
  1. I

    How do Iago and Lord Henry manipulate other characters?

    I am writing an essay on this question. I'm really stuck for points of comparison and I was wondering if somebody could help me by giving me some points. I only have to do 4 paragraphs. I was thinking 1 on Lord Henry, 1 on Iago, etc. Thanks!
  2. P

    why do hindu gods and the budda are called Lord krishna, Lord Buddha?

    why aren't they called God Krishna or God buddha or I don't know if they Gods or Prophets in Hinduism and Buddhism
  3. T

    Lord Ferrister's World Children's Show Number Six - Dec 02,2012

    LORD FERRISTERS WORLD CHILDRENS SHOW NUMBER SIX A GOOD OLD RADIO SHOW just like they used to be. No hysterical presenters or endless music. Lord Ferrister's World is safe landing place for children of all ages where parents can rest assured that they will not hear anything frightening, offensive...
  4. T

    Lord Ferrister's World - Show Number Four - Nov 18,2012

    LORD FERRISTERS WORLD SHOW NUMBER FOUR A SAFE PLACE FOR CHILDREN TO VISIT where parents can rest assured that they will not hear anything frightening, offensive or unsuitable in any way. AND IN TODAYS SHOW: Part 3 of Lord Ferrister Finds a Circus. We meet the Ferrister Industries robot - 2BR...
  5. T

    Lord Ferrister's World - Show Number Two - Nov 04,2012

    JOIN US IN LORD FERRISTERS WORLD THE SECOND OF OUR RADIO SHOWS just like they used to be. No hysterical presenters or endless music. Lord Ferrister's World is safe landing place for children of all ages where parents can rest assured that they will not hear anything frightening, offensive or...
  6. B

    How does William Golding utilize Simon to construct meaning in Lord of the Flies?

    I have to answer this question for an in-class essay and I don't really understand it.. can anyone help..?
  7. G


    JESUS IS LORD, and believe in your heart that GOD hath raised HIM from the dead, thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (cf.THE HOLY BIBLE: ROMANS 10:9 and ACTS 16:31b) Have you received THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL’S MOST BELOVED and ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, to be your personal Lord...
  8. G

    Lord Sir Christopher Monkton, Science Advisor to the Stars, is ... wait, what?

    Faking it? He's a fake? Do tell! More details, context, here. Read the comments on this post...
  9. G

    Al Gore and Lord Mockinworthy Debate!!!

    Read this for context. Finally, someone has rhymed Praxis with Taxes. Read the comments on this post...
  10. J

    What would Roger from The Lord of the Flies listen to and watch?

    I need a few examples of songs and movies or tv shows that Roger from the Lord of the Flies would listen to or watch. I know that Roger is violent and sadistic and an evil character, and I need examples of media that he would hypothetically have on his iPod or TiVo
  11. J

    What would Roger from The Lord of the Flies listen to and watch?

    I need a few examples of songs and movies or tv shows that Roger from the Lord of the Flies would listen to or watch. I know that Roger is violent and sadistic and an evil character, and I need examples of media that he would hypothetically have on his iPod or TiVo
  12. R

    lord of the manor hardships or dangers?

    hardships or dangers lord of the manor has?? include source
  13. S

    What page is Simon, In Lord Of The Flies, introduced. ?

    I am doing a 1500 word essay. And its due tomorrow. I need to know when Simon is introduced in the book. Page numbers. Also. I need some differences of Simon (lord of the flies) and Slim ( of mice and men )
  14. S

    What page is Simon, In Lord Of The Flies, introduced. ?

    I am doing a 1500 word essay. And its due tomorrow. I need to know when Simon is introduced in the book. Page numbers. Also. I need some differences of Simon (lord of the flies) and Slim ( of mice and men )
  15. T

    Was Adolf Hitler saved through his belief in Jesus Christ as his Lord and...

    ...Savior (Romans 10:9)? If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 NIV) "My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter." – Adolf Hitler, April 12, 1922 @PastorsRUS -...
  16. T

    Is lord of the rings the third age on xbox live marketplace?

    And how do i find a list of the original xbox games on live with the new setup?
  17. M

    How long are the extras on the Lord of the Rings Extended dvd discs?

    I can find the total time for the movies themselves, but not for all the extras and appendicies. Looking for all 3 extended disc length extras (FOTR, TT, and ROTK).
  18. E

    Do you know the peace of the Lord?

    Never?Infrequently? Or always,no matter what?
  19. A

    Roger's importance in Lord of the Flies?

    could you guys tell me some important Roger moments in LOTF? Besides him killing Piggy, since he wasn't really a main character I need any parts in the book that give insight into his way of thinking (I heard that at some point he thought about killing one of the boys and putting his head on a...
  20. P

    Chapter 8 Lord Of The Flies question?

    At the next assembly, Jack and Ralph talk about the beast. There is an argument and Jack challenges Ralph's authority. What is the result of this challenge? What, then, does jack decide to do? Please help me answer this question! I have no idea! Thank youuuuuu :)))))))) <3