
  1. J

    Why does everybody whine about grunge killing metal?

    Grunge didn't kill metal, it just became more famous than the stock standard hair metal. But everyone decides now they'll interpret it in their own little way, "ooh such and such at the NME told me smashing pumpkins are better than extreme and mr big" or, "man I'm so glad nirvana killed...
  2. A

    Your Desk Job Is Killing You Even If You Exercise — But It Doesn’t Have To

    Another new study says that regular exercise is no match for the public health scourge of desk jobs. What are we supposed to take away from this? Actually, maybe something hopeful. More » Your Desk Job Is Killing You Even If You Exercise — But It Doesn’t Have To is a post from Blisstree -...
  3. A

    Texas killing field (movie) question?

    Hi. Does anyone know the song where chloe's playing jump rope in texas killing fields? I mean the song they're singing while they're playing jumping rope. Please tell me? Thank you.
  4. A

    My IUD Is Killing Me With Cramps; Here’s How I’m Coping

    Hey, friends. Remember that IUD I got in a few weeks ago? It's still all up in my uterus--and, because it's that special time in a lady's month when everything goes to hormonal Hell in a handbag, it's making itself known. Don't worry, IUD. I didn't forget about you. You wouldn't let me. Because...
  5. A

    Morning Links: Your Office Job Is Killing Your Kidneys

    • Yet another reason sitting all day is bad for you:*your kidneys. (HuffPost Healthy Living) • How*your period*really affects your running. (YouBeauty) • The other debate: Does yoga have a place in politics? (Intent) • 50 Shades of Kale: It's here. (Well+Good NYC) • The Alzheimer-Diabetes...
  6. A

    Iphone,androi,htc,window 8,this kinds of mobiles are killing Nokia series symbian?

    why i'm saying we are not get new applicatio for our symbian series nokia mobile so,i'm bore now
  7. A

    Sitting Really Is Killing You (And May Be Worse Than Smoking)

    You've probably seen the "Sitting is Killing You" infographic, but maybe you didn't actually believe that a sedentary life was as serious as the images made it appear. But it definitely, definitely is. According to a series of research papers in a special edition of The Lancet, investigating...
  8. J

    How does Shakespeare present Macbeth's feelings of conflict about the killing of

    Duncan? Need some help. Much appreciated for whoever awnsers it.
  9. W

    Why do SUVs keep killing people but the Corvair was "unsafe at any speed"?
  10. D

    This relationship is killing me !!! Need advice please?

    Ive been with my current bf for 19 months nw and we hve had ups and downs mostly down!! He cheated on me but i took hym bk coz he promised on his fathers grave he wud treat me with respect nd i hve done everythyng for hym, we got narried so he could get his PR buh since we hve been married the...
  11. M

    a good guy friend make a joke about killing him self but i feel he was not joking.?

    He told me joking that if he does not finish college he might as well just end him self. I think he was joking but i did have friend of mine a long time a go joke about the same thing and she killed her self. He told me he will never date if he does not have a good job cuz what girl will want...
  12. G

    Spike Lee Apologizes to Florida Couple for Tweet Tying Them to Trayvon Martin Killing

    Spike Lee did the right thing. The director apologized yesterday to David and Elaine McClain, an elderly couple living in Florida, after he inadvertently linked them to Trayvon...
  13. G

    Are Your Morning Vitamins Slowly Killing You? [Health]

    Plenty of people take vitamin supplements every morning, in many cases to make up for a poor diet. But a new study suggests that taking those morning tablets might not be quite as sensible as you think—and might evn increase your risk of death. More »
  14. Y

    Was Dick Cheney not so interested in killing Osama, so that he could fit... the Iraq war while America was....? afraid and/or raging about 911?
  15. A

    I've dreamed of killing my teacher?

    Okay, so in my dream It was an average day in school at the subject of ... (I'll keep the subject secret, but I like this subject I just hate the teacher in real life) In my dream he was discussing something when suddenly he just teased me (He always do this to everyone he tells us bad words and...
  16. H

    Do you think that sometimes killing somebody is justifiable?

    For example, in an issue of self defense... Or if someone did something so horrible to you or someone you loved, the only justice would be hunting the person down and killing them?
  17. G

    Man Accused of Killing Glee Star Charice' Father Gives Himself Up

    Charice Pempengco wanted justice and now it looks like she may get her wish. The man wanted for allegedly murdering the Glee star's father, construction worker Ricky Pempengco, on...
  18. G

    HP May Be Killing Off WebOS [Hp]

    HP's Computer Division has been spared the guillotine but WebOS may not be as lucky. The Guardian is reporting today that HP may soon kill off the OS designed for the short-lived and now-dead TouchPad tablet. Well, that's a $1.2 billion investment down the tubes. More »
  19. G

    What's Really Killing Your iPhone 4S Battery? [IPhone]

    Battery performance on the iPhone 4S isn't quite as good as it was on the iPhone 4. Some chalk it up to the more power hungry dual-core processor, which makes sense. Kind of. More »
  20. S

    Bill O'Reilly's Killing Lincoln?

    I was thinking about buying the book. Is this a good read. Yes or No for those who have read it? What do you mean by a good read? Is it worth reading. Will I enjoy it. I've read many books that were boring and not worth my time.