
  1. P

    why does the messianic prophecy say the name of the messiah will be Emmanuel, but?

    christians still think Jesus fulfilled these prophecies? at no time has Jesus ever been referred to as Emmanuel.
  2. Q

    Christians: What is your view on Jesus and the messianic prophecies?

    Because i have been researching this and it is actually AMAZING how many of the prophecies Jesus fulfilled. Some of the prophecies he could have fabricated but many of them would be impossible to fabricate and there is also third party sources referring to some of them other than the Bible. This...
  3. C

    Question to Jews & Messianics re: MESSIANIC JUDAISM?

    Please answer my question politely: If a young man or young woman of age converts to Christianity from Judaism (Messianic Jew) they are considered Apostate I know. The question regards their parents: "IF THE PARENTS STILL SEE THE MESSIANIC OFFSPRING AND WELCOME THEM INTO THEIR HOME IN LOVE...
  4. D

    Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies, so why is he considered the messiah?

    As I understand it, the anointed one was suppose to bring the Jewish people back to Zion/ Israel? Correct me if I'm wrong. Ps, I've got love for Christians. So don't think I'm declaring your religion false. I love my neighbor :)
  5. T

    If Jesus truly fulfilled Messianic prophecy, then why does he only fulfill the...

    ...Christian prophecies and not...? the Jewish prophecies? Better question: If he was really the Messiah, why didn't he fulfill the original prophecies and not the ones that Christians made up? Don't you think if he was the Messiah and God in the flesh, he would fulfill the prophecies that...
  6. A

    If Jesus is the "messiah" why did he not fulfill the messianic prophecies?

    1) JESUS DID NOT FULFILL THE MESSIANIC PROPHECIES What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? The Bible says that he will: A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28). B. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6). C. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred...
  7. M

    Christians, if Isaiah 52-53 is a Messianic prophecy about Jesus....?

    .... then why do other Scriptures within the same prophetic context refer to Israel as "My Servant"? Isaiah 41:8: "But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend." Isaiah 44:1: "Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen" Isaiah...
  8. R

    list of messianic prophecies jesus did not fulfill and where they are in the bible?

    research i want to see what prophecies keep jews from believing in christ, i know they will be fulfilled in the second coming, but im 2 lazy to read the whole bible looking for the specific prophecies i want to see what prophecies keep jews from believing in christ, i know they will be fulfilled...
  9. R

    can anyone list the verses in the bible that prophecies the messiah (messianic

    prophesies)? i know Isaiah 53 but idk the rest
  10. N

    Can I rightly convert to Messianic Judaism from Christianity?

    I find that the Jews have text that makes sense, where our Christian Bible leaves out critical details. The Jews have the Torah, Tanakh, Mishnah, Garmorah and Kabbalah, There are many rumors and lies spread about these books too. However, if a Christian has it in his heart that he actually...
  11. R

    Can you help me find Messianic Bible prophecies that would be really

    hard/impossible to fulfill? I'm looking into Bible prophecies very deeply to see how Jesus fulfilled them. If you don't believe you can keep your opinions to yourself, but I would love some help in finding not every prophecy, but specific prophecies that He fulfilled that would be very...
  12. R

    Does it say somewhere in the messianic prophecies that messiah will make two

    trips to earth? Jesus made one trip to earth already, but will have to make another trip -- why didn't he just save everybody the first time he was here? Making two trips, that's a little iffy, unless he can find prophecy to back it up. . .
  13. M

    Jews: Do you consider Messianic Judaism as a sect of Judaism or a cult?

    From your own perspective, which one of the following below regarding Messianic Judaism is true?? And why?? A. They're still considered as a sect of Judaism. B. They're not considered as Jewish (that is, they're considered as a cult instead).
  14. C

    need help on Messianic Judaism?

    Looking for a good book on Messianic Judaism, on the basis and principal the religion please help
  15. 3

    Have you ever noticed that the some of the Jewish messianic prophecies are...

    ...impossible to fulfill?;_ylt=Ann5diGXIJ6Dlgx16oMiRQrwDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20091212152909AAKWiJK One of them is that there will be no more death. When will this ever happen in reality. There is always going to be death and nothing will change that.
  16. R

    Question about Jesus and the messianic Prophecy?

    Ok, so the proof that Jesus is the Messiah is that, according to the New Testament, He fulfilled all the messianic prophecies, right? Well, this time of the year has got me thinking about the Christmas story. The Gospel of Matthew gives the genealogy of Jesus, and says he is descended from King...
  17. A

    Did jesus fulfill the messianic prophecies?

    What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? The Bible says that he will: A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28). B. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6). C. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says...
  18. S

    Are Messianic Christians reliable for answers on Judaism? Do they have an...

    ...Anti-Judaism agenda? Since my last question on this topic fell to the love of Yeshua, and I am dying to get an answer to it. Preferably from an actual *Messianic Jew*, and not the Christians that come running to their defense. They *are* supposed to be Jewish, after all. I would appreciate it...
  19. I

    Jews:What happened to messianic prophecies and messiah?

    Messianic prophecies were fulfilled but there is no messiah around.You should immediately find someone to show us :)
  20. J

    Messianic Judaism, What is the difference between.?

    Do messianic jew's read the bible? Wear yamaka's? If I read correctly (probably not) Messianic jews follow all jewish laws but believe christ or yoshua as their savior. The laws being the only difference from christianity?