
  1. C

    Whyd the old lady throw her necklace off the boat (opinion)?

    In titanic.. why do you think rose threw her prized necklace into the atlantic
  2. J

    Is it ok for celibate gay Christians to wear a rainbow necklace or bracelet?

    Do you think it's okay for a celibate gay Christian to wear a rainbow necklace or bracelet in order to identify themselves as gay? I'm not ashamed to be a gay man and I want other people to know that I'm a homosexual without actually crossing the line with my religious beliefs.
  3. K

    Would wearing a necklace with David shield be blasphemy to Orthodox Judaism?

    What about Hebrew letters? I have read they consider Hebrew writing sacred, so you should not overuse it. What about Islamic religious symbol or Buddhist Circle of life?
  4. N

    Is this fashion necklace Cute,?

    Which necklace do you think is cutest (be honest)? pls list your fave to least fave 1) 2) 3)...
  5. N

    Is this fashion necklace Cute,?

    Which necklace do you think is cutest (be honest)? pls list your fave to least fave 1) 2) 3)...
  6. N

    Is this fashion necklace Cute?

    Which necklace do you think is cutest (be honest)? pls list your fave to least fave 1) 2) 3)...
  7. N

    Is this fashion necklace Cute?

    Which necklace do you think is cutest (be honest)? pls list your fave to least fave 1) 2) 3)...
  8. A

    Where can I buy Anthropologie necklace "Pheasant Under Glass"?

    See image: I was given one and shattered the glass. It's sold out on now. If anyone knows where a replacement blown glass bead could be found, that...
  9. D

    do only guys wear Gold/Jade Budda necklace?

    like a gold chain and a gold/jade buddha pendant mixed is it true only guys wear them??
  10. D

    do only guys wear Gold/Jade Budda necklace?

    like a gold chain and a gold/jade buddha pendant mixed is it true only guys wear them??
  11. C

    Help! My hamster stole my necklace, no lie!?

    Okay, so my Chinese horoscope necklace was actually hanging on one of the letters real close to the cage of hers, she grabbed it inside with me not knowing and my mom told me when she past our room. I took my necklace off and see one of the metal pieces were off. Did she swallow it? It's a...
  12. D

    do only guys wear Gold/Jade Budda necklace?

    like a gold chain and a gold/jade buddha pendant mixed is it true only guys wear them??
  13. J

    Gift for girlfriend? (iPad or diamond necklace)?

    Both gifts are around $500. want to get my girlfriend something special. She is 26, office manager, not too much of a techie, but would like an iPad. She also loves jewelry. Kinda torn on what to get her...would like your opinion....please chose one of the two. This is for christmas Thanks
  14. D

    Do you know where I can buy a pentagram necklace in Denver? Help!?

    I'm looking for a pentagram necklace for my husband. I can't order online because I don't have a credit card and using my debit card is too risky. I'm also looking for stores that sell black metal band t-shirts. I'm looking for dimmu borgir and cradle of filth t-shirts or posters before...
  15. D

    do only guys wear Gold/Jade Budda necklace?

    like a gold chain and a gold/jade buddha pendant mixed is it true only guys wear them??
  16. D

    do only guys wear Gold/Jade Budda necklace?

    like a gold chain and a gold/jade buddha pendant mixed is it true only guys wear them??
  17. M

    do only guys wear Gold/Jade Budda necklace?

    like a gold chain and a gold/jade buddha pendant mixed is it true only guys wear them??
  18. M

    Would a pearl necklace from American Eagle be considered fashion/costume jewelry?

    or real jewelry? see i bought it from ae for about $16 a few months ago, and it is made of real freshwater pearls on knotted thread.
  19. I

    do only guys wear Gold/Jade Budda necklace?

    like a gold chain and a gold/jade buddha pendant mixed is it true only guys wear them??
  20. I

    do only guys wear Gold/Jade Budda necklace?

    like a gold chain and a gold/jade buddha pendant mixed is it true only guys wear them??