
  1. J

    how do muay thai or mma fighter train their leg power?

    Well, I am training muay thai , but I just want to ask how does those famous fighter train their legs. I like Jose Aldo and it seems he has a very powerful kick so I want to train my leg so I can have a very powerful leg to knockout another fighter just like Aldo. I normally do some jump ropes (...
  2. D

    Where can one buy the film "Only The Lonely" on DVD without paying an arm and a leg?

    Where can one buy the film "Only The Lonely" on DVD without paying an arm and a leg? Every place I look you can only buy it second hand for inflated prices.
  3. P

    What are some great arm, leg, and thigh exercises?

    Ok I am 13, in the 8th grade, and I am TOO skinny. Like skinnier than normal skinny (like about 90 lb.). I am 5.3" and I play in sports such as basketball and track. My family just insist on telling me i look normal but I know I don't. So since I'm too young to visit my neighborhood gym, and to...
  4. W

    how do you cook a leg of lamb ?

    I am doing a roast dinner for the whole family on sunday, they have asked for roast lamb,I have never cooked leg of lamb before HELP!!!!!!!!
  5. S

    How much do you have to use your left leg while driving a semi truck?

    I love to drive and have been considering a trucking career for a long time. However I have a weak and partially numb left leg from nerve damage. So the question is how much do you use your left leg when driving a semi truck? I have read that floating the gears is an option but I'm sure that's...
  6. B

    Nigella Lawson Duck Leg Recipe?

    Was watching Nigella this morning and she did a recipe where she roasted duck legs with potatoes. Does anyone have the recipe (I think it's in her Kitchen book) as I didn't write it down?
  7. S

    martial arts MMA: how to train older people to do double leg takedown?

    I want to be good at the double leg takedown, but im getting up there (way over 30, i'll leave it at that),,,my legs and knees are not very flexible or even that strong, but i did do karate when i was younger and now do a basic version of bjj (ground only). any exercise/stretching tips to get...
  8. H

    I have a pain where my left leg meets my groin?

    Like whenever I move my left leg, I get a sharp pain. Did, I pull it? I ran 4 miles, and didn't stretch that much before/after.
  9. E

    Poll: If your left leg was christmas and your right leg was new years?

    Would it be alright if i visited you in between the holidays?
  10. K

    Pain below the knee on the right leg on the right. Please help i am only a teenager?

    On my right leg under my knee i have pain on the right side. I was at school when it started hurting i lived with it for 8 hours and now i need help.
  11. T

    Alzheimer's Society Supporter Begins Welsh Leg Of 5,000 Mile Coastline Fundraising Tr

    An intrepid Alzheimer's Society supporter will be hotfooting his way into Wales this week as part of a sponsored 5,000 mile walk around the United Kingdom. Philip Williams, 44, is hoping to raise £100,000 by completing the epic journey around the English, Welsh and Scottish coastlines. He has...
  12. C

    where can I find furry leg warmers in washington dc like raver girls wear...

    ...and the outfits? NO lol like these http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.189393301.jpg dude its not goth its RAVER dance wear like the furry boot covers and the really short shorts or furry skirts
  13. B

    Why do NFL quarterbacks lift up their leg before they hike the ball?

    depens on they play and the players.
  14. I

    Why do football quarterbacks hike up their lead leg before a play?

    I have noticed that very often (if not every play) a quarterback will lift or hike up his leg a bit prior to a play. I'm not sure why this is so. To better set the leg for the throw? As part of calling the play? I'd appreciate it if anyone has any insight on this for me.
  15. R

    being a con on here today is like hanging my leg over the side of a boat...

    ...in a swamp loaded with alligators? it's getting ugly in here lol
  16. T

    what does stowed up on the right leg mean in a horse?

    I was looking at getting a retired team roping/reining horse as a rescue and babsitter for my young kids. He's super sweet and gentle and you can ride him but he tends to stutter or stall when you turn him right. He doesn't act like it is painful. He's 18 years old. The owner tells me he is...
  17. A

    Left leg feels funny after sex?

    My leg was in a weird position when I was doing it with my boyfriend, the next couple days felt really numb from the knee down, like it was asleep, now it's started to hurt in the joint, is it popped out of place or something?
  18. A

    What Are These Red Bites On My Leg?

    I'm not sure what they are, but there are small bites (like insect bites, not dog bites or something) on my left leg (on my calf) in the shape of a 3. They're about the same size as mosquito or flea bites but all connected, they itch as well, but not all the time, only maybe once every week or...
  19. J

    spongebob........MY LEG?

    why is there always a guy in spongebob that yells my leg and what is his name if he has one?
  20. J

    Doesn't it bother you when someone tries to lift their leg over a bike with a

    step through frame? I have a little step through scooter. Seeing as the little sucker was fun to ride, me and the rest of my motorcycle group would ride it around the neighborhood for fun. Well, they weren't used to the step-through frame, and they would try to lift their legs over it. Needless...