
  1. P

    who first discovered the Lyrids meteor shower?

    im doing this for my homework and pls help!
  2. G

    The Best Way To Catch Tonight's Orionid Meteor Shower

    Tonight—actually very early tomorrow morning—the 2012 Orionid meteor shower is going to reach its peak, lighting up the sky with some shooting stars. You can take your chances outside, but if you want the best view, NASA can hook you up. More »
  3. E

    Where to download Taiwanese Drama Meteor Garden?

    I know this is an old drama but I am dying to watch it.. Please link me to the actual download page for the drama not just a generic drama website. Thanks :)
  4. G

    What Just Streaked Across The Sky In the Southwest US? (Updated) [Meteor]

    Reports are flooding into Twitter about a large meteor spotted in Southern California, Nevada and Arizona. No videos or pictures yet, but speculation is running rampant about what exactly fell from the sky. More »
  5. J

    If Christ descends from the sky, does that mean he's a meteor, or some...

    ...kind of fireball? Because I thought only shooting stars and fireballs came from the sky? And space shuttles too... but where wuld Jesus get a space shuttle from? He comes out of the sky though? En route from heaven.
  6. L

    blackberry meteor moblie?

    do anyone know what date meteor net work (in ireland) are bringing out the blackberry? and also if its on bill pay or pay as u go?thanks!
  7. 3

    I am getting a Nokia C3 on meteor & need some help with internet?

    I am getting a Nokia C3 on meteor and im just wondering can i connect to a wifi connection in starbucks for example for free if i have this phone and network ?
  8. 3

    I am getting a Nokia C3 on meteor & need some help with internet?

    I am getting a Nokia C3 on meteor and im just wondering can i connect to a wifi connection in starbucks for example for free if i have this phone and network ?
  9. B

    the mobile network meteor are currently doing an offer where you top up by

    €30 get €15 euro free? so if i walk into say dunnes stores and top up by €30 will i receive €15 free?
  10. B

    the mobile network meteor are currently doing an offer where you top up by

    €30 get €15 euro free? so if i walk into say dunnes stores and top up by €30 will i receive €15 free?
  11. G

    An Internet meteor shower

    A collection of meteor videos for your amusement and amazement: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. M

    how much does the sony ericsson w995 cost on meteor?

    i neeeeeed to know :P:D .. i absoluletly adore the phone :)
  13. B

    Are there "PonyTail" toys from Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks?

    I have found Meteor, Little Tow, JunkBoy and Jose but my child really likes PonyTail!
  14. I

    meteor shower dream? Interpretation please?

    I had this cool dream where i knew the end of the world was happening. In the distance I saw this house being destroyed by a flaming meteor. When I saw that I knew that the end was near for me. Soon after i saw these flaming meteors falling down in a line towards me. One was about to hit me and...
  15. J

    My friend thinks a metaphor is a meteor. How do I get him to stop whining and

    accept the truth.? No matter how many reasons/ examples I give him, he won't accept the truth and I'm worried that he's stupid. Please help.
  16. A

    Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor?

    So I just found out that aside from the 49 episode series and the Gundam Wing movie, there a 4 part OVA called Operation Meteor. A Google search doesn't turn up much on it. Does anybody know if this was released in English?
  17. M

    Meteor on DVD yet.............?

    Is the 4 part series "Meteor" out on DVD yet?
  18. M

    Meteor on DVD yet.............?

    Is the 4 part series "Meteor" out on DVD yet?
  19. G

    Texas Fireball UFO Meteor or Satellite or ?

    I can perfectly accept the possibility of the fireball being a Meteor or Satellite debris but why is the crash site have no crater. The video just shows a huge area that was scorched and burning. I went to a Meteor website and read that even small meteors would leave large craters on impact...
  20. R

    What's the meteor NASA is trying to learn about by crashing into it with a sattelite?

    I was watching either the history channel and NASA sent a missile into space (that broke apart in a sattelite like craft) and is supposed to crash into a meteor to learn about the inner-makings of it. I don't believe it has landed on it yet I think it said it will in 2012. I can't remember the...