Where can i meet other people my age who like doing things i like doing? (hiking, biking, camping, mountain climbing, boating, skiing, swimming, exploring, splunking, etc, etc, etc)
All the friends i have now dont do much of that at all. I want to do stuff i love with my friends. Partying is...
on Dec 9, 2012 i came off a horse and broke my humerous bone. It is a midshaft break. It was 10 days after the fall a 15 mm gap. Last xray showed 6 mm gap which was at 9 weeks. now at 11 1/2 weeks getting me scheduled for surgery. I'm nervous and never had a broken bone. any suggestions...
my mid android tablet wont go online or download apps from play store, I changed accts on google made a new one still the same, I get error code -110 when I try to download from the play store
We have new epad, it already has googleplay icon, have created gmail account and can't download any apps. Keep getting error rpc:s-5-arc-0. We have deleted account and started again as per recommendations. Still struggling, help!!!
Exactly what the question says, preferably somewhere you can dance and lounge, and where the crowd is relatively mature and not full of university students.
Can't figure it out. I would like step-by-step instructions, if possible... and no, the way that you do it for Android phones doesn't work, as this is a tablet, not a phone, and there is no phone number. D: I already reset it to factory and made my own gmail specifically for the Android...
I got my son a Google Android Mid pc tablet with android 1.6 on it and was told by the seller that I can upgrade android on it. How can I do this?
Michael, what do you mean? explain in more detail please.
Also, I have searched on google, but am not really sure what i am looking for. Is it just...
I already did the trip Calgary-Vancouver but in October and it was OK but now theres probably gonna be a lot of snow ...consider this:
My car doesnt have winter tires
I have some experience driving in snow but not that much and not for that long of a trip
My car is a Pontiac Sunfire 2003
help me.? Android Mid Tablet
When I sign up it says "There are no Android phones associated with this account. Please sign in with a different account." What should I do? :(
Anyone have any info to share on this? have you had any experience with this? whats the pros and cons? Is it like a laptop? and it says camera that mean it takes pics like a cellphone cam or it mean a built in web cam like laptops? Thanks to all who answer =)