyst-like boils, inflames...

    ...if bothered- WISDOM TEETH relation? My wisdom teeth have ben causing some pain, and i have bad acne along my jaw line and now on the inside of my lip. Its not normal acne, its big, deep and cyst--like. When its bothered it puffs up and gets worse. Could this be caused from a wisdom tooth...
  3. A

    Canadian teen suffers broken jaw after disturbing swing from foe, but was it intentio

    In Canada, a 17-year-old juniors hockey player suffered one of the most painful looking injuries in recent memory, leaving him with a broken jaw that required surgery and will sideline him for as many as six weeks. Now the question is when the 19-year-old who inflicted the injury upon him will...
  4. A

    When I smile my jaw widens, but my cheek bone also moves?

    Whenever I smile, of course my jaw moves. And when my jaw moves, I can feel my cheek bone moves as well? So it's like whenever I smile, the whole two sides of my face moves. I don't see this in other people. When they smile, it's only the bottom half of their face moves. Are our jaws connected...
  5. J

    Is it normal for a woman to get lock jaw during sex?

    The girl I'm with keeps getting lock jaw during sex. Usually I will romance her until she cums, and then pound her for a long time. It's common for her legs to shake, but recently she has been getting lock jaw? Has this ever happend to you?
  6. R

    What do I do if my jaw is stiff?

    I'm 29wks pregnant, and I've been sick with the cold for about a week now. I woke up early in the morning with a very sore and stiff jaw. I can't sleep and the pain just feels like it's going through my entire head. Should I be concerned? I went to the doctor for my cold already, but they told...
  7. D

    Will my jaw problem give me a bad "chin" in combat sports, (boxing,mma)?

    i fractured my jaw 4-5 years ago and didn't know, i thought it was just bruised or swollen. My jaw healed out of place. I have TMJD. And when I run, workout and do other activities I can hear the pieces in my jaw rattle by my ear. My jaw is also very loose. I want to do amateur boxing or go...
  8. J

    Jon Jones Jaw- lets discuss it?

    what if this guy cant take a decent punch to the chin region? How can people say hes unbeatable when hes never taken a hit? We could have a glass jaw on our hands people
  9. S

    Extreme tooth pain has traveled to upper & lower jaw?

    I have had a slew of dental issues but I have never been in so much pain in my life. I've had a toothache for about a month now. I had to wait until my dental insurance began in Feb so I started taking a heavy dose of Tylenol, Advil, and Naproxen. I had a dental appt. that got cancelled due...
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    my jaw is weak, should i try mma?

    When i was little, my jaw would constantly pop. As a result, my jaw feels weakened and i can dislocate it at will. Ive been wanting to try MMA when i go off to college, but my main concern is getting hit in the chin/jaw. Because i hear that lots of people aim for there since it is an ideal...
  11. S

    Can anyone tell me why this morning after I had breakfast the left side of my jaw

    went numb and swelled a bit.? It went down so it's almost back to normal after a few hours but I'm wondering what could have caused this.
  12. A

    what does the acronymn JAW mean with regards to travel?

    I have just booked a national express ticket and my return destination is different from my origanal starting destination. The agent said that this was what is called a JAW ticket. Does anyone know what JAW stands for as I have tried looking on the internet but can't seem to find the answer...
  13. S

    9 year old getting expanded jaw?

    Took my 9 year old to the orthondist today. They want to do an expander in the top to expand his jaw. To my understanding their going to attach the expander to his baby teeth on top so what happens when the baby teeth fall out will the expander also fall out? And then will they be able to put...
  14. E

    I have a lump at the top of my throat where my neck meets my jaw, at the top of

    my adam's apple? What could this be? It hurts a lot, hurts to swallow and sometimes to talk. Please help! Just thought I should add that it is very hard, it feels like a bone.
  15. J

    My jaw pops when I chew..?

    It pops when I chew gum or eat. And sometimes I get this sharp pain on the left side of my jaw if I touch my tongue to my teeth on that side. Idk what it is?
  16. B

    It is rumored that a strong jaw line is indicative of a strong sex drive. Thoughts?

    I think it comes from the idea that a stronger jawline, and any other kinds of more masculine features, are due to higher testosterone levels in the body. And testosterone increases sex drive.
  17. S

    why does my jaw hurt????

    yesterday, the left side of my mara brace fell out fom the top. then i went to sleep. when i woke up this morning, i opened my mouth and my jaw hurt on the side tht the brace came out from. i dont know what to do so i need u guys to help me. thnx-shenice
  18. H

    A pain that traveled from my left nostril to my lower left jaw?

    I had a pain in my left nostril that when touched increased. The pain has since moved to my lower left jaw. When I touch a certain area on the outside of my left jaw, the pain increases there as well. It is a small chronic pain that scares me. Does anyone have a clue as to what it might be...
  19. J

    Ringing in ear when sort of moving my bottom jaw to the back of my mouth, 13 years...

    ...old, male? Say I moved the bottom part of my jaw to the back of my mouth, I would get this mild ringing in my ears, what do you think it is and what is causing it? Another question: Rarely (when it's quiet), I will get this ringing in my ear that lasts like 5 seconds and goes away. One...
  20. Y

    horse moves jaw side to side with mouth open....?

    after a feed my horse will often 'yawn' and move her jaw side to side. Does anyone know why she might do this?