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    Malaria in London vs Nigeria?

    How would it be different if malaria was to hit London? Would we be better equipped to deal with it
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    Attacking Permethrin-Resistant Anopheles Gambiae, The Principal Vector Of Malaria

    Resurgence of malaria has been attributed, in part, to the development of resistance by Anopheles gambiae, a principal vector of the disease, to various insecticidal compounds such as Permethrin. Permethrin, a neurotoxicant, is widely used to impregnate mosquito nets. An alternative strategy to...
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    A Strain Of The Bacteria Wolbachia May Stop Malaria

    Mosquitoes are deadly efficient disease transmitters. Research conducted at Michigan State University, however, demonstrates that they also can be equally adept in curing diseases such as malaria. A study in the current issue of Science shows that the transmission of malaria via mosquitoes to...
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    Children At Greatest Risk Of Cerebral Malaria Identified By New Malaria Tool

    Researchers at Michigan State University have identified a test that can determine which children with malaria are likely to develop cerebral malaria, a much more life-threatening form of the disease. The screening tool could be a game-changer in resource-limited rural health clinics where...
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    Malaria Hope In Bacteria That Stop Mosquitoes Infecting Humans

    Malaria spreads in human populations because female Anopheles mosquitoes carrying malaria-inducing Plasmodium parasites bite people and pass it into their bloodstream. Now a new US study shows it may be possible to use a bacterium that stops the parasite developing in the mosquito and create...
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    Genetic Fingerprints Track Drug-Resistant Malaria Parasites

    New artemisinin-resistant strains of the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium falciparum are spreading rapidly in Cambodia, an international group of scientists says in a research paper that also reveals how the drug-resistant strains can be identified from their genetic fingerprints. Senior...
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    The Lancet: Malaria Elimination Strategies Should Adapt To Changing Patterns Of Infec

    Malaria control strategies must keep up with the rapidly changing patterns of malaria infection in low transmission settings, according to the authors of a new Review, published in The Lancet. Whereas women and young children suffer from the greatest burden of malaria in high transmission areas...
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    Gobal Malaria Battle Loses Steam

    The massive progress in the fight against malaria achieved over the last decade could stall because of lack of money, according to the World Malaria Report 2012, issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). The authors explained that over the last ten years, countries where malaria is endemic...
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    Malaria Cure Step Closer With Discovery Of Parasite's Cloaking Device

    A team in Israel believes the hope of a cure for malaria is a step closer after discovering a genetic cloaking device that the parasite uses to evade the immune system and establish infection. They suggest a treatment that interferes with the DNA of the cloaking device could give the immune...
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    Malaria Reduced By Approximately One-Third In African Infants: Results From Ongoing P

    International African Vaccinology Conference, Cape Town, South Africa - Results from a pivotal, large-scale Phase III trial, published online in the New England Journal of Medicine, show that the RTS,S malaria vaccine candidate can help protect African infants against malaria. When compared to...
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    Parasite Study Suggests Need For Rethink On Malaria Treatments

    Fresh discoveries about how the malaria parasite responds to drugs could help inform strategies for treating infection. Scientists have shown for the first time that severe strains of the parasite, which cause the most harmful malarial infections, are harder to kill with treatment than less...
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    'Humanized' Mice Developed At OHSU Enable Malaria Research Breakthrough At Seattle Bi

    A novel human liver-chimeric mouse model developed at Oregon Health & Science University and Yecuris Corporation has made possible a research breakthrough at Seattle Biomedical Research Institute that will greatly accelerate studies of the most lethal forms of human malaria. The study findings...
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    'Benign' Malaria Key Driver Of Human Evolution In Asia-Pacific

    Their finding challenges the widely-accepted theory that Plasmodium falciparum, which causes the most lethal form of malaria, is the only malaria parasite capable of driving genome evolution in humans. The study was published in the journal PLOS Medicine. Professor Ivo Mueller from the Walter...
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    Interactions Between Malaria Parasite And HIV Demonstrated By Novel Technique

    The World Health Organization estimates that in 2011 there were 216 million cases of malaria and 34.2 million people living with HIV. These diseases particularly afflict sub-Saharan Africa, where large incidence of co-infection result in high mortality rates. Yet, in spite of this global...
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    Vigilance Needed Against Evolution Of More-Virulent Malaria: Vaccine Research

    Malaria parasites evolving in vaccinated laboratory mice become more virulent, according to research at Penn State University. The mice were injected with a critical component of several candidate human malaria vaccines that now are being evaluated in clinical trials. "Our research shows...
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    Maternal Mortality From Malaria Dramatically Reduced By Frequent Antenatal Screening

    Frequent antenatal screening has allowed doctors to detect and treat malaria in its early stages on the border of Thailand and Myanmar, dramatically reducing the number of deaths amongst pregnant women. In an analysis of 25 years' worth of data, in 50,981 women, from antenatal clinics at the...
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    Mosquitoes Prevented From Transmitting Malaria Through Genetic Modification Of Their

    Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute have genetically modified a bacterium commonly found in the mosquito's midgut and found that the parasite that causes malaria in people does not survive in mosquitoes carrying the modified bacterium. The bacterium, Pantoea agglomerans...
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    Malaria Transmission Studied In Computer Model

    Malaria affects over 200 million individuals every year and kills hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. The disease varies greatly from region to region in the species that cause it and in the carriers that spread it. It is easily transmitted across regions through travel and migration...
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    Creation Of Mosquitoes Incapable Of Transmitting Malaria Provides Genetic Options For

    Mosquitoes bred to be unable to infect people with the malaria parasite are an attractive approach to helping curb one of the world's most pressing public health issues, according to UC Irvine scientists. Anthony James and colleagues from UCI and the Pasteur Institute in Paris have produced a...
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    Fake, Poor Quality Malaria Drugs Threaten Progress

    Up to 42% of anti-malaria drugs available across Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are poor quality or fake, resulting in drug resistance and inadequate treatment that threatens vulnerable populations and to undermine the huge progress made in recent years, according to a new study...