
  1. C

    Do celebrities get annoyed when you act nervous around them?

    Okay, I went to a convention earlier today and I got to meet some of my favorite actors and actresses. They were all really nice. I was so nervous. I tried my best not to be but the more I tried the more nervous I got. Especially around one particular actor who I've had a fan girl crush on...
  2. J

    I'm supposed to meet some famous people at this Comic Con thing, I'm nervous?

    Today I'm going to this Comic Con thing and I'm going to meet Sean Patrick Flanery (The Boondock Saints, Saw 3D), Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead, The Boondock Saints), David Della Rocco (The Boondock Saints), Jon Bernthal (The Walking Dead, Snitch), Nicholas Brendon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)...
  3. A

    I am wanting to buy an AT&T iPhone, but I am nervous. Any help?

    Hey. I am wanting to buy and AT&T iPhone, but i am nervous. Any help? I live in an area where only 2 cellphone providers work here, AT&T and Boast Mobile. And I got my internet blocked 3 years ago since it was too spendy. For the iPhone from AT&T, would I have to pay the data plan if i NEVER use...
  4. E

    POLL:Would you feel unsafe and nervous if you live on the ring of fire where a lot

    of earthquakes happen...? like Japan, Indonesia etc. (ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Disaster)
  5. T

    Can people tell tour nervous by looking at your face ?

    Can you tell when someones nervous by lookig at their face besides turning red , any other ? Because I'm very shy and when j get nervous around people by face starts shaking but when I speak my voice does not tremble lol I just want to know because I try to appear confident in certain...
  6. M

    how does smoking cigarettes make your brain and nervous system relax?

    and is this one of the reasons people smoke? DO THEY NOT LIKE THE INTENSITY OF FEELINGS? WHY
  7. K

    How to make yourself laugh when your nervous?

    What's are some helpful things to think about or say so you don come off wrong when nervous? I really like this guy and I can't laugh around him for the life of me, at least not genuinely. I probly seem like I'm uninterested to him or bored with his convo but im not. How can I laugh when nervous?
  8. G

    This Skimmer Is Why You Should Be Nervous at ATMs [Security]

    There have been plenty of attempts to make ATM skimmers look realistic—including 3D printing—but this is perhaps the best yet. Reported by Krebs on Security, you would have to be an expert to spot it. More »
  9. M

    Does this guy seem nervous about me or not interested? 10 pts best answer?

    We hung out for the first time on Tuesday. We go to the same college and met at the library to study but we ended up talking for 4 hours instead. I like him a lot and am really attracted to him. We also have the same favorite band. He then asked me out to the cafeteria and bought me a drink and...
  10. S

    why do i get nervous talking to guys?

    Some guys i'm okay talking to, but others i just get really nervous talking to and get pretty anxious that i'm going to say something wrong D; like, today i spent dinner with a guy (that has a girlfriend but i also like) and i was really nervous about doing it. also, guys that seem more popular...
  11. M

    I'm nervous about staeting nicotine patches?

    I'm 17 and just got them today, but I've read so many negative side effects of them, they scare me. I take iron medication on top of Dianette and doctor didn't say anything about these being a harmful mix. What happens if I smoke whilst on the patches? (I don't plan to but just incase) Any...
  12. D

    Meet n Greet Poll: are you nervous when you meet someone for the ''second'' time !?

    first time is usually a little awkward, and you might be shy etc. but how about second time? are you more at ease ? .. im gona meet her the second time this sunday! :/ (fingers crossed) hmm actually i don't think i left a bad impression .. neither did she, she's just really sweet and we had a...
  13. T

    Promising New Approach To Treating Debilitating Nervous System Disease

    A groundbreaking study in the journal Nature Medicine suggests what could become the first effective treatment for a debilitating and fatal disease of the central nervous system called SCA1. The study, based on an animal model, found that the disease is linked to low levels of a multipurpose...
  14. L

    should i meet up with him, i'm nervous?

    well.. i was on webcam with my friend, and her cousin was there, he really fancies me and i like him too. he wants to date but says we should meet up first? my friend would come but i'm nervous? i don't know if i should meet him or not? any advice?xxx
  15. L

    What effect does nicotine have on the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous... And what are the consequences? (i.e. which common side-effects of smoking can be attributed to activation of autonomic neurons) Explain why. Thanks in advance! :)
  16. GoGetta1

    Why do girls find humor in guys being nervous around them?

    My friend gets pretty nervous around average looking or really good looking girls, and it shows pretty bad. Ive noticed that girls seem to find alot of humor in this and usually laugh/giggle when they catch on which seems to make it that much more frightening for him. Ive also noticed it with...
  17. B

    bathroom problem getting nervous?

    I haven't gone ugh poop for 5-6 days but im not constipated what do i do other than laxatives
  18. S

    very nervous to meet his family.... its been a long long time....?

    I was married for 10 years, I have 2 kids, and I am now divorced and have been dating my boyfriend for about a year. I have not met any of his family yet, but today he wants me to go out with him and his sister to watch the game-and then next weekend his brother and sister in law invited me to...
  19. T

    A Mould On Which To Create New Parts Of The Puzzle That Is The Nervous System

    Nervous system diseases (such as Parkinson's or post-traumatic medullar injury) are especially difficult to treat, as it is not easy to replace the parts of the neural puzzle which are damaged. The key is in developing functional neurons from in vitro-treated, cells but for this it is essential...
  20. T

    A New Piece Of The Puzzle In The Development Of Our Nervous System Uncovered

    Researchers at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal (IRCM) are among the many scientists around the world trying to unearth our nervous system's countless mysteries. Dr. Artur Kania, Director of the IRCM's Neural Circuit Development research unit, and a postdoctoral fellow in his...