
  1. J

    Do both christians and muslims beleive in the second coming of christ?

    I mean I know in islam that jesus will return and stop the anti-christ however I heard that chrisitains also believe this, is this true? Also looking at some videos, I've heard from numoursous places that there is only one god, and jesus did not say he is god but rather a great and respected...
  2. K

    Muslims, is there anything wrong with allowing Christian Churches in Saudi?

    I know Almost all the native population of Saudi Arabia are Muslims.But What about Immigrants Who wants to have a Church.. I know there are churches in other Middle eastern countries like UAE.. also Why they banned Women from driving!!
  3. J

    other than Muslims who else get vioIent when someone critisize their religion?

    they will go nuts if you gave a different point of view to the mainstream theory of Islam
  4. C

    How are there Jews who don't follow Judaism and Muslims who don't follow Islam?

    but not Christians who don't follow Christianity? Sarcastic remarks are not intelligent or wanted. Are Jews and Muslims a race of people? How are they and why are Christians not if that is the case? I've head of atheist Jews and Muslims but never an atheist Christian, Why?
  5. C

    Muslims, did you know that your religion is false and you are doomed for Eternal...

    ...death? accept Christ and repent!
  6. J

    Which was the chief religion that the Muslims displaced.?

    (a) Christianity (b) Hinduism (c) Sikhism (d) Buddhism
  7. D

    Do Muslims have an anti-Christ?
  8. R

    Why do Muslims and Christians (not all) make up the most illogical stereotypes?

    Thing like "Atheists know in their hearts that God exists and are just rebelling" (lolwut?) and "Homosexuals eat feces" (the smallest percentage. there are weird heterosexuals that do it to) and "All Christians are caring & loving people" (not meaning to insult the ones who are. i appreciate you...
  9. C

    Should Christians be burned alive by Nigerian Muslims?

    Was it their own fault for being Christians in the first place? Did they bring it on themselves by refusing to convert to Islam? Do you agree with ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and the Muslim Brotherhood on this...
  10. H

    Muslims does it bother you or you laugh when non-muslims try to make funny

    jokes about Aisha'a(ra) age? because personally it doesn't bother me at all but i've noticed some people saying stop posting these questions and doesn't bother me because well they're collecting sins themselves anyway Im mostly laughing inside and i love to report them(hehehe:P) but...
  11. T

    Why do Muslims feel the need to argue so vehemently that 9/11 was an

    "inside job" and/or accident? It wasn't the first terrorist attack committed in the name of Islam. It wasn't even the worst, nor the first on US soil or against US lives. Why do Muslims deny it so strongly and try to blame that particular one on anyone and anything else, but not any other ones...
  12. J

    Why are Muslims becoming less accepted in the West?

    A Pew Research poll taken in November of 2011 (a couple months after 9/11) showed that only 17% of Americans didn’t like Muslims. Polls taken since then, throughout the West, reveal a trend against Muslims: -3/09 ABC-Post poll on who “doesn’t like Muslims”: All Americans, 48%; conservatives...
  13. R

    My fellow brothers n sisters in Christ and to....... muslims.?

    What great prophecies did the "prophet" muhammad prophecy that has came to pass and the ones that still occurs?
  14. P

    so when will the muslims and christians finish each other off?

    I personally can't wait for creationists to be history.
  15. C

    Ramadan : Before arguing Muslims, non-muslims should know that there are 5

    kind of Muslims here & they're? : 1 - sunnis (who take fight on everything) 2 - sunnis (who are humble and we help you to acknowledge the truth about Islam) 3- Quranist who speak ill of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) in spite of the fact that Allah(swt) has been very precise in Quran that Mohammed was...
  16. 5

    Do Muslims lack a sense of humour?

    I know most religious people do, but Muslims seem to be a lot worse than any other group.
  17. A

    Why all the hate for Christians last time I checked it was muslims flying...

    ...planes into building and blowing up? subways And you all blow up over some verse in Leviticus. Gee Wally really? So first answer that justifies it??? You have got to be kidding me. Cute bear it was done in the name of Islam, and embraced by millions of Muslims. And Great Gazzoo 10th...
  18. L

    Christians & Muslims, How does a physical action specifically, becoming a...

    ...genetic mutation? sense we inherit sin, how did eating a fruit transfer into autism babies being born. no atheist answers. serious answers.
  19. proficient

    Are fundamentalist christians and muslims fundamentally the same?

    From what I gather both extremist groups are against evolution, gays, and want women to stay at home, what surprises me is that they are at war with each other. Should they not join forces and turn our society back to the middle ages?
  20. M

    Muslims how can you be depressed when ?

    Allah has made such promises full of hope for you : " Indeed Allah's friends will have no fear nor will they will be grieved " " Do not despair nor be grieved you will be successful if you are really Muslims " " After every difficulty there is easiness. " " Tell My slaves I am near to...