
  1. A

    Inspirational moments: 39-year-old Jordan Jovtchev makes still rings event final

    Performing on the still rings at the Olympics is difficult enough. It requires a combination of strength, technique and flexibility as gymnasts must swing around, then hold strength poses for at least two seconds before coming up with a turning, twisting dismount. Can you imagine how difficult...
  2. G

    2012 ESPY Awards: Best and Worst Moments

    It's a night dedicated to the athletes. Most of sport's biggest names got dressed up to acknowledge their peers for various accomplishments at the 10th annual ESPY...
  3. V

    Creepiest Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes Moments

    The hottest celebrity news today — TomKat split! Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting divorced after 5 1/2 years of marriage.* While some considered the duo one of Hollywood’s top power couples, other considered the twosome to be just strange. Cruise’s obsession with Scientology has been a...
  4. V

    Great Moments in Guy Time

    Now you have a chance to win a year’s worth of groceries, courtesy of Ball Park. To win, you need to enter their new Facebook challenge — Great Moments in Guy Time. Just submit an example (via photo or video) of something only a guy would do to win a year’s supply of groceries. Plus, nine...
  5. K

    Was there any other funny moments at the Oscars besides JLo & Cameron one?

    I missed it after that part. I wonder was that planned out, not the wardrobe mal. thing though.
  6. A

    Share your happy moments. What's something that has made you smile or laugh?

    I was curling tonight (rookie) and I ran down the ice to switch sides. One of my colleagues shouted "Be careful or you'll trip!" Me: "I GOT THIS!" And immediately after I said that, I was about to step off the ice onto the walkway... But my toes got jammed between the walkway and ice. BAM FACE...
  7. G

    Best of 2011: Top 10 Royal Moments of the Year!

    It was quite a year to be a prince, especially if you happened to be the eldest boy of the Mountbatten-Windsor clan, aka Britain's royal family. In April, when Prince William married longtime...
  8. L

    In the last moments of the Titanic, did all passengers gather in the First Class

    lounge? By last moments, I mean last few hours, after it hit the ice burg. I have watched that movie. It really didn't help, but good movie anyway. :) And don't you think that most people didn't even know what hit them? Didn't the Captain and crew want to keep everything calm as long as they...
  9. A

    New York Marathon Moments: Our 10 Favorite Finishers, From Celebrities to Bride & Gro

    New York Marathon Moments: Our 10 Favorite Finishers, From Celebrities to Bride & Gro Marathons rarely get the fanfare of football or soccer, but the ING New York City Marathon is an exception to the rule: Along with thousands of other New Yorkers, I've watched the race every year since I moved...
  10. Y

    My toyota camry isn't accelarating on time, and vibrates at moments. I...

    ...put 3 quarts of brand new oil after it ? Being dry. Thereafter, it started shaking and is not accelerating right away.what's can I do? Or what can it be?
  11. T

    Encouraging Moments with Keva Renee & ELLA HENDERSON - Oct 19,2011

    Welcome Back MS. ELLA HENDERSON owner/ director of HENDERSON MANOR FARM. During this segment monthly Ms. Henderson will be presenting to you the DIVINE DIET. Come hear how her Nutritional Program assists you to get back to the Natural Scheme of Things.” The Henderson Manor Farm (HMF) operates an...
  12. G

    Michael Jackson Manslaughter Trial: Big Moments From Day Four

    By the end of the week, we learn from witnesses testimonies that stories are starting to cross.* Sure, Nancy Grace might already have her own verdict on Michael Jackson's...
  13. W

    What are some moments you have ever felt like a star or contradictory, every...

    ...felt like a total laughing stock? I just want to hear the moments when you guyz have ever felt like a total star and nothing could get in the way of your moment, or any moments where you have felt totally embarrassed and wished to climb in a black hole and never come out. Can't wait to hear...
  14. T

    Encouraging Moments with Keva Renee & ELLA HENDERSON - Sep 21,2011

    Introducing MS. ELLA HENDERSON owner/ director of HENDERSON MANOR FARM. During this segment monthly Ms. Henderson will be presenting to you the DIVINE DIET. Come hear how her Nutritional Program assists you to get back to the Natural Scheme of Things.” The Henderson Manor Farm (HMF) operates an...
  15. G

    Choice Moments: Scarlett Johansson & Sean Penn Reunite, Justin Timberlake Talks Dirty

    Choice Moments: Scarlett Johansson & Sean Penn Reunite, Justin Timberlake Talks Dirty It's nice to know that Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson are handling their breakup pretty well. At least that's what it seemed like last night at the taping of Spike TV's...
  16. L

    Any anime with humor, action but also sad moments and emotion?

    For example; full metal alchemist or bleach.
  17. F

    embarrassing moments that are uncut?

    embarrassing moments that are uncut? I wanna laugh so please I need good ones
  18. A

    Playwright known for long silent moments?

    where things were said by things not being said I think it was Henry P something but that could be completely wrong. I'm pretty sure the last name started with a P though Thanks for your help!
  19. P

    I need a list of episodes of Blair and Chuck moments from Gossip Girl...?

    I love Blair and Chuck and I'd really like to have all the episodes in which they're together and have their "romantic" or interesting moments together. As I'm sure many of you understand who watch Gossip Girl would understand. (: Thanks!
  20. U

    Which of these never before seen baseball moments would you rather see?

    Which would you rather see? 1. A player hit 5 home runs in a game. 2. 22 strike out game. 3. 3 grand slams in an inning.