
  1. B

    How to get a hunting license in missouri.?

    I'm going to be 17 in Dec. (4th). I love to deer hunt and I am wanting to get my license so that i can hunt by my self. Can someone tell me what i need to do to get my license and how. Thanks, Colby
  2. K

    Nevershoutnever Tour Dates Closest to Kansas, and Missouri?

    Does anybody know when NSN will be touring or visiting Kansas or Missouri?! I live close by there and ive been dying to see them! REALLY BADLY! Please comment me the website or the EXACT DATES! THANKS! -love and cupcakes-
  3. C

    What are the Biggest differences between California and Missouri?

    me and my husband just got orders to MO and were wondering what some of the biggest changes are going to be. what are some differences in the laws, geography, culture, and lifestyle? whats the difference climate wise? anything i should know before i get there?
  4. C

    What are the Biggest differences between California and Missouri?

    me and my husband just got orders to MO and were wondering what some of the biggest changes are going to be. what are some differences in the laws, geography, culture, and lifestyle? whats the difference climate wise? anything i should know before i get there?
  5. T

    Search For Meaning In Missouri's Rejection Of Health Law Provision

    Republicans are holding up a Missouri ballot measure, which voters approved with 71% support, to reject a key health overhaul provision as evidence that the public does not like the law, The Washington Post reports. "Supporters of the overhaul played down the vote, noting that it has no...
  6. A

    Arrowhead hunting in St. Louis, Missouri area?

    In a few weeks i am going to visit my relatives in southern Illinois and St. Louis, and my cousin got me into arrowhead hunting the last time I visited. I would really like to find an arrowhead myself, seeing his extensive collection. Any recommendations for places to look near East Alton or...
  7. F

    I live in Missouri, and my wife and I are going on a Carribbean cruise. Do we...

    ...need passports? 5 night cruise. It stops in Mexico.
  8. B

    Can I obtain my RN license if I have a felony record? I live in Missouri.?

    I know that I may attend courses/degree programs but will the state licensing bureaus allow me to get a license with a felony record. My record is 20 yrs old-if that makes any difference.
  9. T

    OpEds: Missouri Vote On Insurance Mandate, Sacramento's 'Rabbit Hole,' Venter On Synt

    Improving Health Care Las Vegas Sun A group of organizations with self-funded insurance plans is putting pressure on Southern Nevada's hospitals to improve care. The Health Services Coalition wants better quality and is asking for ideas on how it could provide incentives for good care...
  10. G

    Antievolution legislation in Missouri dies

    Missouri's latest contribution to ruining science education has died a merciful death before even reaching committee. This did not happen by itself. This happened because we are keeping an eye on them. We are watching you, Robert Wayne Cooper. And the rest of you. We are watching you too...
  11. T

    Missouri To Receive Federal Matching Funds For Electronic Health Record Incentives Pr

    In another key step to further states' role in developing a robust U.S. health information technology (HIT) infrastructure, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced today that Missouri's Medicaid program will receive federal matching funds for state planning activities...
  12. T

    Missouri To Receive Federal Matching Funds For Electronic Health Record Incentives Pr

    In another key step to further states' role in developing a robust U.S. health information technology (HIT) infrastructure, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced today that Missouri's Medicaid program will receive federal matching funds for state planning activities...
  13. G

    Robin Carnahan for Senate in Missouri

    Robin Carnahan, a Democrat, has a fighting chance of beating the incumbant Republican, Roy Blunt, in the upcoming Senate race in Missouri. According to Rasmussen: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  14. H

    Westerns - The Missouri Breaks (1976)

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 804.70 MB Files: 61 (9 pars) Group: a.b.movies.divx .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 0074906 Posted: Tue February 23rd 12:30:08 UTC Download NZB
  15. L

    Museums in springfield, Missouri or history tours. Feburary 24,20100?

    places of interest and museums,in springfield missouri. 02/26/10
  16. U

    where can I get a wolf in missouri?

    I am trying to find a wolf puppy in Missouri. But most people are asking horrible prices, such as $1,000 for 34% and if I were to pay 1,000 for a dog of any sort it must have papers and free shipping. (lol) So if you know any where that I could get one please let me know. And for those who will...
  17. T

    Failure To Adopt Health Reform Will Lead To 5,200 Premature Deaths In Missouri In The

    The failure to enact health reform this year will lead to approximately 5,200 premature deaths of people between 25 and 64 years old in Missouri in the next decade according to a report released today by the consumer health group Families USA. At the national level, the report, "Lives on the...
  18. T

    Did Roger Goodell tell Missouri to take the offseason to see if football is what

    they really want to..? Did Roger Goodell tell NFL teams based in Missouri to take the offseason to see if football is what they really want to be doing. 2009 Chefs 4-12 2008 Chefs 2-14 2007 Chefs 4-12 2009 Rams 1-15 2008 Rams 2-14 2007 Rams 3-13 Bob..... ever see the Snickers commercial years...
  19. T

    Did Roger Goodell tell Missouri to take the offseason to see if football is what

    they really want to..? Did Roger Goodell tell NFL teams based in Missouri to take the offseason to see if football is what they really want to be doing. 2009 Chefs 4-12 2008 Chefs 2-14 2007 Chefs 4-12 2009 Rams 1-15 2008 Rams 2-14 2007 Rams 3-13 Bob..... ever see the Snickers commercial years...
  20. T

    Missouri Best In Using Federal Aid To Combat Medicaid Fraud, Other States Fight Over

    The Kansas City Star reports that Missouri led the country in 2008 in efficiency in using federal dollars to combat Medicaid fraud. "The state recovered almost $29.8 million in 2008, the most recent year for which comparative data are available, while receiving about $1.6 million in federal...