
  1. V

    Tony Parker has MRI on Injured Calf

    [No message]
  2. T

    Method Devised For Enhancing Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI

    Researchers at New York University and NYU Langone Medical Center have created a novel way to enhance MRI by reducing interference from large macromolecules that can often obscure images generated by current chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) methods. Their work, which appears in the...
  3. M

    suffer from temproal lobe epilepsy and got results for an mri scan what do the

    following mean? Left hippocampal and atrophy but the fornix and mimillary bodies are reported slightly smaller on the right than the left and possble activity on right aswell. What does thes mean in non mediacal terms. Thanks
  4. T

    Opening The Door For Nanoscale MRI

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reveals details of living tissues, diseased organs and tumors inside the body without x-rays or surgery. What if the same technology could peer down to the level of atoms? Doctors could make visual diagnoses of a person's molecules - examining damage on a strand...
  5. E

    If I haven't heard anything back yet on my MRI, does that mean they didn't find...

    ...anything wrong? I had an MRI of my brain this past Wednesday, so 6 days ago. Nobody has called me to tell me anything so far, and I don't have another appointment with my neurologist until January 2nd because he's super booked. If I haven't gotten a phone call telling me anything yet, does...
  6. T

    New MRI Technique Could Help Doctors Track How Parkinson's Patients Respond To Treatm

    A new imaging technique developed at MIT offers the first glimpse of the degeneration of two brain structures affected by Parkinson's disease. The technique, which combines several types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), could allow doctors to better monitor patients' progression and track...
  7. T

    Researchers Study Use Of MRI In Osteoarthritis

    A study conducted by researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) shows that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detected a high prevalence of abnormalities associated with knee osteoarthritis in middle-aged and elderly patients that had no evidence of knee osteoarthritis in X-ray...
  8. T

    Shedding Light On Multiple Sclerosis Using MRI

    New magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research shows that changes in brain blood flow associated with vein abnormalities are not specific for multiple sclerosis (MS) and do not contribute to its severity, despite what some researchers have speculated. Results of the research are published online...
  9. T

    NYC Council Member James Vacca Helps Brings Advanced MRI Technology To Einstein Colle

    At a morning ceremony, New York City Council Member James Vacca, along with administrators and faculty members of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, celebrated the re-launch of Einstein's Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC). Thanks to Council Member Vacca's...
  10. T

    New Research Could Lead To Enhanced MRI Scans

    New research from the University of Southampton could lead to enhanced MRI scans, producing brighter and more precise images, and potentially allowing the detection of cancerous cells before they cause health problems. Professor Malcolm Levitt of the University of Southampton, and co-workers...
  11. J

    Is there any MRI or Cat Scan that will show the difference between the brain...

    ...of a dog and the brain of a wolf? since a dog is mans best friend and a wolf is dangerous for man to have as a pet
  12. T

    New Diagnostic MRI Technique For Alzheimer's Disease

    On the quest for safe, reliable and accessible tools to accurately diagnose Alzheimer's disease, researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found a new way of diagnosing and tracking Alzheimer's disease, using an innovative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)...
  13. T

    Monitoring Cholesteral Drugs Via MRI

    MRI scanning could become a powerful new tool for assessing how well cholesterol drugs are working, according to Loyola University Health System cardiologist Binh An P. Phan, MD. Phan is co-author of an MRI study of patients who had recently begun taking cholesterol medications. The study found...
  14. T

    MRI Techniques Can Detect Early Osteoarthritis

    Researchers from NYU Langone Medical Center's Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery and Radiology found that advanced MRI techniques can be used to detect subtle changes in joint cartilage microstructure and provide physicians a diagnostic tool for finding key markers of early osteoarthritis (OA)...
  15. T

    Study Questions Preoperative MRI Screening For Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

    Most patients with scoliosis (curved spine) developing after age ten don't need routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning before spine-straightening surgery, suggests a study in the April 14 issue of Spine. The journal is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a part of Wolters...
  16. B

    Bells Palsy and MRI help?

    I am 23 years old and have just had my 3rd time with Bell's Palsy, 2nd time in 8 weeks. This time my Doctor decided i needed to have an MRI done on my brain. I had it done about 2 weeks ago. My doctor called me and told me everything looked normal, but my blood pressure has been elevated, and i...
  17. B

    Bells Palsy and MRI help?

    I am 23 years old and have just had my 3rd time with Bell's Palsy, 2nd time in 8 weeks. This time my Doctor decided i needed to have an MRI done on my brain. I had it done about 2 weeks ago. My doctor called me and told me everything looked normal, but my blood pressure has been elevated, and i...
  18. T

    Adapted MRI Scan Improves Picture Of Changes To The Brain

    Standard MRI scans have so far been unable to produce satisfactory images of nerve bundles. However, this is now possible by an MRI technique called Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). Matthan Caan succeeded in improving the DTI method during his PhD research at TU Delft, enabling him to produce...
  19. J

    Getting an MRI and wonder does tar shampoo have metal in it?

    I am having an MRI on my lower back today. Does tar shampoo have metal in it?
  20. U

    What should you expect to here from a neurologist after a brain MRI?

    and.. would they be able to tell me whats wrong with my nose/sinuses from the results?