
  1. M

    Malesian, your taste matters ! what is your favorite non-alcoholic beverage ? any

    recipe ? Good morning everyone, I am currently doing researches about non-alcoholic beverages all around the world, including fruit juices, soda, carbonated drinks, tea and all that you can think of drinking. Unfortunately, I did not have the chance to visit your beautiful country yet, that's...
  2. A

    Study: Size Matters (To Other Dudes)

    Even before Dr. Freud was but a glimmer in his mother's eye, everybody knew that men are at least somewhat fixated on their penises. More » Study: Size Matters (To Other Dudes) is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on...
  3. G

    Why the Metadata the NSA Has on You Matters

    In response to the recent news reports about the National Security Agency's surveillance program, President Barack Obama said today, "When it comes to telephone calls, nobody is listening to your telephone calls." Instead, the government was just "sifting through this so-called metadata." The...
  4. G

    Why the Super Bowl’s location matters

    If you’re a small charity looking for some corporate largesse, pegging your ask to a big morale-boosting event planned for your community may help seal the deal, suggests a new study on corporate giving. The paper found that corporate philanthropy spikes upward during “mega-events” such as the...
  5. V

    Penis Size Matters to Women According to Australian Researchers

    [No message]
  6. M

    WARNING: Windows 8 and Windows RT are not the same, and it matters

    [No message]
  7. B

    Does China use the same credit system as the U.S. for determining financial matters?

    I was just wondering if I move to China, will my poor credit impact me the same way it does in the U.S.? Do they care as much in China about a person's credit? I don't want to struggle finding an apartment, getting a bank account, etc there.
  8. T

    Too Soon? Too Late? Psychological Distance Matters When It Comes To Humor

    Joking around can land us in hot water. Even the professionals often shoot themselves comedically in the foot. Last month, comedian Jeffrey Ross's routine at a roast of Rosanne Barr was censored when he joked about the shooting in Aurora, Colorado. "Too soon!" everyone said. And yet, it's not...
  9. A

    Judy Blume Bravely Talks About Battling Breast Cancer And Why Screening Matters

    For decades, young adult author Judy Blume has been shaping the lives of teens (particularly girls) with her pragmatic, popular novels on subjects that matter to kids. Touching on everything from divorce to sex and, most famously, periods, Blume's novels aren't afraid to talk about tough...
  10. A

    Why It Matters That Jesse Jackson Jr. Has Bipolar II, Not Bipolar I

    The news that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.*is being treated for bipolar disorder has been making the rounds, after the Mayo Clinic of Minnesota -- where Jackson is being treated -- released a statement about it Monday.*What's interesting to me is how little has been made of the distinction between...
  11. G

    GNU Science and otter matters

    Joey Bernard, who writes about science under Linux, has just started a multi (as in two?) part series on GSL, the GNU Scientific Library. It is here. Just browsing through the files of GSL is fun. You find little gems like this: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  12. A

    Meth Babies: Just One More Reason Equal Access To Reproductive Care Matters

    One of the biggest arguments against providing equal and affordable access to women's health care, including birth control, has consistently been that it's just too expensive, and that it's not the responsibility of the government. That if low-income women don't want to have children, they...
  13. G

    Media Matters considers themselves non-profit, but meets at the White House to?

    get the lefts talking points for the day and supplies it to the leftist media (ABC, MSNBC, ETC.) They actually were going to hire private investigators to go after Fox News employees to try to silence them... Should they lose their tax exempt status if they have broken the law? Mr. Obvious, this...
  14. T

    which speed matters while downloading a torrent?

    download speed or the upload speed? which speed has to be more in terms of getting a faster download speed?
  15. G

    German Semi-Wild Child = Fake? And other matters

    L'enfant sauvage, the 1970 movie by Truffaut, depicted a plausible case of a "wild child" ... a person left at very young age in the wild, who then grew up in the absence of human culture. Such wild children are rare, and most of them are not real, or at least, not as wild as originally...
  16. J

    Jefferson said that in matters of style swim with the current, am I really the only

    person who disagrees? I agree that we should stand like a rock when it comes to principles, but everyone I know disagrees with me to never swim with the current on style because style is internal
  17. N

    Can someone who has experience in relationship matters help me out please?

    Hi guys! The following is the problem I'm having: I am in love with a girl for quite a long time(around 7 years), but we were just normal friends for the past few years until I asked her out a few times last year. Then, one of her close friends sent me a message and told me that it was the...
  18. G

    Time Trauma Truth and Other Matters

    First of all, I want you to know that I've devoted my life to this blog post so now you have every reason to love it more than any other blog post. Sniff sniff. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  19. B

    Why are there differences of opinion in all matters with all people?

    some make such an issue about differences of opinion to somehow mock or negate the validity of the Christian message. The thinking is unless everyone agrees on everything, then nothing any of them say is real. Would we apply this logic in other areas of reality?
  20. G

    Updates on Rebeccapocalypse, and Otter Matters

    People are screaming at me over on ERV blog about not making a formal announcement that Richard Dawkins is god-like because he's donated a bunch of foundation money to a child care project. That's wonderful that he did that, but I'm not a member of JREF, was not at TAM, do not get newsletters...