
  1. O

    Do males ever wear tights (leggings) for Hiking?

    I am in Townsville Queensland Australia, and I am planing on walking up Castle Hill in the mornings and evenings with a backpack with my Girlfriend and one or possibly two of her friends and my GF wants to put me in tights. She normally has her way most of the time I just feel a little nervous...
  2. M

    why are female celebrities considered bad but males aren't?

    female celebrities are considered as sluts and no boy wants to marry them, they just want to use them.. u knw what i mean... but there are hard dying fans for men celebrities.. idk about other countries but in india, there are fans associations, groups for men celebrities and cricketers... and...
  3. A

    Males Face Sexism Too; Why Women Should Care

    As a human being walking around in a female body, sexism is just chucked over my way on a daily basis. I don't need to regale you; you all know exactly what I'm talking about. If someone heckles me and I don't respond sweetly, I'm usually called a "bitch" or a "slut." So, I tend to empathize...
  4. A

    Brogurt: New “Powerful Yogurt” Claims It’s Optimized For Alpha Males

    A new brand of greek yogurt for men boasts a manly, jerky-packaging-like container and a formula "specifically suited to address the unique health and nutrition needs" of dudes. Ugh. More » Brogurt: New “Powerful Yogurt” Claims It’s Optimized For Alpha Males is a post from Blisstree - Get...
  5. T

    Hepatitis C Virus More Frequent Among African-Americans And Males

    Epidemiologists have determined that levels of hepatitis C virus (HCV) found among injection drug users (IDUs) were higher in individuals who are male or African American even after differences in other factors were considered. The study, which was funded by the National Cancer Institute and...
  6. B

    Ladies, (or males!), what is your fashion addiction?

    Dear yahoo answerers! I have a shoe addiction, or so I am lead to believe through friends who have frequently commented on all my shoes. In fact, less than 2 minutes ago I bought a few pairs of lovely French ballet flats. My shoe collection is quite overwhelming, and I never seem to wear all...
  7. G

    Do any males like ABC's show Once Upon A Time and why?

    I was just wondering if guys liked the show because they should if they don't already it is more of the real man rather than the hero, or prince charming, because prince charming is not so perfect in this show he is a normal human being as he along with the other chracters have been put in the...
  8. A

    Males: Would you want a female who was like this?

    Who wanted to model and pose nude, live in the play boy mansion and be rich? Even though she's married and has a kid and is an attention seeking immature girl who's conceited. Would you want to be with a female who is like this? Probably a flirt as well?
  9. K

    In Martial Arts, why males forbid women from crushing a pair of testicles ?

    They say you cannot kick below the belt, but making rules in fighting like that is just to protect the male from losing. If those sexist rules were abolished women could compete on equal terms and WIN ! I don't wear a cup when I fight - so why should males do ?????? Why do guys get such special...
  10. W

    are there more females than males in the Philippines?

    what percentages are there female to male ?
  11. H

    Why are nerdy males so emotional and touchy?

    examples sam tomilson, as said by papers was a geek/nerd who was intelligent but emotionally naive. tried to stab his ex girlfriend to death because she wasnt talking to him every second of her life. vincent tabak when he got rejected nerd got depressed and randomly slit some boys throat who he...
  12. T

    Sneaky Squid: Why Small Males Have Big Sperm

    Male squid (Loligo bleekeri) employ different reproductive strategies depending on their body size. Research published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology shows that the divergent mating behavior of male squid has resulted in the evolution of different sperm sizes...
  13. G

    Driving The Patriarchy: Demonic Males, Feminism, and Genetic Determinism

    Behaviors are not caused by genes. There is not a gene that causes you to be good, or to be bad, or to be smart, or good at accounting, or to like bananas. There are, however, drives. "Drives" is a nicely vague term that we can all understand the meaning of. Thirst and hunger are drives we...
  14. R

    Movie stars (males) that aren't that hot?

    Hi, this is actually for work, and I'd like your help. I'm talking about movie stars that aren't that hot, for example: Seth Rogen, Jesse Eisenberg, Jason Segel, Michael Cera (as opposed to actors like George Clooney, Richard Gere, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, etc.) I don't know if you've noticed but...
  15. N

    Do you think lesbians/bi females are accepted more than gay/bi males?

    I noticed on various sites women can be more open about things and are accepted by both genders, whereas if a man is it's frowned upon, especially by other males but in some cases women too. The seem to drool and get all excited at gay/bi females but the opposite if it's a man. The other...
  16. N

    sci-fi romance book about females from birth are companions to furry males for life?

    I cant remember a title or author other than that its about a woman who comes from a planet of females with special abilities(I think the womans ability is fire) who from birth are paired with furry male types who are there guardians for life and her and her guardian fall in love...
  17. L

    gay/bi males and preferences...?

    What do you find your self being most attracted to? Race, Hair color, Hair length, height, etc etc etc. and fetishes count too. . .
  18. C

    Why?? Why do about 90% of gay males have such bad attitudes? Why do they...

    ...constantly argue and whine? Over the stupidest things? Did they get a large dose of PMS in their system? Female hormones??
  19. R

    Is there any males or females i can talk to on msn who share a leather fetish?

    It can be jackets, skirts, boots, corsets. Anything
  20. L

    Do males masseuse earn well in las vegas?

    i know women earn well in las vegas, but do men? i was thinking of joining a school to learn massage.