
  1. D

    Is it wrong to thing that Nadya Suleman is totally HOT!?!?

    People I know hate me for saying it, but I think the "octumom" would go great with some cool whip and chocolate sauce. Does anyone out there agree?
  2. J

    i don't understand that Nadya Suleman lady...?

    she already had like 6 kids one is autistic then she had 8 more and she looks up to angelina jolie.and she's not like stable enough?? explain
  3. E

    Who has it worse: Jenna Jameson or Nadya Suleman?

    Who has it worse: Jenna Jameson or Nadya Suleman (Octo-mom)? See vid:
  4. B

    I read in the paper today that Nadya Suleman turned down?

    FREE help from some "angels" thing....not quite sure what it is - I skimmed the article. Does anyone know WHY she turned down this free help? I haven't been on here today - this may have come up already but then again, someone may have more updated information on this crazy woman.....if she...
  5. N

    Nadya Suleman .. does this make sense?

    I was just wondering how Nadya Suleman paid for the fertilization treatments but is on welfare? I mean, last I checked, they were VERY expensive. Just curious. *Sorry if this already came up, I've been under a rock lately.* I mean, if she used her welfare cash assistance to pay for it, why...
  6. T

    Nadya Suleman mother of the octuplets donations website. I was just looking at... What do you think of it? And her? It it wrong for her or anyone to have a website like this or do you think people with large families or money problems are justified in asking for donations? I am just looking for peoples honest opinions on this. Also if you are interested you can...
  7. N

    Is it true as rumored that Nadya Sulieman is selling samples of her breast

    milk on e-bay? ( If frozen, should be worth something one of these days, don't you think?)
  8. P

    Do you think that Nadya Suleman?

    the octupelt lady, should give some kids to adoption centers for other couples and get a job? sorry if it may sound mean (she's a strong lady, but GET A JOB if you having that many children,)
  9. C

    does the state of CA and CPS have any plans to investigate Nadya Suleman?

    she should be a top priority, she has a history of mental illness, the photos of the inside of her home is disgusting, and her own mother tells anyone who will listen that she isn't a good mother and doesn't take care of the other 6 already. Where is she even going to put the additional 8...
  10. Y

    are americans angry with nadya suleman because she's an arab?

    nadya is also used in eastern europe, and Suleiman is also Jewish, but the combination of the two names and her look suggest that she's an arab.
  11. S

    Is anyone else out there furious about Nadya Suleman?

    For anyone out of the loop, this is the unemployed and unmarried woman who already had six children under the age of 8 through fertility treatments, and just had octuplets with the assistance of additional fertility treatments. She is already on food stamps and other assistance. She can't pay...
  12. C

    Should the State of California place all of Nadya Suleman's children in foster care?

    ME--maybe because she has no source of income and perhaps mentally ill?
  13. L

    What's your opinion on the situation with Nadya Suleman?

    Here's mine: http://www.Writing.Com/main/view_item/item_id/1527656?rfrid=lifewriter
  14. J

    what is nadya suleman's nationally?

    she's the octuplet mother. omg she is smoken hot. i wish i had her number and get to gether with her.
  15. L

    Is it just me, or is Nadya Suleman (octuplet mother) is good looking?

    I know she is crazzzy in the head, but she just looks pretty damn attractive! What say u?
  16. W

    Nadya Sulman animal hoarder connection?

    This woman need serious psychiatric help, what a sad selfish human being. When I was watching the Dateline special I was reminded of animal cops stories I had seen on animal planet about animal hoarding. Does anyone else see the connection between her and an animal hoarder, or am I the only...
  17. M

    how funny is it that someone as crazy as Nadya Suleman wants to be a couselor?

    this gets better and better, she is planning on supporting 14 children on her student loans until she graduates then she will support them on her couselor salary. Even if she takes her financial aid money, what money is she planning on using for school so she can finish, this plan of her's is...
  18. J

    Whats everyone/s opinion/s on Nadya Suleman (latest Octuplets birth) after watching

    latest Dateline, tonight? Torn on this because of so many factors on this.
  19. M

    Do you think Nadya Suleman's children should be taken away from her?

    How irresponsible is it to have more children when you already have 6, no father, and are living with your parents? Plus who paid for her nose job so she could look more like Angelina Jolie? Should she be able to keep her kids?
  20. C

    how old are the 6 other children of nadya suleman (octuplet mom)?

    i haven' seen any mention of their ages, and am wondering what they are, because she stated that she had been trying to get pregnant for 7 yrs without prevail, so then she used invitro for the first 6 kids, and shes only 33.... just wondering.