I dislike my own drawing style and have seen other people's artwork that look how I wished mine looked. At the moment I'm only good at drawing doodle-style cartoons, but I really want to learn how to do manga-style art. There are a ton of different styles in this category, but I want to learn...
I looking into getting a sports bike. I am 6'1 and 250 pounds. I'm not sure what kind of bike to try to get. I have experience riding dirt bikes. But I have never rode on streets. Thank you!
I'm a girl who is super interested in trucks. I have many guy friends who are completely obsessed with diesels and they talk about them all the time. I am often lost in their conversations because I have no clue what they're saying. Is there anyway I can learn about what they're talking about?
im 18 and confused about the laws for getting my license. do i need to get a permit before i go to take my drivers test or can i just learn to drive and go get my license?
I am student of CSE. I have basic idea of programing C but haven't c++. Now i want to learn java programing. anyone can help me to give your experience. How much time take to learn java programming for android apps development. I'm serious to learn java.
Thank U :)
Well i dont believe this, but 1 of my friend has this confusion. Im tryin to teach him how to ride a bike, he doesnt know how to ride a bicycle. He says u have to learn to ride a bicycle before learning to ride a bike/scooter. He doesnt know both. I tried to convince him it isnt true but he isnt...
Hello, well I am 16 years old. I know this is not the prime age to learn but better late than never. The reason I am asking is, I want to learn self defense. The reason I have limited it down to these three is that these are the only ones that are being taught in my area. For some extra...
When I was younger I was taught how to ride a bike, loved it but for some reason I stopped. I am now 14 and I want to learn how to ride a bike again. I miss doing it and it's kinda embarrassing when I tell people I don't know how to ride one.
I am 24.I have always been injury prone ever since i was in school basketball team and college cricket team so i am a bit skeptical about what to begin learning.I will start working soon so it would be a challenge juggling both but i am up for it.Reason i want to learn is the rising...
i was wondering if someone was to come and attack me what course would best teach me to know what to do in a attack situation- like Jujitsu or martial arts or kick boxing ? i think theres more and i don't know what the difference between them are, btw I'm a 17 year old girl. so what art would...
Food fraud. When I hear those words, I picture cartoon oranges with masks on running away from a cartoon bank, like the food has just committed a crime or something. But actual food fraud is a lot less funny than what you'd imagine. More »
What’s Food Fraud? An Infographic To Learn About This...