
  1. T

    Post smoking weight gain correlates with nicotine dependence, serum lipid levels

    Smokers with more severe nicotine dependence are more likely to gain weight when they try to quit, according to research published in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Koji Hasegawa and colleagues from Kyoto Medical Center, Japan. Even with nicotine replacement therapy, individuals can gain...
  2. L

    When Gallstones pass, do they increase ALT levels?

    I had an extremely high ALT reading, when it is usually normal. But I suspect I passed one or more gallstones. Could the passing of gallstones increase ALT levels?
  3. T

    High levels of a specific enzyme in mice fetuses linked to anxiety

    Mouse embryos with the human enzyme CYP2C19 in the brain develop a smaller hippocampus and anxiety-like behaviour as adults. The results of this new study, which is published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, agree in principle with earlier genetic findings in humans, and can improve...
  4. T

    Eating Fish While Pregnant May Lower Anxiety Levels

    Pregnant women have many choices to make when eating for two. What supplements to take, which cheeses to avoid, how much (if any) alcohol is safe to consume, and which fish to avoid - with so many decisions to make just over their food, it's no wonder pregnant women can experience anxiety. But a...
  5. G

    Low levels of toxic proteins linked to brain diseases

    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s could be better understood thanks to insight into proteins linked to such conditions, a study suggests. Scientists studying thread-like chains of protein – called amyloid fibres – have found that low levels of these proteins may cause more harm to...
  6. E

    Is it possible to have hepatitis with normal/lowAST/ALT levels in the liver?

    I would like to know if it is possible to have hepatitis with low to normal AST/ALT levels in the liver. Thanks
  7. E

    Carbon Dioxide levels are about to reach 400 ppm. How do we reverse the trend?

    What should we do before Global Warming is out of control? See http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-30/up-up-and-away-scientists-anxious-as-co2-levels-to-cross-400-ppm.html
  8. E

    High ALT levels for liver and high cholesterol - should I worry?

    Hello, I’ve just had some LFT results back. Everything is fine, except my ALT is 103 and my cholesterol is 6.7. When I last had these tests done in 2010, my ALT was 41. I had a prior issue with my liver two years ago, had an ultrasound, and it was fatty liver due to possible toxic medication...
  9. T

    Injectable Nanogel Can Monitor Blood-Sugar Levels And Secrete Insulin When Needed

    Injectable nanoparticles developed at MIT may someday eliminate the need for patients with Type 1 diabetes to constantly monitor their blood-sugar levels and inject themselves with insulin. The nanoparticles were designed to sense glucose levels in the body and respond by secreting the...
  10. J

    is 13 for vitamin D levels severe and could it be the cause of my symptoms?

    the last few months I've been constantly weak, although sometimes its worse. I've also had some muscle shaking and twitching. Been to neurologist and the MRI was fine, I of course am worried its neurological, but I have to try and fix these deficiencies. Is 13 for Vitamin D (whatever that...
  11. A

    I have slightly high sgpt/alt levels and took 6 mgs of klonopin?

    Do I need to worry? My sgpt/alt levels are 60 In regard to the first answer, I guess I should have included that these are prescribed by my doctor, the same one monitoring my liver function and kidney function, which is normal, aside from the spgt/alt levels and am taking them as prescribed...
  12. T

    Study Examines Effect Of Different Oxygen Saturation Levels On Death Or Disability In

    In a randomized trial performed to help resolve the uncertainty about the optimal oxygen saturation therapy in extremely preterm infants, researchers found that targeting saturations of 85 percent to 89 percent compared with 91 percent to 95 percent had no significant effect on the rate of death...
  13. A

    New Study Says Lipsticks Still Show Super Unsexy Levels of Toxic Metals

    Hey ladies. Gonna wear your favorite shade of red this weekend? Well, don't let me be a debbie downer, but as you may know, over half of the lipsticks we're using are filled with lead. Gross. More » New Study Says Lipsticks Still Show Super Unsexy Levels of Toxic Metals is a post from...
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    Link Between Low Vitamin D Levels And Pneumonia Risk

    A University of Eastern Finland study showed that low serum vitamin D levels are a risk factor for pneumonia. The risk of contracting pneumonia was more than 2.5 times greater in subjects with the lowest vitamin D levels than in subjects with high vitamin D levels. The results were published in...
  15. T

    Childhood Meningitis Associated With Lower Levels Of Educational Achievement, Financi

    In a study that included nearly 3,000 adults from Denmark, a diagnosis of meningococcal, pneumococcal, or Haemophilus influenzae meningitis in childhood was associated with lower educational achievement and economic self-sufficiency in adult life, according to a study in the April 24 issue of...
  16. W

    Have high levels of ALT (SGPT) and AST (SGOT). What does that mean?

    ALT (SGPT) = 61 / AST (SGOT) = 38. just got these results and my dr didn't really explain, only to say that its not bad - but not good. i have in the last year became a HEAVY drinker. which is what my doctor said would be the cause of this result. however, she didn't really give me a level of...
  17. A

    Unacceptable Levels: Watch The Trailer For This New Doc About Our Constant Chemical E

    It might make you scared of everything you own (and put onto and into your body), but you've still got to watch the trailer for the new documentary, Unacceptable Levels. More » Unacceptable Levels: Watch The Trailer For This New Doc About Our Constant Chemical Exposure is a post from Blisstree...
  18. E

    Slightly raised ALT (SGPT) levels in liver: Cause for concern?

    I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow and will be retested, but I'm quite nervous as I've read about some of the causes of those high level enzymes. All of my other enzymes and other things are in normal range according to the Mayo Clinic website. I'm worried about Hepatitis C because I understand...
  19. T

    "Tiny Lab" Implanted Under Skin Transmits Blood Marker Levels

    Scientists in Switzerland have developed a "tiny lab" on a chip that when implanted just under the skin can track levels of up to five substances in the blood and transmit the results wirelessly to a smartphone or other receiving device in a "telemedicine" network. They suggest the device...
  20. M

    Do you think that the trend towards higher and higher levels of education

    serves Americans well? It used to be that a 4-year college education was considered a wise thing to get, partly because you'd earn more money in your lifetime and partly because you'd be doing something 'more fulfilling' for yourself, whatever; but in recent years the cost of higher education...