
  1. S

    Why were Lincoln and JFK assassinated?

    Do you think it was jilted losers who felt slighted by the presidents actions? A conspiracy perpetrated by the global banking authority, executed by the CIA (or equivalent organization at the time of lincoln)? Just cooky nut jobs who got lucky and killed the commander and chief. Or your...
  2. A

    JFK Inauguration Speech help?

    when jfk says "For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago." What does solemn oath is he referring to?
  3. G

    Missing Dexter Actress Mabel Pantaleon Found at JFK Airport

    Mabel Pantaleon is safe and sound.After she was reporting missing on Sunday, the 31-year-old actress whose credits include bit roles on Dexter and Mystery ER and who suffers from...
  4. J

    Why do people Joke about JFK?

    Just curious,I might be missing something but why do people make jokes about his assassination and family? I may be wrong but wasn't he like one of the United States best presidents? It doesn't make sense to make fun of something like that since he has helped people so much. Or at least that's...
  5. Z

    JFK to Penn Station New York?

    What is the cheapest and easiest way to get from JFK to Penn Station in New York. My hotel (Amsterdam) is few blocks away at 226 West 50th Street (between 7th and 8th St). Thank you very much
  6. K

    New york Taxi from JFK to Manhattan.?

    I've read on the internet that there is a set price for a yellow cab from JFK into Manhattan. it was $45 plus $5.50 Toll plus tips. Is this correct?
  7. S

    at JFK airport are there payphones or cellphone in the immigration hold area?

    When I landed the last time at OHare Intnl, I had to wait a full hour for immigration check, and had no way to contact my friend outside, since there were no pay phones and cell phones were not allowed. Is this the same situation at JFK? How can I inform someone waiting outside that I have arrived?
  8. L

    Need help with directions from JFK to....?

    Hi Everyone! I'm spending my birthday in NY this weekend, and if anyone could help me out with directions, it'd be great! I will be arriving @ JFK and by subway, I need to get to ... 226 West 50th Street New York, NY 10019 from the airport, I'm assuming I have to take the AirTrain? to the...
  9. L

    Need help with directions from JFK to....?

    Hi Everyone! I'm spending my birthday in NY this weekend, and if anyone could help me out with directions, it'd be great! I will be arriving @ JFK and by subway, I need to get to ... 226 West 50th Street New York, NY 10019 from the airport, I'm assuming I have to take the AirTrain? to the...
  10. C

    Who Killed JFK??????????

    the killer was one of them ? Dragovich,Stainer Krevchenko, Manson ?
  11. M

    IN COD: Black Ops, I heard a rumor that you can play JFK in zombies?

    If anyone has information on anything of this nature, I already know about getting out of the chair ans stuff. I heard somehow you can play JFK in zombies or something like that. So anyone have any info?
  12. K

    cab from jfk to coney island?

    I am flying in to JFK and last minute noone can pick me up, so i was wondering where do i get a cab there and how much it'll cost me? thank you
  13. K

    cab from jfk to coney island?

    I am flying in to JFK and last minute noone can pick me up, so i was wondering where do i get a cab there and how much it'll cost me? thank you
  14. B

    Poll<I> Did, JFK, Jr; have the right stuff to be?

    President, like his father John Kennedy?
  15. D

    What does Obama, JFK, and Lincoln have in common?

    I keep reading where people are comparing Obama to these two past presidents. What do these three men have in common? Thank you for your time. Dave
  16. C

    Is there an internet cafe on JFK airport?

    My husband left this morning from Europe to US. Due to the snowstorm,flights have been cancelled.He only has a laptop with him with no wifi card , i am really desperate cause i want to get in touch with him and find out what is going on.Anyone knows if there is an internet cafe on JFK, or are...
  17. E

    Which is more reliable in the JFK assassination, the conspiracy or lone

    gunman theory? I'm doing a paper on the JFK assassination, and I've talked about the lone gunman and conspiracy theories, but I don't really know which one is the most reliable and could prove what really happened on the day of the assassination. Please help! :) Thanks.
  18. C

    Effects of JFK Assassination?

    Im doing a paper on what effects the assassination had on the Cold War. The Cold War was our whole unit. I am really confused. I have no idea what to write. Help would be very much appreciated. Oh, and the more detail... the better!!! PLLLLEAAASE!!! Im very much in need of much detail!
  19. M

    JFK, UFO, OJ Simpson Conspiracy theory?

    Heres my theory John F. Kennedy was an alien that was sent to earth to kill OJ Simpson in a few years because OJ is an alien.UFO's came to earth to set OJ up and try to get him killed to go to hell so that JFK can kill him there. OJ and JFK had to take big roles so that people do not expect...
  20. B

    they compare obama to lincoln, and jfk?

    By they, you mean O-Bots.