
  1. I

    What do the 3 triangular dots on mexicans hands mean?

    Not a racist question but I went to school with a few mexican gentlemen who had 3 dots in a triangle pattern in the small area between your index finger and thumb, I asked them but got no real respone or the simpliest clue. I know both of them admitted to doing time in prison before, so if...
  2. D

    Do Israelis and Mexicans look alike?

    This guy at my school from Israel kept speaking to me in Hebrew. It was kind of awkward, and it got even more awkward after he said he thought I was Israeli. (I'm Mexican.)
  3. J

    POLL: Are Mexicans the new scapegoat for America`s problems?

    Yes or No and explain your answer.
  4. D

    Why should we give rights to illegal Mexicans here when we suffer the same

    abuse when we travel to Mexico? Honestly, how many of us have gone into Mexico and have been robbed by local police?? I can't own property, if I stay to long they will forcably kick me out of the country. If I do become a Mexican National I can never become a Judge or hold any kind of offical...
  5. M

    Did Mexicans popularize food trucks in Los Angeles? You see so many type of food

    trucks nowadays. Or was this? present before?
  6. L

    Why do so many Mexicans work at Taco Bell?

    is it their culture?
  7. M

    wana hear a joke for mexicans?

    Mexican Jews Two Jewish men, 'Sid' and 'Al' were sitting in a Mexican restaurant. Sid asked Al, 'Are there any people of our faith born and raised in Mexico? Al replied, 'I don't know, let's ask our waiter.' When the waiter came by, Al asked him, 'Are there any Mexican Jews?' and the...
  8. F

    Poll: Mexicans do you eat at Taco Bell?

    Or do you find it as a disgrace to Mexican food? My friend told me he sees it as a disgrace. It's good, but I think a Chicken burrito from the Taco truck is better.
  9. T

    Some Mexicans leaving US, planning never to return?

    It's getting bad in the US when people are choosing Mexico over the US. (I'm not defending ILLEGAL immigration, just pointing out an issue in the US).
  10. nessredhead

    Why are people so mean to mexicans?

    Like really some of them are diffrent!
  11. C

    Why do people in the USA always complain about Mexicans, but not about the Chinese?

    They keep talking about Mexicans invading this country and taking it over with their ghettos and whatever, or how they are Mexicanizing the country. But then why don't Americans always complain about the Chinese? Aren't the Chinese just as bad? When you go to some cities like San Francisco it is...
  12. A

    Why isn't Taco Bell illegal? It's made by dangerous Mexicans.....?

    Not to mention it's nasty! I only eat caviar and sushi.
  13. J

    Why don't Americans love Mexicans?

    Is it just because we steal from you? Sheesh we do that all the time back home...
  14. G

    Why do you Mexicans complain about being treated unfairly?

    Legal immigrants in Mexico have less rights than illegal immigrants in the USA. this is the Mexican immigration law No Mas to illegals. I think we should do this let illegals stay but they cannot receive education, health care, property rights...
  15. K

    Mexicans just stole my car tires.?

    I was stopped behind Home Depot so as to employ the services of several mexican laborers. As i was discussing with one of them the rates, the others proceeded to remove the tires from my car. I did not even notice they were doing it. Im sitting in a car with no tires. Oh they also stole my shoes...
  16. G

    Mexicans Are Cute and Funny

    Yet another foray into the mind-bending world of 1960s TV.... Read the comments on this post... More...
  17. S

    Why are illegal Mexicans so racist towards black people?

    My friend that I work with (from Sudan) still carpool on the weekends to work. On Saturday nights we still stop at the local Wal-mart after work on Saturday nights (which is also when a lot of illegal Mexicans go there too). This has happened for a couple of years now, we walk up to the store...
  18. A

    what is a african boxing style like like mexicans have their own boxing?

    what is the african tradition boxing style head down and aggressive or defensive
  19. C

    I give my sincerest prayers to the families of the 14 Mexicans who died today...

    ...because of the drug cartels? I hope that one day you guys can become a civilized society, with civilized people. I am praying til that day comes.
  20. C

    I give my sincerest prayers to the families of the 14 Mexicans who died today...

    ...because of the drug cartels? I hope that one day you guys can become a civilized society, with civilized people. I am praying til that day comes.