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    Molecular switch controls the destiny of self-eating cells

    In a new paper published in the journal Nature, researchers present a previously unknown mechanism that controls whether a cell survives autophagy, a process that can be compared to the cell consuming parts of itself. The discovery means that it might now be possible to influence the process...
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    Molecular Motors May Become Jammed, Playing A Role In The Development Of ALS

    Slowdowns in the transport and delivery of nutrients, proteins and signaling molecules within nerve cells may contribute to the development of the neurodegenerative disorder ALS, according to researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. The researchers showed how a...
  3. L

    what does kinetic molecular theory mean? Help quiz coming up!?

    give me a good and full answer pretty please not tooo complex please!
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    Study Identifies Targeted Molecular Therapy For Untreatable NF1 Tumors

    Researchers conducting a preclinical study in mice successfully used targeted molecular therapy to block mostly untreatable nerve tumors that develop in people with the genetic disorder Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1). Scientists from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center report their...
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    New Drug Targets Following Discovery Of Molecular Pathway Of Alzheimer's Disease

    The discovery of the molecular pathway that drives the changes seen in the brains of Alzheimer's patients is reported, revealing new targets for drug discovery that could be exploited to combat the disease. The study gives the most detailed understanding yet of the complex processes leading to...
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    In Everyday Clinical Practice, Molecular 'Portraits' Of Tumours Match Patients With T

    Researchers in France are taking advantage of the progress in genetic and molecular profiling to analyse the make-up of individual cancer patients' tumours and, using this information, assign them to particular treatments and phase I clinical trials - an approach that could become part of...
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    Sea Slug Offers New Insights Into The Molecular Architecture Of Memory Formation

    Neuroscientists from New York University and the University of California, Irvine have isolated the "when" and "where" of molecular activity that occurs in the formation of short-, intermediate-, and long-term memories. Their findings, which appear in the journal the Proceedings of the National...
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    Tying Our Fate To Molecular Markings

    A Simon Fraser University physicist has helped discover that understanding how a chemical mark on our DNA affects gene expression could be as useful to scientists as fingerprints are to police at a crime scene. In a new study, Emberly and his colleagues cite proof that variable methylation, a...
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    Biochemists Open Path To Molecular 'Chaperone' Therapy For Metabolic Disease

    University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers, experts in revealing molecular structure by X-ray crystallography, have identified two new small "chaperone" molecules that may be useful in treating the inherited metabolic disorder known as Schindler/Kanzaki disease. This offers hope for...
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    Molecular Signature Used To Predict Radiation Therapy Benefit Validated By Moffitt Ca

    Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center, working with colleagues in Sweden, the Netherlands and Puerto Rico, have validated a radiosensitivity molecular signature that can lead to better radiation therapy decisions for treating patients with breast cancer. The results appeared in a recent issue of...
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    Molecular Link Between Arsenic Exposure And Lung Cancer

    Arsenic is a natural element in the environment, sometimes found in air, soil and water. Arsenic contaminated water is a global threat, currently affecting more than 100 million people. Both genetic and epigenetic changes drive arsenic-induced carcinogenesis and lung cancer is one of the main...
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    Researchers Find A Chink In The Molecular Armor Of Killer Hospital Bacteria

    There's new hope for development of an antibiotic that can put down a lethal bacteria or superbug linked to the deaths of hundreds of hospital patients around the world. Researchers from the University of Alberta-based Alberta Glycomics Centre found a chink in the molecular armour of the...
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    Seeking Molecular Markers To Identify Breast Cancer Patients Who Would Benefit Most F

    A new analysis may help doctors identify breast cancer patients who will benefit from treatment with the immune suppressant drug everolimus, say French researchers at the 4th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference in Brussels, Belgium. Everolimus is currently used as an immunosuppressant to prevent...
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    HPV-Infected Cancer Cells Killed By Small Molecular Bodyguards

    Researchers at The Wistar Institute announce the discovery of small molecules that kill cancer cells caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). Their results, in both cell and mouse models, demonstrate that the small molecule inhibitors protect a tumor-suppressing protein targeted by...
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    Researchers Elucidate Molecular Mechanism Contributing To Cardiomyopathy

    Cardiomyopathy comprises a deterioration of the heart muscle that affects the organ's ability to efficiently pump blood through the body. Previously researchers have tied forms of the disease to the alternative splicing of titin, a giant protein that determines the structure and biomechanical...
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    Research Scientists Create Molecular Map To Guide Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis

    A team of scientists from the Scripps Research Institute, collaborating with members of the drug discovery company Receptos, has created the first high-resolution virtual image of cellular structures called S1P1 receptors, which are critical in controlling the onset and progression of multiple...
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    Holoprosencephaly - Molecular Mechanism Identified

    Scientists have now identified a molecular mechanism, which is fundamental in the most common brain malformations in humans. Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is a disorder in which the forebrain (prosencephalon) of an embryo is formed incompletely, failing to develop into two hemispheres, in which a...
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    Molecular Link Established Between Genetic Defect And Heart Malformation

    UNC researchers have discovered how the genetic defect underlying one of the most common congenital heart diseases keeps the critical organ from developing properly. According to the new research, mutations in a gene called SHP-2 distort the shape of cardiac muscle cells so they are unable to...
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    Study Identifies A Key Molecular Switch For Telomere Extension By Telomerase

    Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine describe for the first time a key target of DNA damage checkpoint enzymes that must be chemically modified to enable stable maintenance of chromosome ends by telomerase, an enzyme thought to play a key role in cancer and...
  20. sugarpie

    Anyone knows an interesting presentation topic for my M.Sc. Molecular Genetics...

    ...class.? I am a student who needs a current topic with some level of difficulty, not basic stuff. Anything from DNA cloning procedures, making DNA constructions to mutations. The trouble is I need to link the topics to something in everyday life, like forensics...but that's too easy..I think...